Happy Birthday MDK: Free U.S. Shipping!

Dear friends,
Oh wow: It’s the first anniversary of MDK!
Thank you for a memorable year of laughs, yarns, tender moments, and beautiful knitting. Thank you for being a part of this daily adventure.
To celebrate, we would like to share a giant birthday cake: FREE SHIPPING within the United States today and tomorrow, October 3, 2017.
Use this coupon code: hbdmdk1. Apply this coupon code at checkout in the box “Coupon Code.” Coupon expires at 12:01 am Central time on Wednesday, Oct. 4 (aka the end of Tuesday night).
The Shop is particularly stacked up with good things right now. We hope you have fun scheming up something to make.
Deep and Profound Thoughts
A year in, it feels like we are just getting started, and it’s a blast. A few thoughts.
Once we decided to become a daily publication, we worked with the goal of creating something special for knitters—the place where you’ll always find the extraordinary. Along the way to making our goal a reality, a couple of surprising, great things happened.

Thing 1: We became a publisher. We knew we wanted to celebrate the brightest designers. It turns out that making little books of patterns is a great way to do this. We hit lotto when Melanie Falick became our creative director for the MDK Field Guides, and we continue to be dazzled by her work and with the designers who are a part of the Field Guides.

Neighborhood Fiber Co.’s Loft is ready for its close up.
Thing 2: We created a shop. It was fate, ultimately, that intervened here. We figured out pretty fast that yarn would be the obvious route to go if our goal was to amuse and please knitters. One basic fact: you can’t knit without yarn. Beyond that, we live in the golden age of yarn. Yarnmakers are cool and interesting and creative. And writing about yarns and the people who make them is something we love to do. So: The Shop represents a very special distillation of what we think is beautiful. It’s all good. We knit with it ourselves. Sometimes we surprise ourselves with how vehemently we love a yarn, so we apologize if we’re like Great-Aunt Tillie pushing her fig preserves on you.

The MDK Shop would not exist without the leadership of Liz Masterson, our ecommerce manager. She is the best. We’re so lucky.

Liz bundles up A BIG BOX OF JOY.
Excellent Rabbit Holes
We are proud of our contributors, who share their ideas with such skill. Please ditch work and go visit these MDK departments, where you’ll see our contributors in action, taking us all over the world and into their lively, creative minds.
We look ahead to a year that promises a lot of new fun. Our goal at all times is to delight you—to bring you the most beautiful things we can find, the best patterns and yarns and stories and ideas.
Kay and Ann
Time flies when you are having fun, and you two and your baby, MDK, are delightful! Congratulations on a great first year!
Happy birthday, MDK! So very happy to have you in the world 🙂
Happy birthday/anniversary!!!!! 🙂
It is not an exaggeration to say that MDK has changed my life! Knitting! Slow cooker recipes! Podcasts! Books! Knitting! Community! Stuff to watch! Places to go! And, yes, knitting!
Happy birthday and many, many more!
I’ve enjoyed following your journey in this first year. Everything about the site is lovely. Congratulations!
Happy Birthday. You have been a constant in my life during the last year!
Wow! Already a year! Such a whirlwind!
Feeling grateful as a recipient of all of the information, food for thought, good vibes, and pure joy that MDK brings on a daily basis.
Congratulations Ann and Kay on the completion of MDK’s first year. Wishing you another amazing year ahead.
Knit on.
MDK is a life changer. I have gone from knitting is an ok hobby to I LOVE KNITTING just through reading it. A year ago I wouldn’t have dreamed of going to Rhinebeck. This year I’m on my way.
Happy Anniversary, A & K.
This year went FAST! Happy birthday MDK, and thank you So Much, Ann and Kay, for imagining up this big ol’ WIP-basket of something-for-everyone good stuff! Congrats to you, to the contributors, to the makers of the yarns and goodies, just congrats all around! Raising a glass to Year 2 🙂
Congrats! So very happy and proud of ya. Best wishes for even bigger and better years to come!
You have succeeded! You greatly enrich my life! Greetings from Seattle , come visit us.
Happy birthday! I’ve been with you since the very beginning and it’s been so much fun. It’s getting colder in the Twin Cities, time to bring out my 10-day Stopover that I KAL-ed on with all of you.
Here’s to many more!
Happy Birthday MDK! And thank you for your excellent writing, your humor, your passion, your generous spirit … keep on keepin’ on! <3 <3 <3
Congratulations! You’ve created a unique site that’s a great place to visit–daily!
So fabulous!! Happy Anniversary MDK! Best wishes for many, many more! xoxo
Happy Birthday!! I can’t imagine a morning without MDK. Hard to believe it’s only been a year. Thank you for all your efforts!
Happy Birthday MDK! You have brightened up my life. Sometimes when I’m feeling stressed or down about my knitting (“i should be doing this…”) I remember, Knitting is supposed to be FUN! Thanks for making it fun!
Happy birthday! Funny way of saying happy birthday though, since it’s us who get all the presents (your writings, your sharing, and all you do and have done for us all year)!
Happy Birthday! Take yourselves to Sugar Cane in DUMBO to celebrate.
Happy Birthday! Regarding Thing 1–I call them my Little Golden Books. They remind me of the excitement of getting one of the originals. Regarding Thing 2–I like fig jam so your yarns are a-ok in my book!
Happy Birthday! What a joy your first year has been for me. Thanks for all your hard work and enthusiasm.
Happy Birthday to you!
It’s my birthday this week too!
I think of your site as my daily Birthday present!
Happy birthday! I’m so glad that you decided to continue growing Modern Daily Knitting, and hope that all the hard work has been worth it for you. I know that I have continued to enjoy it immensely. This is such a bright, beautiful, thoughtful, fun place to be. Thank you both! Heck, thank you ALL!
Happy birthday MDK, hope there are many more. So happy to have found you.
Happy happy happy happy day Ann and a Kay! Thanks for all you do!
Dear MDK, Happy First Birthday and many happy returns.
It also happens to be my birthday as well – and now that you are able to ship from your wonderful shop to Australia, guess where I am spending my birthday money!!!!
First thing I go to every morning and always a delight. Happy Birthday and wishing you many more years!
Happy, Happy Birthday Anniversary to you. A huge thank you for the gift of an -every single day- escape into knitting, design, color theories, reading, watching, listening, self-care, virtual travel, simple and impressive crock pot cookery and so very much more.
Congratulations on your first anniversary! We are so lucky to have you!