Finished Objects Are Closer Than They Appear

Dear Ann,
Sometimes you just have to see what’s in front of you. You have to flip through all the great ideas in your head, and choose the simple one.
Remember my Log Cabin Pullover? This was my project for Fringe Association’s fantastic Log Cabin Knitalong, many months back. (Please pause to enjoy the amazing projects that knitalong has produced, and continues to produce. Truly gobsmacking.)
My idea was to replicate the shape of a favorite pullover, Relax by Ririko, but using log cabin construction to build the front and back in garter stitch.
I had a lot of fun doing that.

The yarn: Sylph, in a shade called Eddy. A little bird has informed me that this divine cashmere/linen blend will soon be restocked in the mdk shop.
I’ve been looking at this nearly finished sweater in a Mini Porter Bin on my nightstand for too long. Time to git ’r done!

Oh look: I even did the sleeves. How does a person forget that they already knit two sleeves? How did I get so close to the finish line on this and just . . . stop?
I have lots of psychology-based theoretical answers to these questions, but theoretical answers are not going to get this sweater finished.
My Challenge to Me
By this time next week—specifically next Thursday, May 23—I will be wearing this sweater.

Yesterday afternoon, I got the side seams mattress-stitched during a conference call. Snip-snap! What took me so long?
Now all that remains is to decide one question: sleeves or no sleeves? Maybe it’s the May-ness that prevails outside at the moment, but I’m thinking I’ll get more wear out of this sweater if I simply finish the armholes and neck opening in the style of Amy Christoffers’s Shakerag Top. The armholes of this pullover are placed a little differently—the body is wider, so the armholes hit lower on the arm—but the simple, short sleeve approach appeals to me right now.
What do you think? I mean, the sleeves are done, so it’s really a question of which would make for a better sweater.
See you next week!
Lordy lord… how did I not know there had been a knitalong? Maybe it was before I started following this wonderful blog. I have now saved eleventy billion inspiration phots to my inspiration folder 😀 I have to say though that the log cabin mitts are one of my favourite gift knits – quick, easy and fun to knit, and they always amaze the recipient <3
Kay. Kay. Kay.
You already knit the sleeves?
You. Already. Knit. The. Sleeves.
I think the answer about sleeveless or not has been answered. Mmmmmkay?
But if you are still on the fence post a picture without the sleeves.
(But I am channeling Cher when I say this…Snap out of it!)
Good luck! Ultimately, it is your sweater. So whatever you decide is absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully fine! ❤️
I am in absolute, total, and complete agreement. The sleeves are knit. Attach and wear in peace. ☮️
I look forward to seeing the finished sweater next week. Git ‘er done. 🙂
As someone who always comes to a grinding halt at the sleeves, I say attach them and call it done. Either way, I look forward to next Thursday.
Sleeves, of course.
Love hearing about finishing UFOs. It is a great feeling! (I’m listening to the soft snores of mine in the background.). The sleeves part is confusing. You said they were done…
You’ve sewn it up, right? So try it on. If you like it with no sleeves, there’s your answer. Looking forward to seeing the FO, whichever option you choose!
Button on sleeves for that two in one look, perhaps?!
You love your original sweater with sleeves. Plus I think the proportions are wrong if you don’t put in the sleeves.
I’m exactly the same in that I start an item and nearly finish it and then it gets abandoned for a new idea….I wonder if I have a fear of finishing? Must be a psychological reason?? Love the sweater you’ve made ❤️
This is a comment for yesterday’s topic. I have found the book — Mason-Dixon Knitting the Curious Knitter’s Guide… There may be more left at which is my favorite web site for buying used books that may be out of print, and even recent books. The prices are very low and shipping is free. There are two other MD books, one I also bought that has patterns, tips, etc., in it. The other is a “coloring book,” which I did not buy. I don’t know how many are left, but I would go to the site soon if you are interested. By the way, the estimable The Boston Globe tech writer had a recent column about privacy and warned against signing in with social media like FB which I noted is an option here — best to use your email he said.
On Instagram, there’s #onethingwithamy. Quilters post the thing they vow to get done on a project in the next week. Sounds like #onethingwithkay can be the knitters’ version.
You put me to shame. I have literally 15 rows of collar on a fingering-weight sweater I have been dragging around so long that it is beginning to pill and which I would love to pull on this Saturday evening when it gets chilly. I guess I better pick that up. Re: the sleeve question. I’ma have to say go with the short sleeves. Wear it now on its own and layer it later. Versatility FTW.
well here is a thought, the sleeves are done ready for the fall and you feel inclined to finish the garment with short sleeves for the summer SO could the sleeves be laced onto the garment for the winter using a pretty ribbon or cord along the lines of Elizabethan sleeves, giving you a more versatile sweater?
ps. I love the sweater.
That sweater totally inspired me and I made my own version last year. No sleeves just a cap sleeve with a couple rows of garter stuff to finish it. I wore it in the summer and over a long sleeve T in the transition months. I used Holst Garn Coast which is fingering weight and after weeks of garter stitch I was not excited to knit sleeves, but if I had them on hand, I probably would have sewed them in when fall came
I have three thoughts, some based on the others here: 1. I tend not to wear sleeveless, even if I think I will, due to (ahem) the age of my upper arms–well over 30. They aren’t UNSIGHTLY, but I am happier if they are not sighted. 2. Didn’t you say you already knit those sleeves? Unless you put handles on them for very tiny bags, I am not sure what else you will do with those! 3. The proportions will probably be better with sleeves. So I personally would use the sleeves. But no pressure.
It’s spring. Enjoy the sweater without the sleeves. Keep the finished sleeves, and every time you wash the sweater wash the sleeves. In the fall, when you reach for that sweater and think “hmmm it’s a little cool out there for this one” sew on the sleeves.
(Must confess, having knit this sweater twice, this bit about the sleeves being done took a minute. It must be an aberration connected to the whole log cabin thing.)
I would venture to day that if you have knit the sleeves-use them! I know that the warm weather is upon us but sleeves are useful if you work in air-conditioning. The garment will be chic and comfy either way.
Wear it sleeveless for the summer and add the sleeves later if that feels like something you want to do! Win/win.
I am still chugging along on my fringe and friends logcabin along blanket. I am on the last piece (it is in four large pieces) then I have to put the four pieces together and begin the applied i-cord. I am happy to see that a couple of my posts show on the instagram, including my silly cat! LOL
It must be the season. Last week I dug out a WIP, a pretty linen pullover with a pattern of openwork stripes. I don’t remember why I got discouraged with it and I was sure that it wouldn’t fit me after two years, but it does, and it looks nice. I added a couple more inches to the bottom, decided 3/4 sleeves looked best and am on the last sleeve. Yay, new clothes!
I wonder what else is in that closet…
Sleeves! They are already knitted. You can always take them out and redo the armholes later if you decide that wasn’t the right answer.
Team sleeves – but as others have said, it’s your sweater. You love Relax — carry out the vision, I say.
I would love to know your psychology based theories on why we don’t finish projects. I ask myself this often, so often…
-Lori C.
I think in considering the sleeve length one must take into account the drape of the fabric. The sleeves on the shakerag top are perfect for the drape of that light weight yarn. When it comes to your log cabin garment, I’m not sure what the drape will be. If it were mine, the last thing that I would want would be short sleeves that looked out of place on a body of a sweater that was more bulky. That’s what I am thinking. With that said I’ll leave the final decision up to you, Kay. I am only looking at a picture and it is you who are in the position to know the full Gestalt.
Kay put your sleeves in after all remember those stores with air conditioning or meetings with AC where you freeze if your arms aren’t covered
Attach the sleeves. After all, you’ve knitted them. What else are you going to use them for? Coasters? Dishrags?
I first thought I would want the sleeves. Then I saw this one and love it! (Hope that links. It’s Francis Relaxed by the very talented grimfrosties (on Rav) aka quixotic_thread (on Instagram).
Why not just block it without the sleeves and try it on? You could then baste in one or both sleeves to see which you prefer.
Meh, leave off the sleeves. Add them in the fall if you change your mind!
My vote is with the sleeves. The pullover you love has the sleeves. I rest my case. I wish you lots of finished object joy!
I am also a bit confused about the sleeves/no sleeves question. It seems that, as is, you have a nice cap sleeve sweater, perfect for summer. However, I clicked on the link to your Shakerag top, and I love the sleeve length of that sweater. So I say, do that. Or not. It will look great, no matter what!
I think you should use the sleeves. This sweater is similar in color to the shaker sweater. They would be too much alike.
Definitely add the sleeves.
I love the idea of wearing it sleeveless through the spring and summer, and saving those sleeves to sew on the sweater in the fall. It looks beautiful, and such scrumptious yarn. If in the end, you decide no sleeves permanently, you can Kitchener them together at both openings, and you’ve got a cowl to wear (it would look especially lovely to wear the cowl with the sleeveless sweater over a button down shirt…. check out pattern UraUe by Natsuko Iida on Ravelry).
Finish the sleeves but keep them separate and attach them with icord laces when it’s cold in the style of Tudor period drama costumes. Ta da you can have sleeves when you need them
With the cashmere content it would be too hot for summer wear. With sleeves it will be perfect for cool weather.
I agree with Robin. Try it on. To me the fabric looks soft and light and I am leaning toward no sleeves.
Go with the sleeves. You will enjoy just putting in on to go anywhere, dressed up or casual.
This sweater calls for long sleeves….I would love to knit this sweater for me.
Did you finish would love tree it finished!