A correspondence that started in 2003. Enter if you dare.
What Should I Knit? (Pre-Packing Edition)
On the needles of a dilemma.
Wanderlust Hits
How much room is there in that suitcase? The eternal question.
Knit to This: The Plot Thickens
Save some room for "The Devil's Candy."
Knit to This: Amythyst Kiah
Listening that packs the force of a summer storm.
Shakerag Top: Rescheduled
A sweater that is still on track, just running a little late.
7 Sock Yarns to Knit Before Labor Day
As the heat index rises, so does our interest in knitting socks. Plus: breaking news on how that water bottle cover turned out.
Top-Down Tips: Make a Map
A personal navigation system for the Simple Swoncho.
A Happy Pair: Skill Set and Beginnings
Rabbit hole alert: a visit to our cover designers' worlds.
Knit to This: Louis Boria
Sometimes you make a connection on the train.