Gentle Knitters, Start Your Engines

Dear everybody,
Maybe my childhood reading included too many books about feisty heroines, but I really do not like to be told I can’t do something. Some of the happiest things in my life can be traced to someone—usually a teacher or other authority figure, but never my family, who knew me and my reading list—casting doubt on my ability to do those things.
Which brings me to my temperature blanket. Back in January, when Cara Davis got me fired up and ready to go on making a temperature blanket, there was a knitting meme going around saying: get a grip, you’re never going to finish that temperature blanket. It made me furious. You don’t know me, meme-maker!
Be It Resolved
Hear me now, and hear me good: I am going to finish my 2022 temperature blanket. And if you started a 2022 temperature blanket, so are you.
This is how we are going to do it: together. (Also: on time, and under budget. Take that, naysayers!)
By the powers sweater-vested in me, I hereby declare the official opening of the MDK Temperature Blanket Challenge!
It’s a knitalong. It’s also a friendly competition and a game of chance, and most of all, it’s a party.
The Details

What we are doing
We are finishing our 2022 temperature projects, be they knitted or be they crocheted. The only requirement is that this project is currently, on November 3, 2022, in an unfinished state. (Yes, you can start it now! Double-dog dare ya! We’ve even got Temperature Blanket Starter Packs, to make it real easy for you. And you can see what #mdktemperatureblanket knitters have been up to here.)
Requirements for prize eligibility
- Post a picture of your unfinished temperature project—a blanket, shawl, sweater, or scarf—in the MDK Lounge or on Instagram using the hashtag: #MDKtemperaturechallenge2022. Deadline for posting: December 16, 2022. Please make sure that the photo shows the unfinished state of the project. I find the easiest way to portray unfinished-ness is to show needles in live stitches. The photo above is what we’re looking for: a frank and demonstrable state of Not Anywhere Near Finished.
- Post a picture of your finished temperature project by Friday, January 6, 2023. Please make sure that the photo shows the finished state of the project. An easy way to do this would be to hold it up by the corners and take a shot showing the full project and your own face, smiling ear to ear, like someone who has just smitten their doubters into smithereens.
- We’ll do a drawing from among the qualifying photo-posters, and on January 9, 2023, we’ll announce three prize winners in a post on MDK.
Because I Know People Will Ask

You are not required to weave in all ends to qualify your temperature project as finished. End-weaving is encouraged but not required.
For the first time ever, our prizes will be MDK Gift Cards. Winners can browse all the goodies in the MDK Shop and choose their own reward, yay!
Two lucky winners will each receive a $25 MDK Gift Card, and one grand prize winner will receive a $50 MDK Gift Card.
But you know what? The real winners will be all the partial temperature blankets that won’t be sitting in plastic bags in the back of a closet until kingdom come.
Clear Eyes, Full Needles, Can’t Lose
We are going to stick together. We are going to knit like the wind. And we are going to have finished temperature blankets to wave around in every corner of the internet.
I’m happy to report I’m only 3 weeks behind on my Temp blanket – although I’m starting to have to substitute colors, so by December it may be kind of monochrome – blue? Green? We shall see. Thanks for this inspiration Kay! Over to the Lounge to see if I can figure out how to post a picture – Lounge Use is not my best subject!
I want to start a TB for 2023. Those who have made one, do you stick with the high temp of the day? Or, the low temp? Or, something else?
Oh, yes, I’m substituting colors, too. Also trading with friends—I have no idea how I ended up with Plink Bliss in my Felted Tweed stash but was able to trade it to a friend for the Sulfur I’d run out of. Whew!
MY TEMPERATURE BLANKET IS UP. TO. DATE! NEVER, EVER, EVER did I think I could say that this many months since January (start) and this close to the end. And if you asked anyone who knows me, they would be surprised too. LOL. When the sun comes up, I’m taking a picture.
Mine started out as a temperature blanket that ended up as a wedding present for my youngest grandson. When I figure out how to send a picture I will do it.
Ine began in the first day of my presidency of an organization so will not finish until May 6. And yes, I am behind by 2 months if you think this is November. (Owing, I hope, to COVID seclusion I am never sure what month it is and I think it is maybe August…so also maybe this is 2 weeks behind.) Nevertheless I will cheer you all on, and like all those childhood heroines…Caddy Woodlawn my favorite…I will persevere! Thank you for the pep talk!
Love this challenge!!! I’m about two months behind on mine and losing steam – just what I needed to keep going!!!! Let’s go friends, we can do it!
I love this challenge! I’m only 10 days behind, with at least 4 of those 4 “Lime” days in a row! No problem. Thank you ever so much, Kay, for this challenge—-I will be snuggling in my Temperature Blanket come January 1, 2023 ( admittedly I’ve already been snuggling in it on recent cool days, but with needles protruding).
I can’t enter, unless I start today (not), but good luck to all !
I didn’t start one because in FL, my blanket would be all yellow and orange! But is there a color for rain? 😉
How cool would that be to add precipitation rows?! Adding this to my concept for my retirement knitting temperature blanket (see above)! Either that or you grade the colors over much smaller temperature ranges and what FL people “think” (said the Minnesotan) is cold – knowing my late mother-in-law pulled out the turtlenecks when it was in the 60s. 🙂
And like you – I haven’t done one yet, and will not be starting now.
I have seen some Temp Blankets that add a clear bead or two into the row to indicate precip of some sort.
Go Kay, go!
Lol! You got this!!!
I am so inspired to start on next year – good luck to all the participants for 2022!
My temperature blanket became a quilt which I am up to date on because I couldn’t see myself knitting a garter stitch blanket slowly nor pick out the correct amount of yarn or colors. Maybe next year I will design one using tiny squares or a huge log cabin effect.
My project is not a temperature blanket but the Garter Stripe Shawl from Field Guide 13, on which I am woefully behind. Does this count??
And this made me remember I finished knitting the Color Explosion, used Ann’s bind off hint– or was it Kay’s? – to join the first two strips. Then it was April and the project went into the cedar chest and it’s been scarves and small things all summer. You’ve inspired me to get out that beauty. Must be cold enough since I hear a smoke alarm battery chirping in the other room while I snuggle in bed this first morning where snow is on the ground in Utah.
I was staying up-to-date until mid-July, when we sold our home and had to pack up and move 300 miles away to a new home. Needless to say, all of my time went into the move and settling into the new place. I’m knitting again now but eight weeks behind. Mine is a huge blanket, so I don’t see how I am going to finish by the end of the year–but I absolutely will finish it.
Love seeing what everyone is doing with their temperature blankets. I might be able to participate if I made one for a doll. It is on my list of future projects. Good luck to all of you!
quietly whispers …. Ummm Kay, didn’t you start 2 blankets?
Ix-nay on the econd-say anket-blay, Lucy!
Oh no! I was really hoping to see how the other blanket turned out. Maybe next year?
I believe she did!
Kay, you’re an inspiration! Mine has been languishing with only the end of February complete. Lately, I find myself daydreaming about it (while knitting other stuff), calculating days to finish if I would only knit xx days/rows per night. Challenge accepted – see ya in The Lounge!
Yay! I’m in! I was just thinking last night about how I wish I could see everyone’s progress on their Temperature Blankets. 🙂
I’m still chugging along with my steeked hot and cold “coins” blanket. I assume that borders aren’t required by January 6, or it will be one heck of a new year!
Game on!!!
My gift blanket for my daughter’s birthday just became my temperature blanket, go me!
I didn’t start one, and I won’t start one now, because I’ve committed to knit 15 hats for our church Christmas tree……but gosh these sure do look like fun……’s on my list of retirement knitting – LOL. Some people have a stash, I have a “retirement knitting” project list.
‘By the powers sweater-vested in me’ -I’m stealing that one!
I am planning one for 2023. It is my 80th birthday and 60th wedding anniversary year.I am going to put a small border on mine. I have the yarn and hope to get the 1″ border started on Jan 1. I am wonder if I should put a one row border between each month. I am going to put a side border on each side when done to help with the ends. How about working in the tail on the first few stitches? I think I will try. Thank You Kay. I hope someone will be doing the project next year at MDK.
I’m definitely doing another one in 2023, as my 2022 blanket is pledged to an auction.
This inspires me to start planning for another year…
Thats my favorite use of a sweater vest ever.
Go temperature knitters! I made a scarf/long cowl in 2016. It’s a beautiful way to connect with your own climate. You can adjust your range to your own area. May the Force be with you.
Kay, I am curious if you stayed with the pattern as far as # of stitches cast on. I made plans early in 2022 to follow your color palette when I start a temperature blanket for 2023. It’s been on my radar to make sure I have yarn & choose a pattern so I will be ready to start in January. I am waffling between knitting or crocheting and wondering how you are keeping track of the daily temps and other details of what your process has been.
I’m using the Garter Stripe Shawl pattern as written, for the cast-on number and general directions.
My process for keeping track of the temperatures is down & dirty: I have a page in my bullet journal for each month, and I use’s historical weather information as the source of the high and low temperatures to record for each day. I then work my way through the days of each month, knitting the color that’s on my shade card for each day, and check it off in my journal.
I’m using an Excel spreadsheet, on my iPad, so always available when I’m traveling. I was shocked that most weather apps are all about the future, with no info on the past, even if it is only yesterday! I’ve been using the website for temperature info wherever I am.
Rumor has it that Kay’s been told she CANNOT take Olive’s chew toy. Odds are in favor of the terrier.
I am in! I just finished a Musselburgh beanie last night and had every intention of getting back to Mom’s temperature blanket today. I am in the July 20s — so this is totally doable. Go team!
Hm. What about my very abandoned cross-stitch temperature project? Does that count?
That counts!
I bought yarn for it in January…does that count? (haha)
I’ve knitted 3 temperature blankets for my 3 grandchildren for the approximately 9 months they were in the womb. Moms loved them and one granddaughter has carried hers around for 3 years (it’s pretty ratty but well-loved ❤️)
This could be so fun to help me get my 2017 TB done!!! I may not have a 2022 blanket to finish, but I feel motivated now to finish the one I have started!! Great idea!
Darn, I’m working on a hexipuff temperature blanket but its for October8th 2022 – October 8th 2023 so won’t be able to have it finished by the deadline. I will use this as motivation to stay caught up!!!
As tempted as I am by the dare to start one now, I think I’ll wait for next year. This has been a year of hell for me, and I don’t want any reminders of it — even knitted ones. But I do love how yours is turning out!
Me and my tempbroidery are in- for the finishing, for the sport, for the challenge of it all!
Oh this sounds fun. But I have no time to start one now. Come January 1st I’ll be ready.
I am in the midst of my third temperature blanket – 2020, 2021, and now 2022. I have worked all three entirely in linen stitch. Living in Florida, I get a little weary of all the hot summer colors and find it delightful when I can finally pick up green and blue shades again!
Go, Kay, Go!! I am casting on for KNIT THE SKY, the sky colors for 365 days. I have a temperature blanket ready to go in my queue…think I’ll do 1 at a time…what do you think?
I made a temperature blanket for my granddaughter’s first year of life per the request of my son. I actually started late however was able to finish on her birthday. I created a spreadsheet to keep me on track. I am going to do another one once my second granddaughter is born later this month so it will not be completed for this effort. I encourage all of you to do it! My granddaughter will not go to sleep without her blanket, so precious!
Is my unfinished 2021 temperature blanket eligible? I think I am somewhere in August. Crochet takes a lot longer — and a lot more yarn!
Love this challenge. I just posted to the Lounge of progress to date. Only a week behind. I will finish this!
Here is my final Temperature Scarf. It used 441 yards of 11 colors of Knit Picks Palette (I’d planned on and bought 12, but we never had a high as low as 55 degrees….). For more info (temperature ranges etc.) you can check out my Panfila’s temperature scarf project on Ravelry (and if you are not on Ravelry, just ask and I’ll give you the details). Here is a picture that shows both ends (bobbles at the beginning of the scarf (top of the picture) and end of every month!).