How To
Confident Knitting: A Year of New Techniques!

Dear everybody,
We have learned so much from Jen Arnall-Culliford. Her calm manner and direct, straightforward explanations are among the best in the knitting world. Everything seems possible when Jen is guiding us!
She and her husband Jim are the creators of two superb books, A Year of Techniques and Boost Your Knitting.
Now, we’re delighted to announce the launch of Confident Knitting, a brand-new, year-long program to grow your knitting skills and confidence.
Each month, Confident Knitting will feature a new project by a supertalented designer as the focus for learning something new about knitting.
Twelve months, a dozen projects, a year of learning with free online video tutorials from Jen, a ton of tips and instruction in each pattern. And beautiful yarns, clever designs, and conversation with a brain trust of smart knitters helping each other.
The Designers
We’re so excited by this lineup of innovative designers. They have thought up dreamy projects just for Confident Knitting.
Jen Arnall-Culliford
Jeanette Sloan
Carol Feller
Noma Ndlovu
Martina Behm
Marceline Smith
Lily Kate France
Janette Budge
Jimenez Joseph
Hunter Hammersen
Emily Williams
Gudrun Johnston
The Techniques
With A Year of Techniques and Boost Your Knitting, we found that even if we had some understanding of a technique, these tutorials gave us so much new knowledge and insight. Confident Knitting will provide the same sort of next-level teaching.
Each project is of a manageable size, allowing you to jump in and build your skills one step at a time. Whether you are a novice knitter or hugely experienced, you are guaranteed to find something new to learn.
Confident Knitting will cover: catching floats in colorwork, creating a folded hem, embroidering your knitting, excellent blocking, garter stitch short-row heel, German twisted cast-on for ribbing, grab stitches, the i-cord cast-off method, modular knitting, mosaic knitting, reversible cables, and Vikkel braids.
The Video Tutorials
Starting March 1, we will feature the first free video tutorial here on MDK. We often refer to the tutorials from A Year of Techniques and Boost Your Knitting. (Here are the video tutorials for A Year of Techniques, so you can see what we’re talking about.)
The Conversation
The Arnall-Culliford Knitwear group for Confident Knitting here will be in session all year long—so much wisdom and help given and received.
How to Get in on Confident Knitting?
Sign up at Jen and Jim’s website, AC Knitwear, right here.
Are There Yarns Available?
Absolutely! Jen and Jim have pulled together kits for the projects, and you can order them directly from AC Knitwear.
We frankly encourage you to go all in on this and order up the Ultimate Confident Knitting offer: the digital program, the print book, and all four seasonal kits. Details are here. You’ll be set for all the yarns with only one order.
(To be clear, we won’t be carrying the yarns in the MDK Shop. We will have the print book available in September, but honestly, we really hope you’ll jump in now and support Jen and Jim. We are simply the biggest Jen and Jim fans imaginable, and we want you to discover them, too.)
When Does It All Start?
March 1 will be the glorious launch of the first project. When you sign up now and order yarns, you’ll be ready to go when the first pattern is released.
We love this way of learning. We’re grateful to Jen and Jim for letting us be a part of it, and we hope you’ll join in as Confident Knitting gets under way come March 1.
Ann and Kay

That really is a heckuva lineup.
Received an e-mail about this yesterday .. but can’t determine the cost of the postage (based on weight) and the shipping, sadly, from outside the US can be prohibitive.
Anyone have any idea of the shipping cost for the book?
The Confident Knitting book will be released in September. We’ll carry it in the MDK Shop, so US rates will apply. I’m sure your questions about yarn kits can be answered at
You are correct, and one has to order the book and yarn separately. Cost to ship the first (3-month) yarn kit to the US is $21.59; shipping for the book is $11.
You should put “EA” after your name: Enablers Anonymous. I’ve signed up for the full year.