Making It: Knitters Lead the Way
Call it a neck scarf, a neckerchief, a bandanna, or a decorative neck wisp. Sometimes knitters lead the trend.
Call it a neck scarf, a neckerchief, a bandanna, or a decorative neck wisp. Sometimes knitters lead the trend.
Some things never change, no matter what.
Delight your eyes when you step into textile history with Our Man in France.
So many charts and graphs and binders are required to build the big ol' Nash Yarn Fest. Take a peek.
Get Ready to Bang Out a Sweater! Plus news and fun.
A little color lights up a little schmatta to toss over your layers.
Take a moment to focus on the next 300+ days—and how you want to greet them.
When intarsia sounds like a lot, duplicate stitch is the answer.
When Maine decides to enter the deep freeze, our intrepid reporter gets her wool on.
No, it's not about what happens when you put your wool sweater in the dryer.
Getting together is our favorite thing. Plus: Kay’s dog story. Hardcore knitting tips. And Bang Out a Sweater is coming!
What it takes to haul a knitter out of the ditch of indecision: two clever designers and a big dog.