You never know what’s going to catch our eye. A compendium of wonders.
Dangling Conversation: Perfect for Euroflax Mini Skeins
When you see that pattern, and you know it's The One.
Classic MDK Patterns: A New Batch
Back from their spa treatment, our patterns are now ready for their close ups.
A Photographer’s Eye Turns to Knitting
Meet the women behind the moody, rich photographs of MDK Field Guide No. 1.
Self-care: Not a Special Treat
Treats, like a day at the beach, are by definition an occasional thing. Self-care? Can actually be every day.
I Name Thee Bundt
It's been a while since something flew off my needles this fast.
Giftalong: It’s Go Time!
Needles up--it's time to knit gifts, or feel smug that you're not knitting gifts.
What to Do With a Pile of Sock Yarn
Solutions to the puzzle of 1,600 yards of hand-dyed fingering weight wool.
Dear Clara: I’m a Horrible Knitter
Letting go of the need for perfection. Dear Clara proposes an experiment to try.
Dad’s Kodak Carousels
Nostalgia: it’s a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone.
A Knitalong Is Coming
An unlikely knitalong to launch The Lounge: so crazy that it just might work.