Our First-Ever Thing Like This
Introducing: a delicious overview of yarns for Jeanette Sloan's designs in Field Guide No. 15.
Clerestory Shawl: 2 Yarns, 2 Effects
A shimmering lace cobweb is a dazzling thing to make. I can't wait to cast on.
Anna Deavere Smith: Notes from the Field
A one-woman show that opens the mind and the heart.
Mixtape Time!
Tons and tons of new music to listen to, from a Japanese bicycle company.
It’s Here! Field Guide No. 15: Open
Jeanette Sloan dazzles us with 5 designs that explore the magic of lace—modern, graphic lace.
Defeating the Dithering Doldrums
This one or that one? It's so hard to decide!
Saving Myself Stitch by Stitch
The intricate sweaters she made her first husband didn’t keep him from leaving her but instead, made her give up knitting for years. Then COVID-19 struck.
Making a Life, Literally
Is Alone a survival reality show or DIY craft series? Yes!
Phoebe Reads a Mystery
A country house in England during the Great War. Somebody is murdered. Who done it?
Dog Days Replays: Armchair Travel
Three refreshing trips you can take from the comfort of your knitting chair.