Dear everybody,
Big doings! I just got a boxful of a fancy new book, The Modern Daily Knitting Coloring Book for Knitters.
New? Hasn’t it been out since December?
Yes and yes. Our beloved publisher, Clarkson Potter, has just released a trade edition of the coloring book that we originally published ourselves. This new edition has all the Juliana Horner drawings that set so many folks to coloring. Now, the paper is supersturdy, almost a card stock.

Clarkson Potter is always classing up stuff. The cover is a tasteful ecru now, sort of like what would happen if Crane & Co. got hold of our coloring book. (Sort of.) The pages inside remain bright white so that all coloring will look great.
And the spine. So very red. We’re pretty stoked about that.
If you want to see coloring at its finest, please check out the fun knitters have been having over at #MDKcoloring on Instagram. We hope you’ll add your pictures to this cavalcade of coloring.
Speaking of achievement in the coloring arts, we stand in awe of Louise Bersten‘s completely colored-in coloring book. Straight outta Australia . . .
As the heat wave continues, and wool seems like a tough fit, we humbly suggest a cool evening with this new edition of The Modern Daily Knitting Coloring Book for Knitters.
Ann and Kay
Oh wow. Thank you so much for the mention!! I loved that colouring.
Love from Australia!
Louise Bersten / Doodlesknit.
Totally spectacular, Louise! I keep watching your movie over and over.
Amazing!! What did you colour with? It’s so bright!
Im with Tasha. What did you use?
Looks like she used markers!
On it! Thank you – what a thrilling upgrade!
I love this coloring book, but now wish I’d waited for a sturdier version. Oh well!
(And have you visited Crane? Roadtrip!)
Louise’s flipbook is delightful! My IG resistance is wavering.
Congrats! Just ladt night after screwing up an easy lace pattern for the zillionth time I was lamenting that your book is in my Amazon basket aling with othervthings I need, yet I still haven’t hit the buy button.
This was just the kick in the arse I needed! Thanks!
Congratulations! Sure is hot north of the border too. Whew, she says, as she sits in front of the large floor fan and wonders if she HAS to take the dogs out again. The dogs are wondering the same thing.
Mighty Fine Spine!
I usually like coloring books to have a spiral spine; will this fold out flat?