Close, Closer, Closest: Knits in Progress

One of the things I love about knitting is the way it changes depending on how close you are to it. I’m deep into two simple projects right now, and as I stop for a minute to take pictures to show you, I’m struck by how different things look, depending on how up close I am.
Easel Sweater No. 3
Variegated yarns are the classic knit-like-the-wind-and-don’t-look-up experiences. What is this stuff going to do? It’s a drama that unfolds stitch by stitch. I’m a sucker for a cliffhanger, so that may explain why my latest version of Sue McCain’s Easel Sweater (found in MDK Field Guide No. 3: Wild Yarns) has me so addicted.

It’s all pretty thrilling.
When you step back, strange and mysterious signs begin to appear—patterns that you can’t see when watching the stitches hit, one by one. IT IS A PINK CLOUD OF KOOL AID. IT’S SUMMERTIME ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN.

And it’s only when you get your tripod up to All The Way that you see the join between two skeins of this hand-dyed, superspecial Lichen and Lace Worsted, shade Marsh Lily. IT TURNED INTO A DIFFERENT THING UP TOP. LOOK AT THAT. THE GREEN RAN OUT. HUNH.

I can’t overstate how fast this sweater is happening. Rosy Dawn (aka the back) is a night’s worth of knitting. While devouring Broadchurch, I mean.
(Our supply in the Shop is dwindling, but not gone yet.)
Little Tern Blanket
Equally compelling is this month’s project for A Year of Techniques. This Little Tern Blanket by Tin Can Knits is such a winning pattern—so much to admire in this clever thing.

Most of all, it’s the provisional cast on. I keep looking at it and admiring it. If you want to learn a crochet provisional cast on that will give you a smile every time you see it, please go watch Jen Arnall-Culliford’s quick video tutorial.

The yarn is Fyberspates Vivacious DK. The dyeing going over there in Fyberspatesland is so subtle—this Pebble Beach has blue and gray and the tiniest bit of warmth to it. I am crazy for it, and I’m sure that the baby who receives this is going to be equally enthralled by this yarn. Babies these days are so on it when it comes to color. We have four colors available over in the Shop, all modern shades—no mint, we promise.
See the chevron pattern that emerges once you step back? I can hardly see it when I’m cranking away.

It looks like cables right now, but it will block out to show the k4, p2 pattern.
This is a great reminder to stop, step back and admire the heck out of what (y)our hands are doing.
I’m heading back to school myself today (as a teacher -YIKES!). It was a glorious summer of knitting with 4 finished objects!
Your Easel sweater is lovely, like its sisters. Can’t wait to see the finished object!
Wishing you a smooth start to school, Robin! This time of year makes me want to buy pencils, no matter what.
Two of Sally Melville’s books are among my go-to’s. My favorite take-away: stop and admire your work often. (This is how I find my mistakes before they become really big problems…hopefully.)
The heel of a sock is just astounding if you stop and look at what you just did. Three dimensions, just like that. So great!
Remember the olden days when people used to worry about hand-dyed skeins not matching? Today’s Knitting is so much more fun! Those wild Easel Sweater sisters are lovely.
Yes—if we’re going to use yarns that pretty deliberately shift and change, why fight that? PS I don’t even think it’s possible to fight it!
So glad those days are gone!
Maybe I’m odd, but the first time I saw a provisional cast-on in a contrast yarn I really loved the way it looked and was sorry to learn the contrast would be zipped away at some point in the project. And I am loving that red with the gray. Someday I am going to knit something with a beautiful contrast provisional cast-on and deliberately leave it as the edge of the FO.
Great idea, Mary! It also leaves open the possibility that five years down the road, you can just unzip the edge and start knitting all over again. YOU NEVER KNOW when you’ll need to knit some more on there.
I liked the crochet provisional cast on in the video this month because the stitches end up on the needles, ready to knit.
I have been using a different type of crocheted cast on which I learned several years back from Myrna Stahman’s book about scarves and shawls. I will probably keep on using her technique because it was so easy to commit to memory, I know it to this day. Use a smoothe cotton yarn to crochet a chain several stitches more than needed for the cast on. Turn the chain over, see the little “bumps”. Pick up and knit a stitch in each bump. That’s it. The other thing is that a stich had to be added when unzipping because somehow one is lost in the process.
I really like your Easel Sweaters, Ann. If I ever get the gumption to knit myself a sweater, I would like one of those (or three, better!).
That’s the crochet provisional cast on I used to use, too, Diane. I’m sold on this new one—it minimizes the “crochetness” part of the crocheting. I’m on to the KNITTING part a lot faster.
Thanks for your kind words about the Easels. It’s a great pattern for a first sweater, very straightforward and simple.
I bought some Pebble Beach last summer “up
North ” in Michigan – once seen you can’t leave without it
Yes! It really is lovely–so much depth of color to it. What are you making with yours?
I’m loving the crazy free form argyle thing that’s happening with your latest easel. So cool!
These projects look amazing! I’m am very envious of your knitting energy. I can manage 10 minutes on the subway to work and 30 minutes at lunch. By evening I’m just too brain tired to trust myself. Thanks for letting us all live vicariously!
Is mesmerising to look at how the hand dyes pool thank you for sharing , can see more patterns the longer I look.
The blanket looks scrumptious too, fab colour
I’m loving the bear’s face that’s appeared in the pink sweater back. And that blanket is sublime!