A Great Deal, Every Day
In case we haven't mentioned this recently.
You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
In case we haven't mentioned this recently.
I will never tire of knitting with this dazzling yarn.
Or, How I Made a Sock with No Heel or Toe
Reflections on the ripples of a post one year ago.
A big day! Let's make more knitters, with a little book. And the brand-new kit, the Skill Set Box of Joy.
Karida Collins finds the sweet spot in a new pattern that lets us relax and enjoy the yarn.
In which we welcome Karida Collins's perfect, simple pullover. Made with Karida's own organic merino yarn.
Two new projects from Karida Collins set us up for quick glory: Diagonal Mitts and the Flash Cap.
Everybody on Team MDK wants a Simple Swoncho. We're swoncho-crazy at the moment.
For every knitter, six designs that are easy to make and to wear, in Karida Collins's famous hand-dyed yarns.
Striking silhouettes and bold pops of color welcome virtual visitors to this designer's home and studio.
Cranking out hats and scarves and cowls ... literally.