Genius Tips
Me Made May: Me Finished My Pullover

Dear Kay,
I don’t seem to be able to get up the steam to go stand in the back yard and make Hubbo take a picture of me wearing my newly finished Carpino sweater (aka The Giant Fingerless Mitt because it uses our Squad Mitts yarns). The lack of steam has nothing to do with my fondness for this sweater, which is considerable. I am wearing this thing like Linus with his blanket.
In the interest of proving that I did finish it, here’s a snapshot from the other night, when there was an unprecedented Reunion Of Former BookPage Staffers. Hilarity! Molecular examination of large topics. A story about a dog, his butt, the need for regular applications of powder to this butt, all while nursing a newborn baby.

It was one of those all-night, great conversations.
Tidbits about This Project
The Mighty Transformative Power of Blocking was at work, for sure. This Hazel Knits yarn knitted up tidily enough, but it was great to see it smooth out so well after its bath and chiropractic treatment.

Once again, blocking reveals all. You can’t fool Mother Knitting—check out this error in my knitting. Toward the bottom, every time I came around, there was one stitch out of whack. I blithely knit on through all crises, knowing it was a crisis of some kind but good grief do I have to try to solve every problem in the damn world?
The answer is pretty much no.
See the diagonal line of imperfect, slightly smaller holes, starting at about 10 o’clock and going southeast to about 6 o’clock? Yeah, I didn’t see that until I pinned this down.

Where was Quality Control on this thing? Who are these people?
In cheerfuller news, I really, really like the airy front part. It makes for a sweater that isn’t so, you know, sweatery. An excellent garment for spring weather.

The applied i-cord edge at the collar is so satisfying that I want to add one to everything. It’s such a clever bit of engineering. It works. So cool.

Thank you, Carol Feller, for this sweater I’m going to make for a third time, I just know it.
I know you said there’s a mistake, but honestly I can’t see it, even when I go looking for it!
Same here. The invisible error!
Agree! I keep looking and looking and finding nothing. I’m giving up on finding it, but I do want to knit a carpino, though! 🙂
The sweater is fab Ann & looks great on you. Cheers!
I can’t see what you are talking about. The finished product looks great-wear it with pride!!!!!
This sweater is Your Sweater. Some knitters go their whole lives without finding their personal sweater. Make many more Carpini, and please come up with a mistake we can see!
For heavens sake Ann I can’t see any imperfections in your lovely sweater!!!!
Can’t find any mistake. And I searched! Beautiful sweater, Ann.
Ann, I love it! Only slightly surprised it took you so long to realize the value of the i-cord edge, given what a cheerleader Kay is for it. XXO
Lovely sweater! You wear it well, Ann. It looks great on you. I also love the fact that you used the yarn you had leftover from making the Squad Mitts–wonderful!
I am also wondering how you will store your sweater to keep away the moths. I have been giving away my knits, but would like to start making more for me. Also, moth balls smell so strong, what else can be used?
Irish Spring soap! My sweaters smell cleaner than I ever do.
Store clothes in plastic tubs with tight lids. Cloves, thyme, rosemary, mint and lavender are all moth repellants. Sachets of these dried herbs are simple to make. I hope these ideas help. 🙂
I’m with everyone else…what mistake? It is a beautiful jumper.
Errors? Nope. I see a charming and funny woman with a beautiful smile and a fabulous sweater…
I really love this, and your color choice.
Fantastic! I am SOLD on Carpino and especially Carpino with leftovers. Thanks for showing it off and especially for the assurance that we don’t hafta fix every dang thing.
Don’t / can’t see mistake either.
Sweater looks terrific on you. Enjoy it.
Flaws (?) and all.
I’m pretty sure I said this already somewhere along this project’s journey, but seeing it blocked confirms that I want to make one!
It’s absolutely fabulous! And I too see NO errors at all…stop being so hard on yourself!!! It’s so beautiful…I need to make one too!
Can’t find the mistake. Looks perfect. And gorgeous on you! I hope you’ll do a proper modeling shot sometime! (Or, at least, of the next one.)
What gorgeous sweater! I don’t see any mistakes. . .
Gonna be a lot of Carpino patterns sold, I can tell you. I love your colors; in fact I totally love your idea of color-blocking this design. I overlooked the original solid-color version as seen in Brooklyn Tweed, but yours is fantastic.
I agree that this is a great sweater, and it looks great on you! I think I see the diagonal line that you’re talking about, but only in that photo. And, I do wonder: did the dog recover? Did the baby grow up un-traumatized?
I’m also voting for the invisible error. And you know the saying, if a blind man on a galloping horse can’t see it then you don’t need to worry about it. (Unless, of course, it might cause the whole garment to unravel but that doesn’t seem to be the case.) You’ve inspired me to knit an unsweatery sweater.
I love the way language changes and flows 🙂 The first time I heard that expression, it was something like, “can it be seen from a trotting horse?” Now the horse is galloping and the rider is BLIND?!
Anyway, I look forward to seeing your unsweatery sweater 🙂
It took me a while to figure out what you meant because I love the diagonal! Supposedly such diagonals are more flattering, but unlike me, you don’t need to worry about “slimming” tricks. Faboukous sweater!
Ow, my eyes! I tried really hard to see this flaw and all that happened is I got that chainlink-fence hallucination thing happening and now I am a little dizzy and am typing to settle my nerves.
Great sweater, and is that Bajo Sexto?!
Good eye!!!!!!!
The sweater is beautiful! And as for that so called mistake, in my knitting group, we call something like that a design element. No one but you will think it’s a mistake! Cheers.
I am an actual, though currently unemployed, knitting instructor, accustomed to finding mistakes. I came to this page from your weekly newsletter, and searched the picture of you four lovely girls to take on the challenge of finding your mistake. I enlarged the picture on my screen. Sorry, couldn’t find it. However, I confess that after reading your clear instructions on locating a line of smaller holes, with precise detail as to what to look for, I did, indeed find your mistake. Now having done so, I say I understand why you said, “colossal” in describing the mistake, because you know you made said mistake. Since you’re wearing it like Linus, I’m assuming you came to the same conclusion I did: “Colossal” is only in your head. The sweater looks great!! So, be sure not to tell anyone about it, and no one will notice! (I’m off to look up that pattern)