Bang Out a Sweater: Deer in Headlights?

Dear Kay,
I’m going to confess to total dizziness when it comes to deciding on what sweater I am going to Bang Out come February 1.
It’s like looking at the tulip bulb catalog. The Schwinn bicycle catalog. The display case at the Donut Den.
There are three decisions to make. (All the details on Bang Out a Sweater can be found here.) In the interest of Showing My Work and also maybe gaining some clarity, here are the three choices I’ve struggled with. I welcome comments from everybody else who is likewise in the (superfun) gray zone of indecision.
Decision 1: Sweater Silhouette

(The yarn here is Perwinkle Sheep Merino DK.)

(This is Spud ’n’ Chloe Sweater yarn.)
Short sleeves, three-quarter sleeves, long sleeves?
Just make a capelet and be done with it?
I love a top-down pullover. I love a cardigan, too. And I love the short-sleeved cardigan, truly an idea I’d never imagined making.
There’s also Elaine’s Capelet—it’s a sweater without those pesky sleeves and torso.

(The yarn here is Julie Asselin Hektos.)
I’ve been wearing our sample Elaine’s Capelet all through the holidays, and it a) makes me feel snug and cozy in the clavicular region, b) lets me think about how fun it would be to make this, and c) gives me a shivery, vaguely ecclesiastical feeling. The word wimple comes to mind.
A thought: if anybody’s wanting to game this 28-day knitalong and engineer a plan for certain success, remember that the short sleeve option is going to give you a finished sweater way faster than one with long sleeves.
And (this hardly needs saying) Elaine’s Capelet is like a Disney World Fast Pass on this whole endeavor.
The shape I keep coming back to is a pullover with long sleeves. It just seems right for this. Decided!
Decision 2: Which Cable Design?
Norah Gaughan gives us three cable stitch yoke designs in Field Guide No. 9: Revolution.

Top: The Calligraphy Cable. Sculptural and graphic.
Middle: The cable from Elaine’s Capelet, or as I call it, the “Muffin Top” Cable. Or the “Scary Tentacle” Cable.
Bottom: The Liberty Tree Cable. Bobbles Optional.
(For those of you gazing into your Field Guide No. 9 and wondering if the cables from the Ironworks Beret will work on Norah’s sweater patterns, the answer is: not as it is written. The depth is a little different. If you’re dying to try it, we will cheer you on as you do the math or whatever jiggering is required to make the Ironworks cable pattern the correct size.)
Furthermore, Norah’s new collection Interchange(ability) has four more cable patterns to consider. She is so agile at this—each design requires such an understanding of how stitches can be manipulated to create all these effects.
I think I’m just going to have to flip a coin on this one. A seven-sided coin.
Decision 3: Yarn
This is where I go wobbly. I like all three yarns we’re suggesting for Norah’s Bang Out. Each has its own tender beauty.
Julie Asselin Hektos. Glazed, layered, subtle. For the Sophisticated Banger Outer.

Spud ’n’ Chloe Sweater. Wool and cotton. For the Banger Outer Seeking Solace and Comfort.

Periwinkle Sheep Merino DK. For the Banger Outer Who Wants to Feel Superspecial. In nine colors made especially for MDK and Field Guide No. 9. We spent a lot of time with Karin Maag-Tanchak figuring out these nine shades. OK, that does it. I gotta go with one of these.

Which leads me to . . . oh no, a fourth decision.
Decision 4: What Color?
Try something new? Stick with something I know I’ll like for sure because I already have three sweaters in the same color?
I think I’m closing in on this. But I’m glad I have another three weeks to fool around. There is something so great about worrying a lot about something where the stakes could not be lower.
Over in The Lounge, the topic Bang Out a Revolution is a great place to see what everybody’s up to, figuring out their Bang Out a Revolution plans.
Can the cardigan be made to have long sleeves?
Yes! You put the sleeves on hold while you finish the body of the cardigan. You then put the stitches back on needles- for sleeves you can cross-reference the Liberty Tree pullover pattern!
Exactly! Because both the Calligraphy Cardigan and the Liberty Tree Pullover patterns are written to the same specifications (gauge, measurements), you can use the sleeve instructions from the Liberty Tree Pullover for the Calligraphy Cardigan. And you can make them as long or short as you like.
Here’s my conundrum: I want to make the Calligraphy Cardigan profile with the Elaine’s Caplet as the yoke, in long sleeves. Soooooooo how much extra yarn will I need for the longer sleeves, and for interchanging the yoke cabling?
Or if not full, how about 3/4? Spring is later here than Nashville.
I wasn’t going to Bang this year, as I am awaiting carpal tunnel surgery, which means the doctor has limited my knitting time. But if the capelet is a valid option ….
Since both of my hands have been numb since September, I know what you’re going through (: Hang in there . I found that I could knit with very large needles, size #15 .
Good luck
I’d like to do the cardigan also but with 3/4 sleeves to push up. Are the patterns interchangeable in that way as well?
Yes, you can certainly add longer sleeves to the Calligraphy Cardigan!
Because both the Calligraphy Cardigan and the Liberty Tree Pullover patterns are written to the same specifications (gauge, measurements), you can use the sleeve instructions from the Liberty Tree Pullover for the Calligraphy Cardigan. And you can make them as long or short as you like.
I’m going to make a sweater with the cables from Elaine’s Capelet and the A-Line shaping of the Calligraphy cardigan. And probably 3/4 length sleeves.
Oh! And if you can’t decide on color – make it with two colors – with the yoke one color and the rest of the sweater another. Quantity can be determined by looking at Elaine’s Capelet for yardage, and subtract that from the total yardage of the Liberty Pullover. That gives you what you need for the body.
I’m thinking of going off the rails on this one: I want to try denim yarn and I think any of her patterns would be perfect. Denim yarn just seems to scream for cables, doesnt it? But I have never knit with denim yarn. In my readings, it seems the only thing you have to do to alter the pattern for denim yarn is add length (am I wrong about that?) Since it’s going to be my first experience with denim yarn, I want to stick to something ‘quicker’, but I want to do more than the capelet. So, short sleeved cardigan version, in denim?? Crazy?? I am also considering the short sleeve cardigan but making it a short sleeve pullover. Ack… these ideas seem above my skill level, but it is just yarn right? If it gets too wonky I can always frog and turn some denim yarn into a big cable-y wrap!
Now you’ve gone and planted the Denim idea in my brain and I love denim! Perfect for the Cardi, I think. Just add 15% length in the body and sleeves.
It’s Jan 8 and I’m already contemplating breaking one of my Knitting 2019 resolutions: to knit my stash, which is becoming quite crazy. But I saw some denim yarn thing on Ravelry several days ago and can’t stop thinking and reading about using denim yarn – including several previous posts on MDK. 😉 I think the fade of the denim yarn would be fantastic on the cardigan-maybe-pullover. And so now I’ll need to purchase some denim yarn – aaargghhh, apologies to my stash-busting resolution-making brain!
Not crazy! I’d love to see you do this. Denim yarn and cables really is glorious, especially after it’s washed and the stitches tighten up. You will want to add probably 15% length to account for the shrinkage that occurs during denim yarn’s first washing. Go for it!
I’ve been knitting on black and blue Paulie for about 3 years! I’ve been thinking about making it 3\4 sleeves!!we
I had my surgery on Thursday and I’m in a cervical collar for the next few weeks. Bonus is that my hands are beginning to have feeling in them again. I went from total numbness to this feeling that they are covered in sanding paper. The collar keeps me from moving my neck but my motivation is high. Can’t wait to bang out a sweater ❤️
Well, i get numb hands, cervical surgery and collars. I broke my neck! But, my doc said, Use it or lose it! And, Boy, Howdy! that’s true! Keep up the good work! Adaptation to our situations is what makes us humans superior to others of God’s creatures. Knit more slowly? You’re knitting! Practice the stitches that give you fits! It’s all good! Glad you’re feeling better!
You guys are so inspiring! Such advice for living—thank you!
There’s no such thing as a 7-sided coin… But there are 8, 10, 12 and 20-sided gamer’s dice! They come in all sorts of beautiful colors and materials – even precious stones. I use them all the time for making randomly-striped things. I think you should invest in a nice set and let them help you when the choices are all just too lovely to decide without a bit of help from the universe.
Help from the universe–love it!
After firmly declaring a few days ago that I wouldn’t be Banging this year, I’ve changed my mind! In fact, I’ve already made up my project bag with Malabrigo worsted from the stash to make Elaine’s Capelet, but with the Rope & Braid cables from Interchange(ability) and the little collar from the Swirl Topper. I’m so weak…. but at least it’s not a full sweater!
Rope & Braid cables are so beautiful. This will be so fun to see!
Ann, I deeply long to be a sophisticated Banger Outer, but I’ve decided that my next sweater will be Norah’s Foldlines. I love it! In order for me to be able (at my post menopausal age) to wear a pullover, however, it must be made from something not wool. I’m sure you’ve heard that some of us need to rip a hot sweater off in less than the blinking of an eye when that inexorable (and repeated) womanly moment arrives.
I do love the Calligraphy Cardigan, though, and the Swirl Topper (pattern available as Interchangeable–what a tempting idea). However I’m trying hard to be true to Foldlines. Even though I want to be a SBO.
There’s also the matter of Geiger. I’m on the right front (so much fun), and have basted one sleeve, the back, and the left front together to see how it will fit. I can’t start being a February Banger Outer until I finish Geiger. If you were coming to Edinburgh, you’d see me wearing it . . . . Miss you!
Deenie! I cannot wait to see your Geiger. That is one of the loveliest designs I’ve seen–and of course, it’s a piece of cake for you . . . ; )
And Foldlines is just amazing. The idea of turning folded paper patterns into stitch patterns is genius.
Are you online only? Do you have a store can I download the patterns for free?
Hi Rosilyn!
The MDK Shop is online only. You can see all our offerings here: https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/shop/.
And we have a lot of patterns, both free and paid. See them all here: https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/product-category/patterns/.
Hope you find something you love!
You have mentioned that your goal for 2019 is to “wear the hand knits.” So, in the interest of wearing hand knits in your warm, humid climate, I was going to suggest the short sleeve cardigan in Spud and Chloe sweater. Short sleeves, can be unbuttoned, and only part wool. 2nd choice: an Elaine’s Capelet of your very own! But I kept reading and see that you went a different way. I know that whatever you make will be beautiful, and I look forward to seeing it!
Thanks, Laura! I try to ignore the fact that Nashville is in the South! I pretend that I live in Greenland—there are so many beautiful woolly wools that I couldn’t bear the possibility of not getting to knit with them.
I soooooo identify with your process, this has been me for the past week. I have been gazing at all the beautiful colours and yarns with indecision and admiration. But then I hear my inner voice saying “8 days into the New Year and you’ve already forgotten resolution one, USE THE YARN YOU HAVE!” So I have found yarn, decision made, brain calm.
Way to stay the course! I admire your fortitude. I have no fortitude—I have weakitude when it comes to yarn.
Just purchased Baroque, I know I have some Owl in stash.
I look forward to seeing how many people will opt for the mantle…very tempting!
Ooooh, wimple. Quick and dirty, and I mean that in the best way.
I really don’t think the flat disc meets anyone definition of a sweater.
But having read some of the comments, I can see that it will make participate easier for some so that’s cool.
I am finishing a super scarf with multiple cables I designed that will be 6 feet long with a lace pattern flip top glove set of the same yarn, also my own design. My brain is in need of rest. Brian’s Avocet B and stash yarn are calling out to me! Garter with some shaping, long sleeves. Worsted and for gauge size 8or 9 needles.
Hi all- I’ve bought my yarn and I’ve pretty much decided on the Liberty Tree pullover, I think, 99%, probably…… But oh, the cables on that cardigan beguile me! Or is it that beautiful colour? Or how gorgeous the model looks in that colour/cardigan?? I know that the yokes are interchangeable, but how would I use the cardigan yoke on a sweater?