Dog Days Replays: Books With Franklin!
Dear everybody in North America right now,
Hot enough for ya? Here at Casa Gardiner, humans and canine are each parked in front of their personal box fan, we have slowed our metabolisms to that of the sloth, and we’re slurping through an 18-pack of bomb pops every day.
It’s perfect weather for hopping (carefully) in a hammock with a short stack of good knitting books. Books that bring us the fun of knitting, without all the heat retention.
This is where our archive of Franklin Habit book reviews can come in handy.
Here are three cool, refreshing reviews for you.
Traditional Danish Sweaters, by Vivian Høxbro.

Typographic Knitting, by Rüdiger Schlömer.

Making Marls, by Cecelia Campochiaro.

Franklin’s writing is guffaw-inducing, so take care not to tip the hammock.
I bought two of those three books based on Franklin’s review — thank you!
I purchased Knitting Comfortably after reading Franklin’s review earlier in the spring. It was/is life changing and not just in s knitting way! I am a Franklin fan.
Where did you find it?
It is available on the author’s web site, Ergo, I knit (ergoiknit.com).
I just bought it at WEBS
I think I’ve purchased every book Franklin has reviewed. He’s great at identifying a book’s assets and doesn’t inflate his praise
*’Microswatching is fast prototyping for slow knitting.’ Page five. The first time in this book my heart skipped a beat. I have pressed a violet there, in remembrance.”
The man is a comedic genius.
I bought Making Marls after reading Franklin’s review. At the time I was knitting a sweater using two strands of hand painted yarn held together for the contrast colors. Now I need to get Marlisle.