Great News About a Great Book

Dear everybody,
Just a quick note as Ann and I settle into our humble dorm digs in Sewanee, Tennessee, for the second annual Knitting Getaway at Shakerag Workshops. I’m so excited to lay eyes on Shakerag’s fearless leader, Claire Reishman, again, hang out with 100+ knitters, teachers, and kindly staff, and just KNIT. I need this, dang it! (Fear not: later this summer we will announce signups for 2020’s Knitting Getaway; if you’re signed up for Snippets, you’ll hear about it.)
There is a wonderful bit of news I’d like to share with lovers of Shetland, and of the Vintage Shetland Project in particular.
Susan Crawford has just announced that her incredible book, The Vintage Shetland Project, is now available as an e-book.
All the details, and a special discounted price that applies until June 15, are here.

This is important news, for one thing because the physical book is so monumental in size and weight, as well as achievement, that it has been hard to come by on our side of the Atlantic, where Susan has so many fans.

We’ve raved about this book. Franklin Habit has raved about it. It is what my grandma Mabel would call Really Something. (You had to work to get a Really Something out of Grandma. Susan Crawford would totally get one.)

So, if you’ve been disappointed thus far in getting your hands on a copy, now’s your chance to dive into The Vintage Shetland Project. You are in for an experience of knitting, and humanity, beyond compare.
Edited to add: Please note that, as pointed out in the comments, the e-book contains patterns and images only. It does not include the marvelous essays that are in the physical book. While we understand that this was done to keep the size of the e-book file down, we’re sad about this as we wish everyone could have easier access to these fascinating pieces about Shetland and knitting history.
This is just for the patterns – you do not get the real heart of the book, which is the social history of the islands. The patterns are fabulous though.
Will be missing all of you at this year’s Shakerag. But I vow to make it back next year. Hoping the rain won’t dampen your spirits much
I am so very grateful that my genetic profile included my grandmothers love of knitting. My mother despises knitting because it’s a waste of time. If it weren’t for knitting, I would probably be hospitalized in a remote place, unknown to anyone.
I will have to purchase the book because of the stories but if it weren’t for MDK, I would only have a vague awareness of this beautiful book.
I got the book when it first came out and leapt at the announcement of the digital format – bought it in a heartbeat. And then discovered that I already had a digital copy! It must have come as part of my kickstarter premium. But I don’t care, it’s worth buying multiple times, and with the digital I can print out patterns without having to fit the book into a copy machine. Someday I will knit that suffragette sweater!
I have wanted this to come out in e-format since first I saw it. I’m one of those peeps who doesn’t actually like hard-copy books with patterns in them because they’re challenging to photocopy without harming the book and I find that wasteful. Also, really heavy books are really unwieldy, even if beautiful. But as I was about to press buy, I realized that the essays (the real reason I wanted the book) are not included in the e-version. Too bad. I guess I’m not going to read this book…
Suggest this book to your public library as a title to add to the collection!
That’s a great idea!!
I agree!
I agree that everyone should be able to read the essays. Thank you to those who pointed out that only the patterns are in the ebook. I’m disappointed
I’m frankly surprised that the e-version will be sold for 25 pounds (once the sale is over on June 14) when the essays aren’t included. That doesn’t seem very reasonable to me. I’m disappointed and I hope that Susan reconsiders the format in the future.
It’s too bad about the e-version only including the patterns. I think the publishers really missed the boat on this. It doesn’t take much more work to include the essays, and they’re why I bought the book in the first place.
I have a copy of Susan Crawford’s book–FANTASTIC!! I will pay to get the ebook also. The digital format of the patterns is a blessing.
Thank you so much for your comments and opinion on this book. I do not buy ebook, so I will wait until it comes out in physical form.
It is out in paper format but it costs 48 pounds sterling and that’s before shipping.
It’s out in physical form already and it’s amazing.
50 pounds sterling is a bargain for a book of such extraordinary accomplishment and value.