Tears on My Wool (A Superscript Knitalong Check-In)
Dear Ann,
Monday night, my synagogue-gals knitting group (the mighty Balabustas!) laid eyes on my Superscript Shawl-in-progress and went kind of nuts over it, although I was still knitting the long, plain garter tail that kicks off Version B.

This is the Sherlock shade of Raíz.
There was nothing fancy about the knitting (yet), but there is something so compelling about the yarn, Amores Raíz. It has a liquid-y kind of color that you just want to touch. To see it is to touch it, and to touch it is to knit it, and to knit it is to be in a position to die happy.
You would think (as I did) that the long, plain garter tips of Version B would be automatic-pilot knitting.
There was one challenge, however: keeping track of when it was time to increase with a KFB (knit into the front and back of the stitch) at the beginning of every 6th RS row. I kept messing it up and not knowing where I was.
Unable to distinguish the previous KFB, I couldn’t simply read my knitting and count back to the last KFB to know when it’s time to work the next KFB.
Row counters—mechanical or jotted on scrap paper—don’t work for me, because I can’t be trusted to do a click or make a mark for every row. I end up gaslighting myself: Did I make a mark? Did I not make a mark? I have to devise a way to count rows in the knitting itself.

My gizmo of choice: a removable stitch marker. When I can count 3 garter ridges above the marker, it’s time to work a KFB at the beginning of the the next row. And it’s also time to move the marker up to the last garter ridge before the KFB row.
Simple but effective, and it has a fail-safe: If you forget to move the marker, you can count back, secure in the knowledge that there should be an increase every 3rd garter ridge. (For some reason, I trust myself to work the increase, but not to move the marker.)

Now I’m onto the second color, and the exciting! slip-stitch! canals! In this portion of the program, I still need to count ridges to keep the increases straight. In addition, the two WS rows in the 4-row repeat differ in how the 3 slipped stitches are worked.
How do I know which WS row I’m on? My trick: I look at the last 6 stitches of the row. If they are all knit stitches, I’m on the first WS row of the repeat. If they are 5 knit stitches and 1 slipped stitch, I am on the second WS row of the repeat.
This will make sense when you get there. Or maybe you’ll have a better tip. Lay it on me, Superscript knitalong friends! I need all the tips. I’m one tip away from disaster at every moment.
For more tips, tricks, and conversation, check out the Superscript Shawl knitalong topic in the MDK Lounge. And if you’re on Instagram, follow and post to #MDKSuperscriptalong.
In the MDK Shop
A word of thanks to you, Ann, for your Knit to This post about Ken Burns’s Country Music series on PBS. It is one of the most engrossing and moving documentaries I’ve ever seen. Each long episode is keeping me up well past my bed time.
I will forever associate my Superscript Shawl with these people and this music. The tale of Sara Carter and Coy Bayes had me weeping on my wool. And Merle Haggard’s first Johnny Cash concert? Oh, man—it’s too much.
The stories keep coming, and I keep knitting.
You are not alone. I have a stitch marker going, plus find myself counting “row 4, row 5, etc” each set because I, too, am good at the gaslighting and can knit several rows before realizing I was on automatic pilot. Then I also have to stop and admire the yarn periodically. Not going o be a fast knit. As for Country Music…..each episode was totally engrossing. Little Brenda Lee! Dolly! Beady-eyed Possum! Great story telling, and man, those stories!
I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one holding back the tears as I watched the series. My first husband loved Johnnie Cash and the like, and I have good memories of the concerts at the Ryman.
I loved and cried during or after every episode. The documentary has simply reminded me of my love of country music and the artists that make the music.
I was in Santa Fe earlier this month and so I was able to go to Crave (and see the Superscript on display). Her yarns are so beautiful and I had a grand time buying some souvenir skeins.
I knit to Ken Burn’s Country Music too.
I wasn’t going to watch it but I got hooked from the first episode. I don’t even like Country music… that’s funny, I know all the words and was singing along!
Those colors are just so luscious! Thanks for the tips!
Love the name of your knitting group!
Thank you for sharing the trials and tribulations.
Helps to know one is not alone on the road.
I also am watching Country Music…I cannot knit during it…one of the few programs I can say that about
It is very refreshing to know I am not the only one incapable of keeping increases straight. I too second guess myself as to jotting down anything. Best tip I ever saw, and beats repinning a marker, is Lucy Neatby’s easy method of running a different color yarn up. Every time you increase just move the yarn over your row. You can easily count the rows you’ve done that way.
I learned this method from Susan Rainey. I saw it on a garment she was knitting and was reminded of pad stitching used in tailoring. Of course she wasn’t holding two layers together. I asked, she explained what and how, and I’ve been using it since then. Love it.
I’ve used this and unless you’re knitting while asleep it works fine! plus if the contrasting yarn is long enough, you can count how many whatevers you’ve done from the beginning.
Kay, your shawl is beautiful already. I can see why the other Balabustas wanted to touch it! I like both Lucy Neatby’s tip and yours, as instructions to increase “every 4 [6, whatever] rows” are among my knitting nemeses. My motto has been “shawl increases every other row” or it’s not happening! It’s why I have never finished a Baktus scarf. I will now re-consider this major life decision!
That’s brilliant! That Lucy is a clever boots.
That is a great idea!
Thanks for the shout out, Kay! Wishing all balabustas out there a Shanah Tovah.
We too are thoroughly enjoying Ken Burns’ Country Music documentary. We’ve only finished the first segment, mainly because we eat dinner at eight and by the time I’m ready for tv, it’s after nine. ;-0 . Anyway, when the Carter family became the topic of conversation, I recalled that I had seen them in concert at the Prudential Center in Boston in either 1969 or 1970. Mother May Maybelle and June were there, and perhaps Johnny Cash, although I’m not sure. I recall thinking that I couldn’t wait to get out of there, as I was a proper Bostonian! Ha!!! Little did I know that at my young age I was witnessing a real slice of history.
Lucy Neatby is often the best. Hers is still the clearest explanation of how to do a provisional crochet cast on that I have seen. Of course Jen/Kate/Patty match her in clarity, and I never need to go elsewhere on those topics that they cover. My one thought is for knitters to be careful about what color yarn you choose – if counting black or dark-navy ridges gives you the hives.
And every time Willie comes on, I can’t help but smile. And Dolly. And Emmylou.
You could use a running yarn marker… (almost the same idea as your stitch marker, but with more options!) Here’s a video by Lucy Neatby about them:
Thank you for sharing link, it was very informative
Oh wow, this is genius!! Never seen or heard of this before
I must say, both colors you chose are beautiful and I am sure that they will get a lot of use! We are also enjoying the PBS Ken Burns special, sounds like we have a lot of company out there!!
See, Ann? Stitch markers — don’t leave home without them!
“I end up gaslighting myself: Did I make a mark? Did I not make a mark? ” You captured so succinctly and accurately what I have so often experienced. Thank you!
I watched and savored every minute of the Country Music series. The photos we’re wonderful as well as the artists interviewed but the music just bowled me over! I’m goin’ Country now!!!
Watching Country Music was a pure joy. 16 hours of TV with no commercials that my husband and I could agree to watch! Great storytelling. And I was lucky enough to see Rosanne Cash in concert a couple of years ago. Even if we haven’t been country music fans, watching this special you find out how country music has been part of all of our lives. We have more in common with each other than not.
The only row counter I’ve ever been able to manage is a chain counter with beads numbered 1-0 and a moveable gizmo to count the tens. Twice Sheared Sheep makes really nice ones that aren’t too pricey. With these you don’t have to count garter ridges. Yay no counting! Love your blog.
I just happened to be watching Ken Burns Country Music while reading this post! It’s a great series.