You’ve Got Snippets: May 27, 2023
Sale! A blowout sale! The stuff of dreams, at huge savings!
Sale! A blowout sale! The stuff of dreams, at huge savings!
More reasons to feel good about your knitting—come share how knitting makes you feel good.
Come along for a smashing time in a creative, richly historic destination.
Take a spin (get it?) around the annual gathering of shepherds, yarn makers, and fiber arts lovers that kicks off the festival season.
In which we make the same pattern, with wildly differing results. Hop on the bandwagon today to get your free ebook.
She plays the most complicated women. Nobody does it better. Plus: A giveaway!
Wow! A truly brilliant star shines in the new Field Guide. Plus slow fashion, a fast hat, and THE knitted skirt of the year.
How to feel great with a wardrobe of clothes we've made by hand.
Mind-blowing knitting—it's what this designer does.
Amy Christoffers's stripes are a favorite, in Rowan cotton or very special Sylph. Our special deal begins now!