First Person
Dana’s Edit: Finding Joy

One of the reasons I like to knit is because I can make myself whatever I want and the possibilities are endless.
Even if we all cast on the same sweater, our yarn choices, color palettes, and modifications make each piece a unique creation to each knitter. The joy for me is in the process of picking the pattern, the yarns, and the colors that I think will best express who I am or, perhaps, who the person is I’m making that project for. It brings me such an immense feeling of joy.

I can knit silly little toys for a friend’s child (I’m currently about to start a yellow dinosaur for a four year old per her very specific request) or bring my rainbow sweater dreams to a reality. Honestly, I’m a woman who taught a Knit Stars class on how to modify sweater patterns to make them for your dogs, so clearly I like things that are above and beyond.

I mean, doesn’t seeing Jellybean or Kiwi in a matching knit just bring you joy too? It even made me think of the recent influx of emotional support chicken knitting. Who knew it was the thing we needed to make during such crazy times?

My current joy-filled project is the Call Me London Jumper by Martina Maskova.
My husband and I are going to London this summer. I’m presenting some of my research from my dissertation about Black women who knit and share their projects on Instagram at an academic conference. But I’m also taking this as an opportunity for us to go back to one of my favorite cities that we haven’t been to in over a decade.
Last month, I was searching for patterns on Ravelry and I happened to stumble on the Call Me London Jumper. I knew immediately I was going to have to knit myself one to wear in London and take pics because it is over the top and the pictures will always make me smile.
I showed the pattern to my husband and asked if I should knit it and he simply replied, why not? And he was right.

I’m knitting my version in Juniper Moon Farm Zooey yarn, a fingering/sport weight linen and cotton blend so I can wear it all year round. What I’ve realized in knitting this sweater is that I love knitting all-over colorwork (and am adding more allover colorwork patterns to my queue) because I get more and more excited with each motif or color change. It seems to make me knit even faster!
I’ve also been delighted in how mind-blown my husband is that he can clearly recognize each icon of London as I’ve been working my way through the sweater. So far I’ve knit Big Ben, red double decker buses, teapots, the London Underground sign, and the iconic red phone booths.
I think my last motif is going to be the Union Jack flag, but the joy has been in choosing what icon I want next and where and with which shades of blue. It is happiness on my needles. I have a feeling when I get to go to London later this summer, I’ll be beaming with pride at wearing my London sweater in London!
I am sure some will say, oh what a touristy looking thing to make/wear while in London. Or perhaps they’ll think it’s a waste of my knitting time—but when something makes you smile as much as a project like this does, why not knit it?
What has been the project that has brought you the most joy lately? I’d love to read about them!
Hello from London! Your sweater is beautiful and I think it will be much admired here :). Have a good trip.
Dana, what an awesome sweater. Wear it with pride and joy!!!
Thank you for your lovely, inspiring article! I love your cheerful use of color and seeing matching dog sweaters definitely gives me joy. I think your London sweater will be a big hit wherever you wear it! Such fun!
Your London knit fills me with joy!! Not too sure my knitting ability matches my enthusiasm…. but I’ve definitely queued it. I love your short sleeves!!
Reading your article has brought me joy! What a delightful way to celebrate your trip to London. Tally ho!!
Oh Dana What Fun! Have a great trip.
Super cool and if u like it…. it is yours! Glad hub is validating the icons! Great!! Here? Used up all my Lopi leftovers from 30 years in one coordinated color
changing sweater(blanket?) for over leggings. So warm and Lopiesque!
It is absolutely fabulous. Have a great trip.
I think your London sweater is just FANTASTIC. It must have been fun choosing the different motifs and looks great on you.
Oh my gosh, what a stupendous sweater!! I may have to look that one up! I’m getting my joy fix with Drea Renee’s Vellichor! It also is in fingering weight and is slow-going but I’ve never created such beautiful fabric before. I can’t wait to wear it, although it may be 2025 before I do! Thank you for sharing your joy!
Dana, I loved your story and your joyful, beautiful sweater! Hope you have an amazing time in London!
Correction: the pattern is by Andrea Mowry for Drea Renee.
Andrea Mowry is the owner/operator/designer for her company Drea Renee, so they are essentially one and the same. No need to correct! 🙂
I think you will love London and if you take a picture of yourself wearing it with Big Ben in the background or sitting at a cafe drinking a spot of tea (with pinkie finger raised), you will not need to stuff your suitcase with any other trinket souvenirs! (Bet you already thought of that, though!) Chloe
I had to make a Puffin sweater when we visited Puffin Island in Quebec. In August. It was worn and well received! If I ever get a chance to go to London, I would love to make a sweater like yours! And stranded colorwirk really is the most fun
I love it! Also, Beautiful Knitters in Pimlico is a fantastic shop!
Fabulous sweater…The Londoners will love it! Add extra time for getting anywhere…because you will be stopped by people who will want to know where they can buy one.
I am already inspired to dream up a Paris version…Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Pont Neuf, a fountain…. Because, as you observed, a great design inspires you to make it your own.
My current favorite project is the Pressed Flowers Shawl. It is a souvenir of my husband’s college reunion. I was not able to join him because our older (and to my continued dismay, sweater-hating) rat terrier, was recovering from surgery. My husband was going to buy me a sweatshirt. But one of his classmates went on the Charlottesville yarn crawl and bought me yarn for this project instead.
This shawl has had several MDK mentions. It is fabulous. I was not expecting the background, garter-stitch texture. It adds so much dimension. It is very easy to knit and delivers a very intricate look. And the possibilities for adding a personal touch are endless.
I’m making the Monte’s fingerless gloves from Woolly Wormhead’s new book Short Row Colorwork Knitting.
It’s so fun! I love seeing how designers come up with different patterns and ways of completing a pattern that is so different from anything I’ve done before. After knitting for over 50 years, I’m still learning!
Enjoy London! Your sweater is beautiful and so creative!
I love your London sweater! Im currently on a cruise around Iceland and Ive been proudly wearing my Helene Magnusson Crowberry vest made of Icelandic wool from the Bang Out a Sweater event! Getting lots of compliments from locals!
Joy, JOY, J O Y!!!!! That sweater is FABULOUS ! Have a wonderful trip!
If it makes you happy, knit and wear it with joy!
So cute! Love the teapots! And the color scheme!
As Mark Twain says, “….Never regret anything that makes you smile.”
Love everything about this!
Dana! This post brings me joy!!! I love your sweater. It is absolutely stunning! I just finished the Shakerag skirt, which brought me so much joy making it, and now wearing it!!! I love it so much and get so many compliments on it! Everyone will LOVE your sweater in London! Have the best time!
Dana, now I understand why I find starting a new project more exciting than finishing one – it’s the new project joy with all of the possibilities ahead!
I am always filled with joy and inspiration whenever you post, especially with a pup! I recently jumped on the bandwagon and made an emotional support chicken.Folks asked what child I was making it for and I happily replied…ME!
Fabulous, joyful sweater! And kudos for your Black women who knit presentation at the academic conference. Wish I could attend. Enjoy it all!
Yes, I second that. Kudos for your conference presentation. A well-deserved honor.
I love your London sweater! I’m currently following a KAL and while not succeeding in keeping up – I’m loving the pattern and yarn.
Yes! seeing your dogs in matching sweaters brings me joy!
I love to knit socks for my adult sons because they love to wear them!
Wow!! Amazing talent!
Such a beautiful sweater.
FABULOUS!! London will love you and your sweater!
OMGosh, ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ that sweater!!! I have a MINI Cooper and am a bit of a britophile… Going to put that pattern in the que. I absolutely adore your pups – hope to have one of my own some time to knit matching sweaters.
Is there a Mini Cooper among the London motifs of the sweater pattern? If not, design one!
How wonderful! Just looking at it brings joy! Thank you.
Love the London sweater and reading about your knitting joy on the morning of my 74th birthday! Too often we take that joy for granted—thanks for a lovely reminder!
That’s adorable! I say, embrace the touristy look & have fun with it! My teen just arrived from a 2-week trip that included a few days in London. He loved it. Hope your trip is just as wonderful.
LOVE the sweater and knitting for FUN :). Enjoy your trip and thanks for a wonderful article.
Love it! What a wonderful project for a trip.
Dana!! THANK YOU!!! This is WONDERFUL. I’ll be smiling all day planning mine!!
That is a joyous sweater! I hope you have lots of fun wearing it when you come to the UK.
Your sweater is perfect! I hope you wear it during your presentation! The project that gave me pleasure recently was an Emotional Support Chicken. I started it thinking it would be a good project for students in my Short Rows class, but really, it was fun and a bit silly. Then one of my long-time students had a stroke and was having a rough recovery. The chicken had a home! I dropped it off with her husband and he texted me to say it was the first time she had laughed out loud for weeks. Knitting for the win!
Have a wonderful trip!
Each icon is cuter than the last! Love, love, love it!
Have a wonderful time, and will you wear your sweater while presenting your research?
That is a fabulous sweater!! Please post pictures of yourself wearing it in London!
Touristy or not, it is awesome!! Love you creativity!!
Love your sweater and seeing you in it. Enjoy your trip and please post an update to us with photos. Would also love to hear more about your presentation, its sounds so interesting.
Always glad to see you and Jellybean in matching attire!! Have a great trip to London. Sometimes I think that others don’t understand the joy we find in knitting a project, especially when it turns out well. It’s all about the journey. Always love your smile!!
That sweater is a wonderful use of knitting time! It’s delightful and most importantly it brings you delight. Thanks for this reminder to let go of the “should” aspect of knitting and to make what makes us happy.
This is a beautiful sweater! Bah humbug to the naysayers! Inspiring, lovely work as always, Dana!
I know just what you mean about the knitting going faster when it’s so much fun. The last thing I made that was that much fun was “Dinos on Holiday.” Fair Isle dinosaurs, and whatever other fun patterns went with it. It’s top down, and just flew by. It was so much fun, I made another one in more manly colors for my (adult) son, which I’m saving for Christmas.
Whoa. What a wonderful sweater and it stirs good memories of London living to boot!
It’s motivation to think about designs for the Old Friend sweater ( FG#20) – a many evening doodling project…maybe
Hello! Also from London here. I have sweater envy . I love your little matching dog sweaters too. Your post brought joy to my heart. ❤️
So cool! I love your sweater and your joy is contagious. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Please share some photos of you wearing your sweater around in front of all those London icons.
Beautiful and hubby was right, Why not?
I love this for you! If I had a trip to London planned I would like to think I could tackle that sweater even though I’m currently working on only my third sweater ever, but like you I love colorwork knitting because the pattern/color changes make every project (so many hats!) more interesting. Good job on the motif changes too, btw.
Knitting should always be a thing of joy and if it’s not, that’s when it’s time to go for a walk, read a book on the porch, check out some asian dramas, or visit friends. It will be there when you’re ready for it again, in your project bag.
You are delightful!
Thank you.
I concur! Fabulous sweater, wishing you both a super trip!
Dana, you speak to my soul! I am an experienced knitter and also wanted to study knitters for my dissertation. I was discouraged by my PhD in Rehabilitation Science committee and directed my studies on another topic. I am quite intrigued by your study of Black Womens who knit; under what degree did you do this study? Will your work be published? And at what academic conference in London will you present your work? I’m excited to hear from you!
Everything about this post gives me joy! It makes me want to go to London wearing a London sweater.
Today I am wearing a sweater made from souvenir yarn purchased on a trip to Atlanta with my knitting friends. I don’t have to remind you to make sure to pick out some happy souvenir yarn in London, Dana!
I love it (the sweater as well as your comments about knitting) I hope you and your husband will have a fabulous time and that lots of people will give you positive everything about your sweater
Dana so good to see your joy and have joy back in your life. I love the sweater and that you are wearing it in England. So great
Can’t tell you how much I love this sweater–too cute!
Dana, you are amazing and the sweater is perfect for London, I’m sure you will get a lot of comments on how creative your ‘jumper’ is! Have a wonderful trip, we all will be waiting for your pictures!!
I absolutely love your sweater! As my mother would say… “Wear it in good health” and have a wonderful time across the pond.
I may currently be knitting a black cardigan (I lost mine and I couldn’t find an ethically made cardi that I liked, so here I am), but colourwork and all-over colourwork patterns are my favourites too! You get to use lots of colours, and I find the regular change of pattern a great way to keep me motivated to keep going and see the pattern come to life. I recently enjoyed the Lapponia jumper, which I think you’ve also knitted. Your jumper is ‘happy and glorious’ (ahem). Enjoy your trip to London!
Your sweater is wonderful! Thanks for your post! I am knitting a Camaro with wonderful stripes and short rows – so fun! I also had fun inventing a little tool to help me keep track of the increase rows. It’s great creating something so fun and beautiful, and it’s for me!
I LOVE the sweater, although I confess to a slight dip in the heart when one of the red phone boxes wasn’t TARDIS blue (FYI, if you’re not a Dr. Who watcher, TARDIS stands for Tethered Aerial Recovery Device In Space)….. Will look ford Zooey….I need a good summer yarn! DEFINITELY get to the V&A Natural History Museum, and if the Museum of London has reopened by the time you get there, it is my favorite museum in all of London. Which is saying a LOT. Bon voyage!
PS–there is a fabulous app for using the Tube and buses in London. Just open it up, say where you want to start, and go, and presto it gives you options including delays on assorted bus routes etc. AND you can set up an account and use ApplePay on your phone to pay for your fares… SO easy!
I LOVE the sweater, although I confess to a slight dip in the heart when one of the red phone boxes wasn’t TARDIS blue (FYI, if you’re not a Dr. Who watcher, TARDIS stands for Tethered Aerial Recovery Device In Space)….. Will look ford Zooey….I need a good summer yarn! DEFINITELY get to the V&A Natural History Museum, and if the Museum ofxa London has reopened by the time you get there, it is my favorite museum in all of London. Which is saying a LOT. Bon voyage!
PS–there is a fabulous app for using the Tube and buses in London. Just open it up, say where you want to start, and go, and presto it gives you options including delays on assorted bus routes etc. AND you can set up an account and use ApplePay on your phone to pay for your fares… SO easy!
I just finished (on the plane here) an On a Lark shawl to go with the dress I wanted to wear to a Juneteenth celebration concert last night. It was freezing in the auditorium last night, so I’m glad I finished it in time.
All that to say, I think a London sweater for London is a fun and fabulous idea!
My favorite projects are the ones that make me smile! Crocheting a tote bag of bright colored granny squares is my current joy
Wonderful London sweater! Have a blast!
I threw my head back and laughed out loud when I saw your puppies in their sweaters! What utter joy!
I just finished a boxy pullover with cap sleeves. It looks similar on both the inside and the outside. I was knitting with friends as I finished sewing the seams, only to discover I had sewn it inside out! Yikes! I was so close to putting it on “time Out”, but decided if I had to rip the seams, doing it with friends and good conversation was the best way. So Now I’m almost finished…again! Ha ha. So maybe not the happiest knit, but certainly the most memorable. Thanks for a great article and I love seeing the matching sweaters, they are too much. I’d have to say, they are joyful.
Oh my, this sweater and your planned trip adventure with it is over the top and so fantastic. So happy for you that your work is being recognized and that you get to go on such a happy work and tourist venture. I couldn’t stop squealing “oh my goodness” looking at this pattern and your version of it. It’s all soooo good!
Your London sweater really made me smile and brought me joy! Thank you!
We are in London right now, waiting for our flight home to the USA. Your sweater will be perfect! It’s just beautiful and so clever. Great job tying the sweater to the travel.
Hope you enjoy wearing it as much as you enjoyed knitting it!
Please post a picture from London
Oh MY GOSH – I adore that sweater AND all of the matchy-matchy ones! And your artwork : ). I’m going to England in September for the first time with my 2 daughters & I would love to make that sweater…. but then I’d have to make 2 more because I know they would love them too.
Thank you so much for this – it brought joy to my day!
Great knitting! I love the freedom you exhibit is your choice of design and motif! Thank you for the joy you have knitting! I’m right there with you
Absolutely adorable
Just reading your article brings me joy!
I love your sweater. It makes me smile and I would wear it lots. Have a wonderful trip.
Dana’s article has inspired to consider an all-over color work sweater. Thanks!
The London sweater is very impressive!
JMF ZOOEY is a great yarn! I have 2 tee tops that I made from it, but hadn’t thought of using it for color-work. Great idea as it is so easy to care for and wear as an over layer or next to skin.
Your writing keeps happily entertaining and inspiring us to step out of our knitting ruts in to new directions. Thank you for all the fun
I love your sweater so very much! I agree that stranded knitting is the Best Thing Ever, especially when the motifs are so recognizable. I’m currently working on a Shetland wool week hat with a ram motif in the center. (Or I was until I had to tink one row three times, and still haven’t figured out what I’ve done wrong, so that’s in time out so it can think about what it’s done.) Luckily I’m back to the Kate Davies Designs Mystery Knitalong. I’ve never done a MKAL before and it’s bringing me such joy. (Lots of garter stitch in this shawl so it feels very MDK-approved.)
I love seeing your work, especially the versions for Jellybean and Kiwi!!! Your London sweater will be a huge hit! It’s gorgeous!!! My most fun project lately is a large intarsia blanket with random colored squares of varying sizes. I’m using up 10+ years of Rowan Felted Tweed leftovers and loving it!
I love knitting patterns that I can’t bear to put down, make excuses to keep knitting and am sad when I finish it.
Currently knitting like a fiend on Great Big Beautiful Wrap by Sian Price-White/CloudForestStudio :
I have a cone of Holst Garn Supersoft and I’m holding it double.
I love this knit! (and your London Sweater!)
Your talk sounds really interesting, I’d love to know more!
Love the sweaters, the cute pooches with their matching sweaters but I especially love the knitting everyday and the joy! I try to knit everyday as well and choose joy everyday too. Thank you!
The teapots! Big Ben! Love it!
That is a gorgeous sweater in progress. I am over the moon for it.
Love it! Joy is my by word, I see it every day in my garden, with my dog on a walk, sharing good times with friends. Knitting to me is an essential part of my daily routine and I embrace a challenge.
Your Landon sweater will bring you joy in wearing it and to all those who see it when on your trip. Have a great time,
LOVE THIS!! What a fun sweater to make and wear in London! Enjoy your trip!
Just fantastic! Such talent and spot-on insight. If you aren’t enjoying the process, why do it? Enjoy London!
This is truly joyful! Now I need to find just that project for myself, you’ve inspired once again.
I love it! It is a happy jumper. And wow…color work with a cotton/linen yarn! Thanks for sharing. I am smiling!
I love it!
Oh Dana- what a perfect idea and I love this sweater!! What a fantastic way to remember your travels and to hold interest when knitting! Thanks for an eye-opening idea.
Oh my gosh!! That’s got to be one of the cutest/cleverest sweaters on the planet. So much joy just looking at the photo. I think even the stodgiest of Londoners will break out a smile when they see you in that gem. Have a wonderful trip and tell us all about the reactions you get. Thanks for sharing the joy and starting my weekend with a big smile. ❤️
Jaw-Dropping! What a fabulous sweater – have a MARVELOUS London visit!
Your sweater is Grand! What a fun knit!!! I think I’d go to London just to knit it
Colorwork like that definitely is exciting and grabs you to knit on, just like a captivating book.
Dinosaurs and monsters are great fun, too— I’ve knit many and began a Pride ESC for a dear grandchild this week. There is an abundance of opportunity to reimagine all these creatures to your own design or the child’s. Enjoy and keep on sharing!
PS. Thanks for posting, I miss seeing you when you are quiet
Brava! Have a wonderful trip and wear your sweater with much pride!
Your sweater is glorious!
Soooooo not a waste of your knitting time! As a Londoner, I would love to see someone wearing that jumper in London! It is fabulous.
OMG I *love* the London jumper! And I suspect people there will be charmed by it–it will be apparent that it’s hand-made, not something you bought.
Right now, I am filled with joy about making the Astria shawl for my friend Larry in a variety of plant/tree colors (green, a few browns). Working on it makes me think of him & I feel grateful for our friendship.
Dana, that London sweater is just perfect and you will be a big hit over there wearing it! Everyone will want the pattern! I love your sweet pooch in the matching sweater you have….definitely “Joy” in knitting❤️ Best wishes with your conference on your dissertation!
Love everything about this project. Please post pictures!!
Your sweater is so fun! Enjoyed your article! Thank you for your inspiration
Oh I LOVE this!! I must go check out this pattern. Happiness is the key to knitting! Enjoy your trip & congrats on presenting your paper.
You just bring me joy by your fun and bright as the sun personality! I would love to be able to knit with such confidence as you! Thank you for your upbeat sweaters and designs!!
I love your joyful approach to knitting and that is the cutest sweater I have seen lately! In the uncertainty of everyday life, I think one should live each day to the fullest and knitting is part of that for me. I enjoyed your Knit Stars workshop, even though I will probably never knit a doggie sweater. But I’m glad you can and do share your joy in it! Thank you for being a light in the world!
Totally agree with you that colorwork makes me knit faster or maybe I mean longer: I keep knitting “just another row” because I want to see how the pattern and colors work out! Your sweater is wonderful!
That sweater will be fabulous! The thing I’m enjoying most now is Glittering Snowscape Shawl made from handspun yarn. It takes a lot of yarn! Working with the yarn gives me joy, though, especially watching the gradient develop.
Your work always puts a smile on my face, particularly when there is a dog included in the photos. Thanks for bringing extra light to the world. (Please tell your dogs that an internet stranger loves them.)
Oh your London sweater is so perfect! I enjoyed your piece on bringing joy and you have done just that for me!
I love that sweater! My family from Britain originally and I have been there several times. Had I been a serious knitter then I would have tried that! I’ve done sweaters, hats, cowels, gloves, socks, but what gives me joy right now is a “mushroom hat” for my daughter. White crocheted cotton with floppy brim and red dots on it. She loves them!
Love your sweater! I bet you’ll get stopped by Londoners admiring your work.
And a big Kudos for being a presenter! WOW.
Happy and safe travels.
Such talent. I just love the London stuff. Big Ben etc .
Go you.
OMGosh, I just finished an Emotional Support Chicken. Didn’t know I needed one, but made it for my in-laws who have been supplying us with wonderful fresh eggs. They won’t take any money so I decided to make them a big fat hen. Finished it last night, and immediately decided that I must make another for myself, and another for an old friend. But oh my gosh, I love your London sweater. It will be wonderful to wear in your travels and back at home. Thanks for sharing your progress!
That’s awesome. Love your enthusiasm.
This post makes me so happy. Dana, I admire your focus on bringing joy to the world through the simple act of creativity. Knitting factors into my daily life for that very reason. I am very excited to hear your presentation and learn more about your dissertation – please keep us informed. My current joy? Baby sweaters and stuffed animals PLUS lots of time with any pattern that can be knit on the go.
No-one will scowl at you here in the UK for wearing such a brilliant jumper! And you may well need to wear it in our summer weather. Welcome back to the UK and I hope you have a wonderful time.