RibbonQuest 2017
The only way to get over winning a blue ribbon is to try to win another one. An epic tale from an epic knitter.
The designs we are knitting and admiring.
The only way to get over winning a blue ribbon is to try to win another one. An epic tale from an epic knitter.
Knitting up airy clouds of color is a great way to spend an evening.
The unexpected blessing of not having the right project to take on a trip: triumphant FOs.
When you step away for a minute, everything looks different.
Project fidelity is not the be-all and end-all of knitting happiness.
What has happened to Ann's six skeins of wildly variegated yarn? Did she actually knit them into a sweater?
Lessons learned while finishing a stuffed toy.
A quick victory lap for a new Colorwash Scarf, and hello to a new yarn and a new pattern.
Evolving a design for her new Field Guide cowl, from Norway to Nashville.
How knitting can help us keep our wits about us. Spoiler alert: vivid yarn ahead.
A glorious hooray as we streak toward the finish line. Not literally streak. Like, metaphorically streak.
It's not stalling when you're actually making something.