Dance to This: David Byrne’s American Utopia (Film)

Dear Ann,
This is just what we need right now: Spike Lee’s film version of David Byrne’s American Utopia, which was just released.
When I danced to some of this music in the ’80s (a little late to the party but super-happy to be at the party at all), I knew it was joyous and life-giving, but couldn’t have foreseen what a pillar of strength it would be for me some 30 years later. David Byrne’s music reminds me that life is worth living. Troubles do pass, will pass, must pass. Hope and human hearts abide. We don’t have to be spared the bad stuff to fully partake of the good stuff.
I’m treating myself this weekend to an HBO trial subscription, one of the slipperiest slopes I can think of. I’m sure I’ll watch American Utopia a half dozen times: a decent start. (Here’s the New York Times review.)
If you like the one-minute trailer above, just let the YouTubes keep rolling.
Get up and dance.
Yes!!!! I was so lucky to see the show live a number of times when I volunteered with Head Count, a voter registration drive organization. Byrne had Head Count volunteers at every show- in the lobby- to register voters. I am a long time fan – and so excited to see the film. Go vote and then get up and dance!!!!
Make sure to watch the West Wing reunion while your trial subscription is active as well!! It hit me on so many levels, especially as a theatre professional who hasn’t seen actors create new work on a stage since March.
I rocked out to this last night and then, exhilarated, I googled folding bikes.
Yes! Thank you!
I started the HBO Max free trial to watch the West Wing reunion, then I found Six Feet Under, and now this. I think I’m hooked, at least for a few months.
Watched it last night! I think I had a smile on my face the entire time 😀
If you’re trying out an HBO subscription, I recommend The Great Pottery Throw Down. I very rarely watch reality tv shows— too much pettiness and drama for the sake of drama— but this is made by the same group that makes The Great British Bake-off and it’s basically the same ethos, only for pottery.
It’s absolutely delightful to see a group of artists striving their best to make some amazing ceramics. And unlike Paul Hollywood, the male judge is a complete teddy bear who regularly gets choked up when he’s particularly proud of something a contestant has done.
I agree – I YouTubed the Great Pottery Throwdown and quite loved it. But I am a complete sucker for reality things where the point is for the contestants to be extremely good at something that’s really quite difficult to do well.
Looking forward to seeing this, but I also want to recommend My Octopus Teacher on Netflix. Beautiful cinematography and a lovely story of connection and renewal.
Oh yes, we ALL need this .
Can’t pass up anything David Byrne. Just read his book a couple of months ago called “How Music Works” …. amazing insight into nooks and crannies of the music business, music theory and all ’round music-y stuff that I didn’t know much about but he has been through it ! What a genius on so many levels.
That book has been on my list for ages!
Watched “American Utopia”last night. Loved it! My husband and I were smiling for the whole show.