How To
Comfortable Knitting Tips: Greatest Hits

This is a public service announcement for knitters: take care of your bodies.
Yes, knitting is relaxing and restorative, but it is also physical work, and it tends to work the same parts of the body repetitively. While it can seem fine to knit while reclining in bed with an anxious terrier tucked under your wing (not that I’d ever do that), it’s not a winning recipe for staying pain free.
We’re Here to Help
How can we help? By sharing Carson Demers with you.

Carson is a physical therapist who operates an award-winning ergonomics program for a San Francisco medical center. He is also a knitter and spinner.
Carson combines his passion for the fiber arts with his expertise in physical therapy and ergonomics to build a unique skill set that he eagerly shares with the fiber community to keep us all creating healthfully—and comfortably—ever after.

Carson has written six essential posts for MDK. Together, they are a greatest hits of simple things you can do to knit more comfortably:
Carson 101
A Chair is a Tool
Easy Chair Hacks
Simple Stretches
Comfortable Holiday (aka High Output) Knitting
Top 3 Changes: Neck Posture, Circulation, and Peace of Mind
For quick access to them all, bookmark this post—here’s how—and it will be saved in your MDK account.
Want to improve your knitting ergonomics even more, or address specific problems? Check out Carson’s acclaimed book, Knitting Comfortably. Now in its fourth printing, it’s a gem.
Happy knitting and healthy knitting to all!
Thank you so much for these reminders! I have treated my bottom to a softer perch and I’ve also remembered the lovely vintage needlepoint foot rest my friend passed on to me. Now sitting much more healthily!
I’m only 5’3”, so desks are not built for me. I changed EVERYTHING in my office after reading Carson’s book.
Is the book worth the money? I am a teacher, so money is always tight. ♥️
See if your library has a copy. Mine does and I can check it out however often I want!
I got Carson’s book when it first came out and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I still refer to it for refreshers when I find myself falling into bad habits and have internalized some of his gems to the point that I can remind myself to stop what I am doing and adopt a healthier pose (A frequent issue is that I tend to hold my knitting too close to my face – elbows do not appreciate this). The MDK tips are a wonderful gift to us all but I still recommend buying the entire book for years of comfortable knitting.
I am currently recovering from a repetitive stress injury. I knew I should stop crocheting but I pushed through the pain. I could hear Carson’s voice say “If it is hurting stop doing it”. I should have listened. I have not knit or crochet for weeks and it will be many weeks before I can get back to it. This was so preventable! Fortunately I will get better! I took for granted my bodies ability to do what I love. It is really hard to not be knitting! The things Carson has to say are soooooo important!
Nice to be remined how important self-care is for knitters.
Is it common to have an enlarged bicep on your knitting arm (right) and no change on the left?
Also, would a painful right upper arm while knitting be made worse by a torn rotator cuff (which I have), or is that just normal?
Must get Carson’s book. I need constant reminding to stretch my hands and to sit properly. I’ll probably put reminder cards in my project bag and write it at the top of my patterns. Just two words. Stretch. Posture. Thank you so much.
Wow! I am so happy that you wrote this book. I’m getting it ASAP! I have scoliosis and titanium rods, hooks and pedicure screws. I have loved knitting since I was a young girl! Now in my latter years, I still adore knitting!
Thanks for the information. I’ve been knitting since I was a child. Almost 60 plus years. Twi thumb joint replacements. Several carpel tunnel surgeries but have never stopped!
As an additional mark of great respect for Mr. Demers, here’s an oh-by-the-way kind of thought: he does not pronounce his last name to rhyme with “tremors.” Names are important. I figure a person knows how to pronounce his own name better than anybody else, so I searched YouTube until I heard him say it himself. It almost rhymes with “refers,” but the first syllable wasn’t “dee.” More like “dih.” What he said sounds closer to “d’MURZ”.