House Beautiful
Hello friends,
It will be pretty obvious to you all that this post was written before yesterday’s shameful attempted coup in Washington, D.C. We’re publishing it as scheduled, because writing about knitting is what we do. But our hearts are heavy, and we are deeply angry. The president and his enablers, excusers, and defenders will never be able to erase the stain on their names. At this time, people who love this country must speak plainly and do what we can to protect our democracy and its institutions.
Stay safe, take care of each other, and knit on.
Ann and Kay
Dear Ann,
I know we’re full-on in our new year, new Kaffe, couch-to-10Kaffes knitalong, but now that holiday gifting time is over (even for those of us who took an incomplete), I have to show off.
Ta-da! I proudly present:

A hamlet of humble houses. For most of them, I followed the chart for Kaffe’s Village Scarf pattern exactly, using leftovers from past Felted Tweed adventures, and then ultimately—inevitably—digging into my Kites Throw Kit for the sidewalk chalk colors in that palette. I couldn’t resist. Don’t postpone joy! Felted Tweed goes a long way, and if it doesn’t go far enough for my Kites, I will lay in reinforcements.
Kaffe’s house chart is so easy to memorize that these were great TV knitting. They are also a great way to tiptoe into the tangle. There are not a lot of colors in each house, so the lengths are short and the tangle is easy to tango.
A note about the Window Dilemma: do I strand those 5 stitches, or do I do them intarsia-style? Stranding is perfectly fine, and saves you some end-weaving. For me and my houses, we do the windows intarsia-style. It just makes more sense in my head that way. I like the flatness of the fabric.
You’ll see a few in there that started from Kaffe’s chart and then went their own way.

For the white and red outbuildings, I was trying to echo Erin Lee Gafill’s paintings of barns at Sea Ranch on the California coast. (Erin is Kaffe’s niece, and his co-author on the amazing book Color Duets. Getting to know Erin’s painting, knitting, and quilting, and her approach to the creative life is another gift from Kaffe.) I was so tickled that the Felted Tweed pattern had perfect “Erin” colors—it must run in the family. It was thrilling to make these. If you know, you know.
Finishing Details
I know you’ll want to know how I finished them. I knit each piece with a plain stockinette back, usually just a continuation of the sky color but sometimes in blocks. I wet-blocked them and when they were dry I mattress-stitched the two side seams, leaving an opening at the bottom.
I made little cushion inserts by putting a few spoonfuls of dried lavender flowers into muslin bags, which I folded over to fit inside the houses. Before slipping in the cushion, I stuffed the top corners of the house with snippets of Felted Tweed that I’d saved in a large Bonne Maman jar (as you do).

Note: the lavender smell is super strong. I’m hoping it dies down a little, but in the meantime, I think moths will take their business elsewhere.
Then I sewed the bottom seam, also using mattress stitch, zhuzhed them a little bit, and took their picture before sending them off to new homes. Were they on time for Christmas? Who would ask such a question—I work in retail! (Narrator: She mailed them yesterday.)

Better Homes
Other knitters have had big fun with Kaffe’s little houses from the Village Scarf pattern. Two great examples:
Sue Carney sent me this perfect miniature portrait of my apartment building.

Only a couple dozen stitches wide, yet everything important is there, from the red awning to the yellow bricks. It made me homesick and will always remind me of this time of isolation.
Jen Geigley showed her graphic design chops by making a replica of her flat-roofed midcentury house in Des Moines.

Which nearly set me off making a whole new round of houses. SUCH FUN.
Somebody, please: do an Airstream trailer. I’m begging you. This has to happen.
Achitectural Digest
All this house making brought me back to a pattern I am crazy about: Jake Henzler’s Copenhagen Building Blocks.

Knitters have taken this ingenious, open-ended pattern and made some marvelous city blocks.

Breaking news: At the start of this year, Jake Henzler published Amsterdam Building Blocks.
The architectural features of these blocks are mix-and-matchable, and you can do as many or as few blocks as you like, to make a throw or hanging, a baby blanket, or a cushion.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to use one of Kaffe’s color bundles from Field Guide No. 16 to make a block of Copenhagen or Amsterdam or New York or Savannah houses? I’d love to pay homage to the rowhouses and walk-ups and low-rise elevator buildings of my city. It is taking a lot of willpower not to embark on this quixotic quest right now. I got Kites to knit!
Your wee houses are adorable! And I love your idea of using muslin bags to contain the dried lavender — genius! I have a stack of those little bags . . .
Thank you for the wonderful eye-candy! I need it this morning more than ever.
After the horrific chaos of yesterday, it was a balm to see lots of tidy little houses, all in a row, and oozing peace and love. As if your gems weren’t enough, now I can wallow in the houses of Copenhagen and Amsterdam! Thank you, Kay, for sharing.
Thank you for this.
Just wonderful.
Love the little houses. I see a line at the top of the little cushions. Did you do a purl row then continue the stockinette for the back? Is that what created that “seam”? I am assuming you continued on with the back as you said you seamed the 2 sides and left bottom open for stuffing. But I really like the crisp look that this gives the top. Thanks.
These are perfect! I did my first intarsia swatch yesterday – a perfect antidote to yesterday’s chaos. Thanks for the permission to strand over the windows. I spent way too long thinking about that, and ended up practicing with another motif.
This post has me really excited. With its artistic, sociological and geographical overtones. Chalk houses all over the place from Iowa to New York to Copenhagen. I think one day I will be able to squeak out one little pin cushioned house…Chalk colors must be a trend. A few months ago I bought some cork-back coasters from Bed, Bath & etc. solely for their chalky-colored landscape which included…houses. Will probably use those colors for my pincushion. (i just love their colors)…How’s that for retail?
As soon as I’m finished with the current gnome obsession, I’m back to the house obsession… SO MANY IDEAS!!!
And thank you! Needed this…
Thank you both for the knitting inspiration and for putting words to the thoughts rambling around in my head. I think these little sachets are just what I need to knit right now.
Loving the houses. Grieving the Republic in which they live. Living in DC, I assure you it was horrific, even in distanced neighborhoods. Thank you very much for your comments. The Unoted Sstates were intended to be united (not identical) and we can do much better.
Thank you for being the calm in this horrible storm. Readying my supplies for Kaffe’s Houses.
More of a question. Does the felted tweed felt? I want to knit a scarf in the round, but with a steek. Then needle felt the steek. Will this work?
I did a Felted Tweed Pillow — knitted in the round (to avoid purling the pattern — how do folks do that? My brain isn’t good at gymnastics) — and I needle felted it — worked perfectly.
Thank you both for the reassuring support. Felting & Fair Isle!
Oh, yes, it felts! https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/the-five-foot-felted-steek/
Thank you for both, your opening statement and the wonderful eye candy that followed. The knitting community and MDK in particular has been a source of inspiration and succor. I cannot wait to turn the page on this dark chapter.
Thank you for reminding us of the beauty in the world.
Oh, you made me laugh out loud, Kay. Thank you. Yesterday I cried. And I’m not even American
Don’t know about an Airstream in such a small scale — the curves could be a problem — but would a Winnebago do?
This was a lovely balm after yesterday; even though I read it after Morning Edition and BBC News (and now Brian is on).
They are adorable.
And Well Said. We have been fielding emails from friends in other countries … and I am just sending a photo of the front page of today’s NYT.
But also thinking of Pincushions! with a little roving in them … perhaps felted ….
I was so happy to be able to work on my adorable (if I do say so myself!) Village Scarf yesterday amid the horrific news. As a former Congressional staffer, it hit awfully close to home and my heart goes out to them. I tried both ways, and intarsia windows were my pick – just go all the way and not fuss over bubble windows! And all my newly learned spit-splicing (miraculous!!) is a good reminder to drink water and stay hydrated!!
What delight, what charm, what nourishment for a soul so bereft of hope this morning. I visited Amsterdam 18 months ago for the first time and was enchanted by the architecture and color there. Your gorgeous pillow brought back a flood of wonderful memories (and a longing to go back!) When it’s safe to travel again…thank you for sharing this on a day when I–no, WE–need something to raise our spirits. I think I will have to soothe myself with this project. Thank you, as always, for sharing the joy of creating with yarn.
Thank you for sending this post out. I needed it so much this morning. One bone to pick, though – there’s no such thing as the lavender being too strong!
“The president and his enablers, excusers, and defenders will never be able to erase the stain on their names.” Please be careful how you group people. Yesterday’s rioters do not represent me (a Trump supporter) any more than the leftist rioters/looters in the cities across America represent you. I’m trying hard not to take your words personally. I am an American and I love this country and I love to knit.
P.S. Disliking disco music does not make me a racist or homophobe, either.
So agree with you!! Well stated.
I agree with Laney.
I meant to say, I cried on Wednesday… but in reality I still grieve when I see the news.
Knitting has truly been my solace – throughout the summer and fall, and just as much today.
I, too, agree with Laney. Democrat leaders have had their share of bad moments as well. I wish we all would leave out the hateful comments based on political leanings and look at each other as individuals, and judged by our individual actions. ‘Nuff said. I prefer knitting with you all, without the politics.
(I also worked for Congress some time back. I cried on Friday,.too.)
If you aren’t enabling, excusing, or defending Trump, why are you taking that line personally?
If you are, then welcome to the realization that words and actions have consequences in how others see you.
If you voted for Trump, knowing what kind of person he is, and if you did nothing to stop or stand up to his actions and behaviors over the last four years, then you have been just as enabling as any of his loyal sycophants. And there is no Republican Party now. You all turned it into the Cult of Trump. The rest of us are NOT going to sit quietly any more and let you mess this country up any more than you already have. And stop saying that you are a knitter, like that makes you less guilty somehow.
My apologies to Ann and Kay and the rest of the list. I’ve just HAD IT.
If you have only now ‘just had it,’ you are more patient than I. It was about 10,000 tweets ago, or 7,000 ugly comments, or 5,000 lies ago that I lost my mind with this narcissistic, cruel, selfish, deranged man and his enablers.
Laney, you can support Trump without supporting his awful decision yesterday (and in recent days) to incite a violent riot and to tear at the fabric of our democracy – what used to be a model for democracies across the globe. Blind support of a person is shameful, no matter who the person is – we were given the ability to develop logical reasoning skills for a reason.
Do you think yesterday’s inciting of a riot at the US Capitol by our president was at all ok? If not, whether you are a Trump supporter or not, then you are not one of his enablers, excusers, or rioters – at least not on this matter – and the shame was not directed at you.
Laney, I appreciate your declaration that the rioters do not represent you and your acknowledgment that leftist/antifa rioters/looters do not represent the majority of those that are not Republican. I wonder if you are truly a Trump supporter or actually a strong Republican supporter? I can absolutely understand the latter. I can understand the viewpoint that our country needs to deal with immigration issues, trade issues, and many other issues. I can accept that there are other viewpoints than mine and I many have to compromise to live in peace. What I do not understand is how intelligent people are willing to look past the serious character flaws that Trump has. How can anyone respect someone that mocks disabled people, gold-star families, or veterans that have endured being POWs? Someone that thinks it is acceptable to call people derogatory names or fire them over twitter? Someone that never accepts ownership for failure or bad decisions, but always finds someone else to blame? Someone that is unable to accept the fact that his actions and words have consequences and one of those is rejection by a majority of the people who expect basic decency from their leader? I am an independent voter that could easily support a Republican candidate, but it needs to be someone that deserves my respect and is respectful him/herself. The Republican party can do better and find other candidates that don’t alienate so many people.
Exactly what we Canadians are thinking as well. We just don’t understand how anyone can support such a dreadful man. The Republicans can do so much better.
Gosh I love these houses, but as always I lag a year+ behind in my mdk-alongs.
I’m actually here to admit I’ve never seen the tall bonne maman jars before and Imna be seeking those out, do we not deserve a large cherry or apricot jam in the PNW?
Disappointed in the US today. I’m gonna go garter stitch my feelings.
We were at Sea Ranch a month ago and your barns are perfect!
Once again a lovely knitting site has allowed political commentary to infiltrate the obvious joy we all feel about our knitting. Please remember this, that during the summer of violence we all endured, that the White House was locked down due to the potential actions of the violent protesters outside. We as a nation have perhaps finally hit rock bottom and can only heal with a recognition that all of us are guilty of enabling our polar opposite sides to engage in violent actions and rhetoric. We can all do better.
PS: I love all of the little houses and look forward each day to your newsletter.
Thank you for the opening paragraph of today’s article. Yesterday’s horror hurts us all, and feeling the togetherness and durability of all us knitters combined gives us strength.
Disappointed by Ann and Kay’s need to inject political commentary into what was otherwise a delightful newsletter about knitting houses.
I agree with you! No need to inject this into the post.
What happened yesterday deserves acknowledgement. I appreciate that Modern Daily Knitting had the courage to do so.
Absolutely in support of acknowledging yesterday’s events. Our Capitol was stormed for heaven’s sake. Do we seek respite? Yes. And as a friend says, “…reality was invented so we could deal with it.” May sense and decency prevail.
Violence in any form, perpetrated by anyone, is inexcusable and must be condemned and justice sought for the victims.
Hugs to all you lovely people in the states, it’s been a rough couple of days, sending love.
And Kay, thanks for the giggles you gave me here at couch-to-10kaffe, and the “Christmas post”, I’ve still got a Christmas gift box to pack and send to its recipient, I will do it this weekend.
Also your jar of bits of felted tweed reminded me of my great grandad’s tobacco tin labelled “pieces of string too short to be of any practical use” <3
Just to add, I am not in the US but I appreciate your statement about the happenings at the Capitol yesterday. I’m shocked that anyone here has challenged what you said and your right to say it. What happened was quite clearly terrorism incited by the president and nobody should be trying to defend any part of it! Also, anyone who implies a comparison with BLM protesters is just outright wrong, they were peaceful protests for human rights where the police used violence, unprovoked, against the protesters, yesterday was exactly the opposite situation.
Everyone, and I repeat everyone has a right to their opinion. Go back and look at what happened to cities and businesses during those protests last summer and tell those people how they were peaceful protests. Protesters throwing frozen bottles of water, shooting fireworks and trying to burn down buildings with police inside is not acceptable regardless of whose side you are on. Would law enforcement in the country you reside in allow that?
No our law enforcement would not allow that. But where I reside has a Prime Minister that doesn’t encourage and incite violence when the election doesn’t go their way.
I’m also outside the US and, when watching those events unfold, had a strong sense of disbelief that they were occurring. It seems every time I think things have hit a new low in current US politics, something happens that takes it down even further. Sending strength to you all for what must be endured until this upheaval ends.
I adore your houses- sadly I’m not sure I have the patience for Intarsia right now. But so enjoy seeing what others have done.
Trying very hard these days to love my neighbor as myself. Reading your letters and replies helps. Thank you.
These are beautiful little houses and make me want to cast on immediately (though not for lavender sachets as I’m very allergic!). But I have six projects on my various needles right now and really need to finish before I cast on anything new, so I must restrain myself for a teensy bit.
Thank you for the acknowledgement of yesterday’s horrific events, as well. Knitting is a source of comfort and calm for me as for many others, but pretending the reasons I need that comfort don’t exist just seems childish. Yesterday’s sock will need to be ripped back as it’s way too tightly knit, but I will thank it for its service in keeping me distracted while I waited to see if my friends who work for a senator and are often at the Capitol were safe (they were, thankfully— one there, shaken but unhurt, and one was working from home yesterday).
Love your houses!
So many knitting obsessions, so little time… sigh. I was also thinking of Rowan colors for Amsterdam houses.
This was needed today, after yesterday
– though frankly the last four years openly led right up to this. We need changes. When people refer to the pandemic and say they want to go back to normal, I think how much I don’t want that at all. We desperately need lots of new normals.
First: Couch to 10Kaffes was the most hysterical comment that I almost missed. Luckily I did get 6.2 sMiles out of it. Second: Those twelve neat houses are just brilliant! Third l: Thanks for sharing the blanket pattern and now I may have to change my knitting plans. S.
I love your variations – especially the Sea Ranch barns! When I saw them, they instantly reminded of Erin’s work; good job!
Oh, thank you so for this. Wednesday’s events angered and upset me as I have a great love for the US (I’m in Scotland).
I’m intending to do a few wee projects featuring the Danish pattern but am also seriously thinking about your wee houses too.
Knitting and planning projects in these difficult times are such a comfort and support. Your posts add to that. Thank you so much
I read MDK to get away from the world at large, so it really disturbs my inner peace when I look at MDK and I see politicization of one of my favorite past times, knitting…the thing that takes me away from the crap that’s in the world. I don’t really care what anyone at MDK thinks about politics or specific issues. I come for the knitting and lately I see a lot less of that. It’s quite possible others feel the same way.
How anyone can feel that expressing sorrow regarding the assault on American Democracy is ‘politicization’ is beyond my comprehension. What happened on Wednesday was not politics, it was anarchy and destruction. Hard to believe anyone could defend it in any way.
Now I want Jake Henzler to get to Paris. And then I want to knit a bunch of architecturally inspired pillows. Can I knit the significant places I’ve lived? Bet that 70’s L-shaped Ranch I lived in as a kid would knit up real nice…
Thanks so much for this post and for your introductory comments. What happened at the Capitol this week should go beyond politics. I was quarantined working from home and saw these events on TV as they were happening and was beyond disturbed. I know we all come to MDK for the knitting and the community; however, we can’t and shouldn’t turn a blind eye when events like this happen. Unprecedented has an all-new meaning now! On a lighter note, I love your little houses and the idea to create little lavender pillows!
I wish that I would win the lottery because I would buy yarn and books and then figure out how to set up an organization so I could give the rest to so many people in need
You’re not alone, Kay and Ann. Furious. Outraged. Dispirited. Thank you for sharing your feelings.
A large Bonne Maman jar is a treasure I am not yet familiar with. The tiny ones from an Advent calendar fill an IKEA box and hold my pendents and rings. The regular sized ones hold various seeds and nuts in the kitchen but I must search out this large version. Costco perhaps?
These are adorable. I live in a city, New Orleans, that provides lots of eye candy houses. Could be a future project for me, if I can get this technique down.
Thanks always for the inspiration and encouragement.
Leave the politics out. This is knitting. While I cannot condone violence of any sort, the media once again has shown its bias in demonizing everyone who was in DC while claiming that the looting and violence all last summer were “peaceful protests”
Jeg synes, husene er sjove, og kunne virkelig godt bruge en opskrift på dansk, eller i det mindste, hvad mønstrene koster i danske kroner