Dear Ann,
On Sunday night I was occupied with celebrating a wedding in New Orleans, and missed the live telecast of the Tony Awards. So it was only last night that I watched some of the best bits on YouTube. I think we all need some uplift, so here goes, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s acceptance-speech sonnet:
Also, Ann, I want you to know that I have a new hobby: looking at pictures of Daveed Diggs’ jackets. Like this one, and this one, and this one.

I’m not embarrassed; I’ve long known that it’s a blessing to be easily entertained. I like seeing a young man rock floral sleeves, or a patchwork suit jacket, as if it’s nothing at all. These are the things that can make me smile despite everything bad in the world.

You’ll also be happy to know that my Fort Tryon Wrap is back in third-color territory. Thank you, dear knitters in the comments, for validating my compulsiveness. I thought I was alone in this, but assuredly I am not. Onward! May we fix our mistakes, every last one, knitting-related or otherwise.
I like look at Daveed, er, his jackets, too.
um, yeah … it’s the jackets. Totally the jackets. #DaveedDiggsCrush
Love your colors of your wrap so far. Excited to see the others you’ve chosen. xo Tammy
I understand your compulsion to rip out. This week I was 4 inches and third pattern change into a baby blanket for my pregnant niece when I ripped back to the border. When I restarted the first pattern, it still didn’t look right. But, rather than correct again I just pulled the needles out and started over. The whole piece actually looks better when I’m starting the 435th pattern and color change
4th not 435th
I’m commenting to put off correcting a row of mesh. The tired mind makes decisions like “oh, I probably really do have 90 stitches” and knits anyway. I’m paying for that this morning.
Ah, sleep knitting. Been there, done that. I tend to insert random purls when I’m tired for some reason.
I hadn’t heard that sonnet – so wonderful. I am binding off Fort Tryon. It feels as though it will take longer than walking to the Cloisters from Minnesota.
I had not seen the Tonys, either. That speech, ohhhh, that speech…makes my heart go pitter patter. Says all that needs to be said. What a salve…thank you, Kay.
And Digg-ing the jackets big time! Talent, love, grace, creativity, joie de vivre … the way through and up! Hugs to you and Ann and the lovely community you attract. XOX
Night before last, I ripped out most of an almost-completed dishcloth, just because there were a few stitches that looked wonky. It wasn’t a lot of knitting, but then again – it was a dishcloth! The compulsion runs deep…..
His speech was amazing. May we all live in a world where love rules.
I was hooked on Mr. Diggs’ & his fashion sense when I saw him in that ombre suit on Fallon. Maybe because it reminded me of my Aranami Shawl? Either way, he’s dreamy.
Yes, uplifted to tears by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Thank you!
That sonnet brought me to tears and made me proud to be a poet. And also sad because I will never be that good.
No television, but I was watching all the onstage bits that were online during the Tony awards, and then was up til 3AM watching the Hamilton performances (and acceptance speeches, etc.) on YT…it seemed like the best use of my mind that night. Having something simple on the needles could have been a good enhancement, but required advance planning.
Did you see the picture Javi Munoz posted on twitter today, of the dressing room he shares with your man Diggs? Definitely good for a laugh 🙂
Ah, if only we could fix all our mistakes as easily as we can fix our knitting!