A slippery slope of our favorite diversions and distractions.
Knit to This: From Scratch with Michael Rulhlman
A chef and a knitter talk about slowing down, working smarter, and the pleasure of simple tasks done well.
Lazy Sunday: The Winding Stream
The story of a family whose 1927 car trip changed the course of American music.
Knit to This: Old Town Road
Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus take the edge right off.
Lazy Sunday: The Crown, Season 3
An open thread for everybody who's watching the latest season of the Netflix series. What do you think?
Knit to This: Dwight Yoakam
The Streets of Bakersfield, by way of memory lane.
The MDK Holiday Shop Is Now Open!
Here it is: our biggest and most colorful collection ever. Limited supplies, so please have a peek now!
Knit to This: Music to Calm the Soul
Arctic birds and an orchestra play together, such a balm to hear.
Lazy Sunday: Nell Painter, Old in Art School
After retiring from her professorship, a historian starts over—at art school. An inspiring conversation with a fearless woman.
It’s On! The MDK Giftalong Starts Now
What has prizes, piles of handknit presents, and a virtual barrel of sangria?
Knit to This: Lizzo’s Tiny Desk Concert
Get up and dance for 17 minutes or so. Or keep knitting, that's fine too.