The Baby Blanket Swole Up
How to get bonus square footage on your garter stitch baby blanket.
Why I Crochet: A Knitter’s Story
We hear from a knitter who loves them both.
My Not-Rhinebeck Sweater: Granito-in-progress
A beloved WIP needs some tinkering.
Before Midnight
Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: 1 relationship, 3 movies, 18 years following Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy.
A Knitter’s Halloween in Salem
Women with special powers are known all over the world. But only one place—Salem, Massachusetts—is proud to call itself Witch City.
Rites of Passage: Weddings and Babies Edition
In which a wedding is imminent in Nashville.
New and Noteworthy: The Books of October
The onset of autumn means a lot of exciting new knitting books.
Slow Knitting, a Beautiful New Book
Hannah Thiessen encourages knitters to savor every step in the journey to a handmade garment. Plus: download a free pattern from the book.
Pick an Emma, Any Emma
You can't go wrong with Jane Austen, especially if Alan Cumming has a part.