First Person
Getting Together

Dear Kay,
Civilians, aka people in Nashville who don’t knit, keep asking me how our recent events went. For months, they listened to me talk about the plans for the Shakerag Knitting Getaway and our workshop with Olga Buraya-Kefelian. I’ve been so Wound Up, so excited.
But now, when they ask me how it went, all I can muster is a “Great. It was all really great.”
There’s no way to explain it all to people who don’t get what we knitters are up to. At first I start to say something like, “You know, it’s not really about the knitting. It’s about being in good company.” But I think almost simultaneously, it actually is about the knitting. It’s both. It’s not one thing, yet it’s everything. It’s a joy to think back on the conversations that floated around these gatherings, and it’s all so beautiful.
I don’t particularly think knitting is unique in this way—if you get a bunch of Nissan Figaro owners together, or the daylily people, or roller derby folks, they’re gonna figure out a way to hang out together. Potluck is going to happen. The world’s problems are going to be dissected. And when knitting is the thing that brings us together, there will be knitting. With snacks.

As you may recall, we’re coming up on the twentieth anniversary of our first blog entry. Aw! I think this whole thing—all the stuff we’ve done since 2003—is an excellent example of One Thing Leads To Another. Through it all, the thing I have treasured the most is the time when we’re with other knitters. Either online or in person, it’s the best thing ever. I’m as sentimental as a Valentine right now!
What a beautiful venue. All that light and space and general brightness. So everyone can see even their black yarn stitches pop. I wonder – for extra revenue – do you guys ever rent out that space on occasion? Or is that more trouble than it’s worth? Liability insurance, scheduling, etc. Just a thought. Never mind! Happy future 20th anniversary, Ann and Kay!
Yes! Celebrate 20 years!
Well done!
A wonderful celebration! Congratulations ❤️
20 years? Oh my! This calls for…another knitting party!
Lovely post! And the hyperlinks are amazing.
Oh my, just looked up a Nissan Figaro . Now I want one but I think such a purchase would cut into my funds for yarn purchases. For now, I’ll stick with yarn.
It’s on my wish list! 20 years a wonderful milestone!
Well said. The time together with friends who have common interests is just so precious and easy! Explaining it feels impossible! Thanks for all the work over the last 20 years to form this community. It’s an accomplishment and there is so much more ahead.
Ann Shayne how has it been 20! Years!
20 years! Isn’t that something! So happy that I could follow you on this amazing journey!
I’ve got it goin’ on – knitting and daylilies! And the Figaro is cute – but the word makes me think of Bugs Bunny.
Happy 20 year anniversary Anne and Kay! And happy for us! Thanks for building such a wonderful website and community.
Years ago a wise person told me that activity begets activity. There is magic in doing one thing. BECAUSE one thing leads to another. It is magic. Congrats to you and your team. The magic is in such good hands.
I recently moved across country and spent little time worrying about making new friends and finding activities that interested me….. simply because I knit. And MDK has been a constant friend for 20 years. Thank you!
This is beautiful! On a different note, I finally watched Air (movie) and thought of your son. Cool stuff.
I went to my first retreat(Knitter’s Review)reluctantly, because a good friend asked me. Still sentimental years and years later
Knitting, yarn, talking about knitting, new yarn and, of course, knitters make me smile. I’ve never met a knitter I didn’t like! Agreed?
Well, there was one knitter, years ago, who watched me knitting in a doctor’s waiting room, using my version of continental, and burst out with “You’re doing that all wrong! Your index finger shouldn’t be so close to the needle!” I just rolled my eyes and didn’t bother with a reply.
Congratulations on your upcoming 20 year anniversary! And thank you for all your wonderful content and the personal touches you bring to MDK.
I love my knitting friends – they understand why I spend hours making a knitted object rather than buying it at Target. They understand why I have so much yarn in my stash. They understand why I need 6 sets of needles. My daughter used to live within walking distance of The Yarnery in St Paul, and then she moved. My knitting friends understood my disappointment: “The nerve!”
As a good supportive spouse, I used to attend actuarial conventions….and yes, I see the parallel to knitting groups! Being with other people who are excited and interested in the same things you are is an amazing and joyful experience. This weekend my daughter and I are going to a fiber arts gathering together, and I can’t wait.
Sometimes I wonder just what my life/interests would be like without knitting+blogging and all the amazing friends & inspiring people I’ve met because of it… “One Thing Leads To Another,” indeed.
Congratulations on almost 20 years! How will you celebrate?
Wow 20 years
I agree! It’s amazing to show up on your own not knowing a soul, and leave with so many wonderful connections with people. You’ve created something very special. MDK4eva!
Someday I would love to be able to attend – but I so appreciate you all from afar. 20 year blogaversary? I have been with you and Kay for 20 years?! Wow. So much life and knitting has transpired in these years. Thank you! I am grateful for it all.
I love it when people are passionate about whatever weird thing they do. My husband restores and runs old steam locomotives, he and his buddies can talk for hours. My brother in law plays bagpipes, he has a great time at weekend events. I just started playing pickle ball, It’s a whole world.
I’m a knitter and a Figaro owner-my two favorite things! By the way, I have a period correct Noro crochet afghan in the back .
Happy anniversary!!!!!!
Thank you for all the delicious content over all these years! You two are my favorite-people-I’ve-never-met, for sure.
I can’t believe it’s been 20 years since I found your blog as a new knitter. Even before I met you I found a sense of community there. Thank you both for continuing to find new ways to connect us as knitters!
Ditto to all the other comments. I haven’t been knitting for 20 years but I did find y’all soon after I started and WOW. Thanks for the designers and teachers you’ve introduced me to. And the events and all the other kind and knowledgeable knitters. Fabulous work, ladies. Absolutely fabulous work!
My goodness, I think I’ve been following you both since you started your blog back then! The humor hasn’t ended. So happy for you. Wishing you both and your loved ones all the best life has to offer!:)XXOO
Hearts & flowers right back atcha Ann Shayne! I’ve been reading your blog with Kay for years, Way Before the current incarnation. And may I say you gals still cook up a mean tasty blog! All the goodies such as Field Guides & classes & Atlas are cherries on top. Where would I be without you showing me Jessie Ware, Natalie Chanin, Franklin Habit, & Sonja Phillips? Bored & out of the loop, that’s where. LOVE Y’ALL
Twenty years. And my life has been a damned sight better with you two…and all you have brought along with you…in it. I am very very grateful
I live in the very wonderful Northwest, in Vancouver, WA, but EVERY time i see a picture of your shop with those fabulous big glass garage doors, I want to live in your town so I could come and take classes and sit in that absolutely marvelous space!!!
Yes! My first Knitter’s Getaway was a dream. So many interesting knitters in a verdant idyllic setting. You and Kay set the stage for wonderful things to happen. Thank you!
Happy anniversary! You have such a wonderful space there and an amazing staff—so helpful and knowledgeable! I planned to order one book and yarn for one project. Meanwhile, $300+ later….Or was it $400+??
What a gift we all received from your saying “yes’ to the promptings of ? Through these years!!!
You are our rock stars!!!
What would the knitting world be without MDK and You and Ann? Empty.