Good Folks to Know
Say hi to the marvelous makers who make things we all love.
One person’s point of view.
Say hi to the marvelous makers who make things we all love.
She is a legend, one of the true masters in the knitting world. Please help us welcome the creative genius we admire so much.
Today is the day! Honor the women who fought for our right to vote.
On avoiding an inferiority complex about your handknits.
Mile markers on the journey of acquiring a new skill.
Wool words: the made-up words that enrich our knitting lives and help us express all that we make and love.
Fearless, wildly inventive, the legendary designer shares her world with us.
Getting in the spirit(s) of it all—it's a lightning round with the inventive designer/amateur mixologist.
With No. 8 coming soon, thoughts on our MDK Field Guide creative director Melanie Falick.
Living out of a real or virtual suitcase.
A conversation with Julia Farwell-Clay, whose designs in Field Guide No. 7: Ease are making our summer awfully pleasant.