Chain Socking

Dear Ann,
While I bide my time waiting to spring the Mystery Team theme on the MDK Giftalong, I’ve signed up with all three of the other teams.
Why not? We only go around once, so we have to grab for the gusto, as they used to say in the old Schlitz commercials. The projects for Team Big (from MDK Field Guide No. 12) and Team Merry Makers (from MDK Field Guide No. 8) are bite-sized knitting snacks that are crammed with gusto. I got this!

For inquiring minds that want to know: I’m knitting a Rubble Hat . . .

. . . and a set of Appleseed Mitts—for starters.
And as for Team Socks, well, you’ve created a monster, Ann. I have gone from being a committed sock-abstainer to a person who has a sock on the go at all times. A person who comes home from any fiber outing—big or small, LYS or two-day festival complete with livestock—with sock yarn, sock blanks, and socks on the brain. It’s a whole new world!

This sock blank was dyed by rolling up actual sunflowers in it, so obviously it had to come home with me. It’s from Gage Hill Crafts.
I’ve absorbed your lesson: never finish a sock without casting on the next sock. This rule has helped me avoid, so far at least [throws salt over left shoulder], the pernicious Second Sock Syndrome.
Straight talk: the only way to avoid Second Sock Syndrome is to knit the damn second sock. Cast it on immediately after you Kitchener or bind off the first sock. No excuses. Cast it on and go.
Early on, I cast on the first sock of a second pair before knitting the second sock from the previous pair, and I was anxious the whole time I was knitting that sock. Never again! Best practices must prevail! Rules are rules.

My latest completed pair (my seventh pair, I think?) is this set of cuff-down beauties in our friend Vicki Mothes’s exquisite hand-dyed Make Do sock yarn. Every time I’ve been knitting on them in public, somebody asks me about the yarn.
This was the last pair I started in late summer. Our weekend of rambles around Rhinebeck gave me the car-knitting time to start and finish the second sock. My default sock size is my size, so these babies are going onto the gift pile labeled “me.”
100 Percent That Stitch
With 13 stitch patterns to choose from in MDK Field Guide No. 11: Wanderlust, it was bound to happen: I am truly, madly, deeply committed to just one of them.
Basketweave. Page 26.

First sock of Pair No. 8, in a sock blank dyed by Leah of Rhinebeck’s Knitting Garage.
Here are few reasons why basketweave is my sock stitch:
It’s easy to memorize.
It’s easy to read.
It’s easy to count repeats so your two socks come out the same exact size.
It’s easy to count the rows within each repeat, so you always know where you left off, even if you put it down in August and pick it back up in October.
The mix of knits and purls helps even out the warbles, wobbles and splishy-splooshiness of hand-painted yarns.
The fabric is nice and stretchy.
It’s super cute.
Go Team Socks! Go Basketweave!
Of course, if you really want to exercise your brain and spatial skills, you can knit socks two at a time…
I always do. I know that otherwise I’d forever be giving odd socks away.
Hi…I am with you. Am just doing my first socks even though I have been knitting a long time. I am smitten…already planning my next pair. I am doing both at the same time but not on the same needle. I knit to a certain point on one then repeat on the other. BTW what is a sock blank?
You omitted saying the basket weave pattern pairs well with the ball band dish cloth.
Sunflower sock blank… Thank You kay for taking it home so I can knit it vicariously through you…
For or the life of me i cannot start the cast on for toe up socks with a magic loop. PLEASE somebody help with an easy cast on.
Judy’s magic cast on
There are lots of videos. The first few rows are a bit fiddly but they always are for me, whatever the project.
I use a YouTube tutorial by Til Casa for toe-up two-at-a-time sock cast on. (I’d furnish the link but for some reason I cannot get on YouTube right now.) . It is so easy and that way I’m always completing a pair of sock without that second sock syndrome.
Use the provisional cast on per page 21 in Field Guide 11. I’m just finishing my first two-at-a-time toe-up socks on Magic Loop and will never again knit one sock at a time.
To be clearer, using the Provisional CO, I knit the first 6 rows of both socks on to the circular that I will be using for Magic Loop using a separate needle. Then I unravel the provisional CO and transfer those stitches to the left side of my circular and am ready to continue using Magic Loop.
Here you go judys magic cast on does what it says
I suffer the same problem. I avoid the magic loop cast on by starting both socks, each on its own needles, knitting each for 2-3 rows, and then carefully transferring them to magic loop, Sounds klutzy but gets the socks going in short order. I, too, would appreciate a good magic loop cast-on.
Basket weave looks very cool, and it’s definitely the pattern for my next pair. It looks like it would be comfy on the feet which is a priority for me. The texture looks like it would be really nice to wear. Is that true?
I always have two sets of socks going so I don’t get bored. I knit Sock #1 of first color, then Sock #1 of second color, then Sock #2 of second color, then Sock #2 of first color, Then Sock #1 of NEW color, etc etc etc into madness (or roughly 100 pairs of handknit socks so far….).
I cannot agree with you enough to cast on your second sock straight after kitchener stitch. I have been knitting socks for seven years and i always follow that rule. Annemarie UK
Two at a time on two circular needles here, cast on with spare needle, move to needles will knit with after cast on, works up or down. Any new construction is immediately repeated, makes skills easier to learn. Am learning that bias construction makes for great fitting socks.
To avoid the dreaded Second Sock Syndrome, I knit the second sock using the same yarn but a different pattern. Keeps me interested and I can explore more pattern ideas which is half the fun of knitting socks.
Also having two pairs on needles means that any fiddley bits can stay home and the other pair can be tucked into my purse wrapped into a pretty tea towel. No, turning the heel is not a fiddley bit.
Years ago I began knitting 2 socks at once on separate needles. I couldn’t bear second dame of anything. I cast on both pairs, knit one till ribbing is done, pick up second pair, do the same. I switch back & forth between the two socks to pattern changes. I wait until both socks are at Kitchener, then do them at the same time. When done I have the pair finished. I do the same with mittens, sleeves, anything that states to make two. Someone once said to me “You must have a lot of needles!” I said I certainly do!
In many ways, I find turning the heel the best part! Easy simple and makes me feel every so clever.
Rolled in real sunflowers?????
Somewhere on your site I read about helical socks. Now that I’m ready to make them, I can’t find the reference. Can you help?
Here’s Jen Arnall-Culliford’s video on helical stripes:
All you do is knit a plain stockinette sock using the helical stripe technique for jogless single-row stripes.
I’m loving those sock blanks! I may have to get some once I knit up all of the sock yarn I’ve just purchased from MDK!
I’m one of those knitters who has NEVER knitted a sock. I have, however, purchased sock yarn for a woman in my knitting group who mostly only knits socks!
I admit I am tempted by the pretty basket weave patten you show at the end of your blog. That pattern just might be “my tipping point” to get me started on a pair of socks.
Where do I get that pattern?
It’s one of the 13 stitch patterns in MDK Field Guide No. 11: Wanderlust, which has patterns for toe-up and cuff-down socks. Here’s the link:
I avoid second sock syndrome by knitting both at the same time. I will cast on a Toe or cuff on one pair of needles, knit the toe then cast on another toe or cuff on another set of needles, and continue alternating between socks.It helps with making sure both end up the same size and there is no memory gap with turning heels (which I find the most complicated part.)while this has resulted in an investment in needles it works for me and I have always finished a pair.
I do the same thing and because there is no “memory gap” as you call, I get socks done more quickly too!
Me too, it’s a great system.
I also cast on two socks on two sets of needles at the same time. My socks are always the same length , the same size, etc…. And I never get bored going from one sock to the next.
It was buying Signuture needles two pair at a time that did the bank in.
I love the waffle pattern for the same reasons, easy to knit matching socks. But the added advantage of “rest” rows!
Self-striping yarns are brilliant also. My big problem is figuring out where to knit the short row heel. Also avoiding holes in said heel. I hate the look of heel flaps, won’t knit them. I have two pairs of socks that just stalled on account of the heel issues. ☹️
Thx for including the old Schlitz radio ad;)
Ahh good times!
I am a crocheter who is fascinated by good socks. Maybe i can make my own! Can anyone suggest an EASY pattern for a beginning (no skills at all in this except I can knit and purl!) knitter? Thanks so much!
We humbly consider the patterns in MDK Field Guide No. 11 to be perfect for beginners. As easy as it gets. If you know how to knit and purl in the round, and can be patient with yourself in following directions for the heel and toe, you’ll be knitting socks in no time.
Now I need a pair of basket weave socks…
I used to love basketweave stitch when I was a newer knitter! I don’t know why I fell away from it. A basketweave sock is just the ticket.