Tradition in Stitches: Sanquhar Gloves
These two distinct types of hand covers are close cousins, perhaps, and entirely enthralling.
These two distinct types of hand covers are close cousins, perhaps, and entirely enthralling.
Want uplift? Want unease? When your mood is all over the place, pick a pair of shows to match your vibe.
Natalie Chanin is back! Plus Dana Williams-Johnson on what to wear (to Nash Yarn Fest) and a knitting community grows in Brooklyn.
March in Nashville is a different critter from October in New York. Which means it's time to knit something new.
You can find them all over the country, all over the internet, and there is no more wonderful place to spend time.
Build your own community in just a few easy steps.
Picking just one audiobook for every knitter is impossible. But here are three.
Announcing: the #1 most-requested class is coming. Nash Yarn Fest ahead. Samantha’s amazing sweater. Jillian on cones vs. skeins.
Learning to see the yarn for what it is might be the hardest part of knitting.
We proudly present: the happiest map we have ever seen. Your guide to Nash Yarn Fest!
Help Samantha choose her next creative adventure.
We're getting ready for Nash Yarn Fest, and it's less than three weeks away. Things are B.U.S.Y.