My Life in the 1840s
Weaving, spinning, and generally blowing minds as a historical interpreter.
Weaving, spinning, and generally blowing minds as a historical interpreter.
Direct from Paris, we welcome a new batch of Helix, one of the most beautiful yarns we've ever seen.
The MDK team is ready for anything ... and everything. Plus a GIVEAWAY!
Jump into the Kitchen Sink-along for some good, clean knitting fun.
Come spend a minute with our new little video that demonstrates broken rib brioche stitch. Sweet!
Not that it's a competition, but I'm on Dishcloth No. 10 and I'm just getting warmed up over here.
Cheaper holidays = more holidays.
The party never ends at MDK. Plus: a GIVEAWAY!
Hungry for knittertainment? DG's got your order ready.
Four sweaters to knit in every shade of vivid.
Three glorious Honeycombs—plus tips for broken-rib brioche success.