Crete: A Great Cardigan for Hand-dyed Yarns

Dear Kay,
One of the great small dramas of knitting is the eternal question: how’s that going to look, knitted up?
In a world where hand dyeing has brought about colorways that defy description, with combinations and proportions that boggle the imagination, sometimes you have to dive in. Sometimes you gotta be willing to que sera, sera your way through it. As they say on the Mars series on National Geographic, “You don’t get to Mars without ambition.”
Well, Elon Musk and Doris Day would be pleased to see how things ended up with my batch of Sweitzer Fiber Mill Yarn With No Name.
To recap: It was three skeins of one colorway, three skeins of a slightly different colorway. Sweitzer’s Fiber Mill. A blend of cashmere, merino, and (wha?) FLAX.

I thought it was beautiful. I was in the free-fly zone at Rhinebeck. The line for the donuts was beautiful. Everything was beautiful.

The answer to the challenge of what to do with a random batch of yarn came when I found Nell Ziroli’s Crete pattern. It is specifically designed to use two colorways together—four rows of one color, four of the next. It blends together that which might otherwise defy blending.

This simple, elemental, gorgeous pattern manages to use only knit stitches and exactly two sleeve seams. I can easily imagine making another of these—it is tremendously fun to make this top-down raglan. Five stars!

And this mystery yarn—this blend of merino, cashmere, and flax—creates drape, crispness and even a slight halo. All at once. Wheover heard of such a thing? Crazy. I wish this yarn existed and wasn’t just a one-off experiment by the fine folks at Sweitzer’s Fiber Mill.

Anyway, a finished object feels so complete. Hats off to our fellow Giftalongers over in The Lounge who have completed your Giftalong.
Now: it’s an excellent time to cast on, and we’re thrilled about everybody who has preordered Modern Daily Knitting Field Guide No. 2: Fair Isle. Thank you for being game for all this!
Nell’s Crete pattern is excellent. I have made it once in darker blues and want a lighter one, too. it is a fun pattern that knits up quickly. I love yours!
I’d love a digital copy of this but I’m in the UK. Is there any way for me to purchase one? I have a ravelry account.
The pattern is available for $6 on Ravelry.
Thank you Andrea! The pattern for Crete is on Ravelry. Happy Knitting!
Your cardi is beautiful! An inspired combination of yarn and pattern.
After reading your initial blog about Crete, I knew it was the perfect pattern for some very unmatched yarns of Neighborhood Fiber Company worsted I had. And you were right – it was the perfect answer! I now have a totally wearable jacket replacing the sweater I had made. That was awful since I didn’t realize how thoroughly the skeins didn’t match until nearly completing it! Thank you for finding and then blogging about this pattern!
This sweater isn’t at all my style, but I love how it looks in this amazing yarn! You’ve definitely found the perfect marriage of materials and pattern.
Love it!
It looks beautiful! Love the colors. Would you please take a photo of it on you so we can see it on a real body?
Were you tempted to work some short rows in the collar? I have regretted many collars that did not include short rows and am wondering if the pattern would lend itself to adding them.
This is a great thought. I have a design (still on paper) with that detail and short rows at the back hem.
With the construction and pattern stitch, I’m not sure how I could disguise them in this garment.
That is absolutely stunning. And you can just tell how much pleasure the knitting-up with that funky-@ss yarn was. As the kids say, sooo jelly! 😉
Gorgeous! The colorways and the yarn are both perfect for this pattern. The cardigan looks so warm and comfy, yet so chic at the same time — a rare combination. Ann, you need a whole wardrobe of these!
Can I borrow it for Vogue Knitting Live? Kthxbai
I got yarn at a holiday open house to knit that pattern. Your finished cardi, Ann, makes me want to cast on ASAP and get started but I have a Stopover that I have promised myself I will finish at least the knitting on first. (I started the color pattern last night – please reassure me it gets more fun after I get it established. . .) A Safe and Happy New Year all!
It does! Promise!
Here’s the knitting! Yay!
I love that pattern and have been spinning up some blendable colorways. Great (and timely!) idea.
Oh, how beautiful! I want one, too. I have so many unfinished projects; I really need to get my knitting mojo back.
Love, love, love!
I have this love pattern in my favorites. maybe now is a good time?
Amazed that that’s a raglan! The collar might just detract from what usu makes me look like an East German swimmer.
Anb, it is sooo lovely! Congrats on its completion.
Oops, that should have read Ann.
That yarn and pattern combination is stunning!
I purchased the Crete pattern moments after seeing your original post (or was it a pic on instagram?). Lovely to see the final garment, it’s every bit as perfect as the initial pics promised. I’ve acquired sufficient Mad Tosh sport in “Mare” (dark blue and brown in not well-matched skeins, so Crete will be perfect for blending) and will be casting on tomorrow morning as my New Year treat. If I can hold off that long. This post might lead to jumping the gun and signing off 2016 with a new project on the needles.
Thanks so much for this post. I made one of 4 4 bulky yarns. LOVE IT!! Can see myself making this again in finer gauge also. Great pattern.