Lazy Sunday: Catch Up Time
Memorable moments from our weekly series of things to watch. Not to be missed, all of these.
Memorable moments from our weekly series of things to watch. Not to be missed, all of these.
Stick in your ear buds and catch up on back issues of Knit to This.
More deliciousness, less dish-doing.
Fill up your back-to-school satchel with great knitting and crochet books.
She likes everything from a good cowl to Nine Inch Nails. Come meet this delightful designer.
You'll gasp, you'll smile, you'll cast on a sweater.
Garden ambitions that will draw you in.
Somebody had to do it: a rigorous test of widely held theories about sock knitting.
Come on along as we scout Ravelry for patterns to go with our delicious new Winterburn Aran.
Really, this series is a balm and a cautionary tale: the aching beauty of it all, the fragility.
Warning: this one could felt your knitting.