Giftalong (And Gilmores)

Dear Ann,
Just checking in on how your Giftalong presents pile is shaping up. Actually (you probably know this), this is a thinly disguised pretext to show off my own bodacious pile of handknit goodness. Wa-la:

Note: this is after my mom liberated a whole Breton Cowl, and it’s still a pretty good buffet of assorted warmers and coverings.
From top to bottom, on the left:
Regular Guy Beanie
Hei (cowl)
Metronome (shawl/scarf/wrap)
Hap Cowl
Dangling Conversation (shawl/wrap)
From top to bottom, on the right:
Titania (COWL)
Chevron Stripe Hand Towel
I have three more presents on the needles: another Breton Cowl, a Honey Cowl (recipient: me, unless my mom gets into the presents closet again), and a Sequences Shawl. I’d also like to whip up a few Squad Mitts.
I *think* I’m going to get all these items done by December 24 (Christmas Eve AND first night of Hanukkah). I certainly do not want to hear any talk to the contrary. I think I can, I think I can!
I just started a new topic over in The Lounge in the hope that people will share photos of their Piles of Presents there, for the inspiration of all. I’m also thinking maybe we should have a Wrap Party where we all festoon our knits with tags and tissue paper and feel extra-good about ourselves. Let’s figure out how to make that happen.
Breaking News of A Gilmore Nature
Confession: I have not watched a single episode of Gilmore Girls. Ever. I do not have anything to say for myself. What am I doing with my life? But I am not living under a rock. Gosh! I know there is a new series of Gilmore Girls, and that people on the Twitter are very excited about it.
Apparently, there is some very nice knitwear in the show, that is very obviously handknitted.

Reader Nina of NYC wrote in on our Contact Us page to see if we could get her an answer: WHAT ARE THE PATTERNS? We batted the question over to Nell, who had the correct answer in a hot minute, complete with Ravelry links. Here you go:
The scarf on the left (worn by Paris Geller) is Eponymuff, by Lisa Whiting and Lucia Blanchet.
The scarf on the right (worn by Rory Gilmore) is Dots n Dashes, also by Lisa Whiting and Lucia Blanchet.
Either of these lovely accessories could easily be added to one’s Giftalong pile, just saying.
What Would the Gilmore Girls Knit?
I was wondering when I was going to have time to find out what patterns these were! I noticed them right away, as well as at least one more in the first episode. Thank you!
That Nell is a genius. What fun patterns and seeing handmade knitwear in one of my fav shows ever was splendid of course. Fiber looks yummy as well. Thanks Team MDK.
I never saw GG either. I read there was an update so I tuned into the old on Netflix. Plenty of knitting time-6 seasons and 22 episodes each. It is actually very current, witty dialog for 10 years ago and I have already noticed all the knit hats they wear. It will definitley carry me through for at least Dec.
7 seasons–you’ll be disappointed if you stop at 6
Great pile of finished gifts! Sure puts my 1/3 of the way finished honey cowl (short version) and 1/20 of the way finished capelet ( size 15 needles) to shame! Kay, I especially like the Metronome–great colors! You’re my Secret Santa, right? (repeating that question might make it so…) 😉
You need to watch Gilmore Girls. Start at the beginning. It’s great eat for binge knitting.
Delete ‘eat’ in the previous comment.
I noticed those scarves right away. I like the one on the left, in particular. Your gift pile is very impressive.
Super excited that you love our work! We would love to chat sometime about our experience back stage and knitting on set with the cast of Gilmore GIrls. We have lots of other new patterns coming out very soon. Keep your eyes peeled on our site http://www.lisaluciaknits.com 😀
Love the Eponymuff especially, and so very glad to know I’m in good company with Kay, as I too have neglected to hail a ride on the Gilmour Girls bandwagon 😉
You see?! I can’t even spell “Gilmore” right…
Kay, I suspect the real reason for global warming is the speed with which you knit!
Based on what I know of your tastes – I think you’d love Gilmore Girls. I didn’t find it until after the show was off the air – but it’s fantastic. Given current times (and since I have now stopped watching all news so have lots of free time for other viewing!) it’s also a nice distraction – light, funny and delightful all the way around. You’ll be hooked.
Oh yeah – also – love the knitting. Your bundt cake cowl is fantastic. It looks like something I’d like to make 10 of for next Christmas! I just made Vancouver Mitts in that same Madelinetosh colorway – Pecan Glaze.
So nice to hear of others who didn’t watch The Gilmore Girls the first time around! I’m thinking there might be binge-watching/knitting going on to it soon. Also – I’m very impressed with that pile of gifts!
I’ve never watched GG either! I may be seeing a little binge watching and knitting in my future.
I hate to be a grammar Nazi, especially when I love the blog and your patterns, but you do know it is “voila” not “wa-la”, don’t you?
I’d love to add a photo to the “pile of presents” but it would be a picture of a pile of yarn and one mitten. I’d better get cracking!
You are far more generous with your knitting than I am. This year mitts will abound, then some sort of baby thing, then more for me.
I haven’t seen Gilmore girls either, and still do my have Netflix, but I love the scarves!
I know I was not the only knitter sketching out Paris’s scarf while watching and trying to figure out how to recreate it! Fortunately the work has already been done.
Yay!! For Lisa and Lucia. I know them from their former Sifu shop in Chicago and am so happy to see them moving on in the design world!!
Well done finding the pattern for Paris’ scarf!!!!
Beautiful gifts! WOW love the patterns!
Yay! Someone else who has never seen The Gilmore GIrls although is also aware of both incarnations. BUT… I knew the answer to the pattern questions!
There’s a new show called Good Behavior on TNT that I like. It stars Lady Mary from Downon, which means Kay can count it as a British show. Or not.
“The Gilmore Girls” would be much better if someone would muzzle Lauren Graham’s character. I tried to watch a few episodes, but her character’s constant sarcasm and immaturity quickly wears thin.
I need your advice. I have been searching for a simple wedding shawl for my friends daughter. All too complex and time consuming in needle size 2. I only have a month to complete it. Help! Any suggestions you both may have?