Genius Tips
Game Changer: Cables without a Cable Needle

Dear Kay,
I’ll be quick—a lot going on around here, including the tender care of Kermit the Magnificent, everybody’s favorite microinfluencer and cat about town. He’s under the weather, and I’m not happy about it.
Here’s the thing. I’ve been motoring away on Erika Knight’s Escalator Scarf from Field Guide No. 20: Atlas, and Cristina pointed out that I haven’t talked about how I’m working the swervy, asymmetrical cables.

I’m doing them without a cable needle, that short little needle that I invariably lose in the sofa cushions.
I’m so used to working smallish cables without using a cable needle that it hadn’t even occurred to me to note this.
But I’m thinking back to the day I learned how to do this, and truly, it was one of my all-time favorite lightbulb moments in knitting.
Our regular contributor Kate Atherley is really, really good at taking us up close to a technique, and I love her MDK post where she explains the basics of knitting cables without a cable needle. Here you go:
Techniques in Depth: Cabling without a Cable Needle.
Some cables are too wide for this technique, she explains. But for a project like my Escalator Scarf, it makes life so easy.
For everyone who’s thinking cables are tricky and require a special little needle, this one’s for you!
And if you are really brand new to cables, have a look at Kate Atherley’s superb introduction to cables with a cable needle, right here.
Please get well, Kermit, you beautiful kitty!
Big hugs to you and Kermit.
Hope Kermit feels better soon.
Hope Kermit gets better soon. Totally with you on losing a cable needle, ( and why circulars are my best friends after losing so many DPNS) and was so happy to discover Grumperina’s post on it way back.
Oh, Kermit! Sending strong thoughts of feline healing from me and my three furry ones. ❤️
Recently had to learn to give my kitty insulin shots. When the all day kibble buffet is closed only to become a two meal a day place, this Food Lady has an unhappy customer!!
Recently had to learn to give my kitty insulin shots. When the all day kibble buffet is closed only to become a two meal a day place, this Food Lady has an unhappy customer!! Feel better, Kermit!
Sending love to you and Kermit
Best wishes to Kermit. Great to have modern diagnoses for our pets. Kate Atherley provides wonderful demos. Thank you!
Poor Kermit!!! Get well quickly
All my best to Kermit, and to Food Lady, who I’m sure is worried about him.
I just learned cabling with out a needle this winter. I forced myself to only use it on a sweater project with 4CB and 4CF. It had so many that by the time is was done my muscles remembered. I encourage everyone to try it at least once. Hope Kermit feels better soon.
Best wishes to you and Kermit
Hope Kermit is better very soon!
Great article.
Please keep us all updated on Kermit. Hope he makes a full recovery. Also hoping no vet visit is needed.
Oh Kermit, get better very soon. A lot of hearts depend on you.
Olive, did you send flowers or a toy to your buddy? It might help.
“Under the weather…” That time when you instantly ceased being exasperated by your Fur Person’s high jinx with yarn baskets…and hope and long for mischief again! Heal well, Kermit!
More love for Kermit! Thanks for the no-needle cable reminder too, always a fun trick.
Ann, I am very sorry to hear that Kermit is feeling under the weather. I hope he will soon feel better, and know he’s feeling comfort from your love and TLC.
I’m so sorry to hear that Kermit isn’t feeling well and please tell him that a lot of people are hoping he’ll recover very soon.
I hope Kermit feels better soon (and that Foodlady makes a full recovery from any injuries sustained while giving Kermit a pill). Cabling without a cable needle is handy, especially when it seems your sofa never has the right size needle for your project!
Kermit! Feel better soon. You are much loved. Perhaps it was someone you ate?
Thinking about Kermit. I hope he is better soon. My cat and I are big fans of the microinfluencer.
Lots of healing wishes coming at Kermit the Kutest… I feel for you.
Beaming strong healing energy at Kermit the Magnificent, and also sending hopeful and positive thoughts to Ann. Take good care you guys!
We can always talk about cabling without a cable needle, Much more important for Kermit to feel better!
Sending you and Kermit some good vibes today. Hope you are both feeling better soon.
I’m so sorry your Kermit is under the weather. Thank you for sharing this technique
Kermit, sending hugs (if you allow them) and good thoughts! And yes, Atlas and this pattern are great for a first experience cabling without a needle, I can say from experience – I tried once before with a yarn with much more escapability which wasn’t successful, but Atlas is much more yummy and cooperative and I’m a new pro!
Oh No – I hope Kermit feels much better soon! ❤️
Hoping Kermit feels better soon. Big hugs you both.
I’ve done cables with and without a needle, and I prefer with. Faster for me. I’ll check Kate’s article again. Loads of hugs and love to you and Kermit Kitty. Be well soon Kermit!
Dear Anne, my husband and I and the 5 kitties all wish Kermit a speedy recovery. We know how stressful it is to have a sick animal. (We have had dogs, too.)
I love this scarf!!! I know how to do cables without a cable needle but still generally use one of the wooden ones with grooves. Just feels more comfortable to me.
Get well ❤️ soon! Thanks for the tip, too.
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts Kermit’s way
So sorry to hear that Kermit is not feeling up to snuff. All the best!
Oh, I too know well that anxiety when a beloved pet isn’t doing well (our aged rabbit took a turn for the worse this week). Gentle pats and warmth to Kermit and may there be much yarn & pleasure in his future and yours! Thanks for the cable updates!