Introducing Our Brand-New Yarn: Sheepy

Dear all,
We are proud to announce our newest offering in our shop, a line of yarn we’re calling Sheepy: Minimally Processed Yarns.
We feel that we are breaking new ground in the realm of close-to-nature yarns. Please take a look and let us know what you think.
Ann and Kay
Hah! Well done!
Happy Fools, MDK!
I have a Blue Heeler and have just found her with my credit card making a rather large order.
Good one, Sue!
Comment (and mental image) of the day! #dogsbuyingstuff
Cute and funny!
Darn. The curly & squirgly is sold out.
I’m crushed. I’ve been looking for just the right squirgly-looking yarn for decades!
Hilarious! You had me until I saw the up to $50,000.00 price tag. Great fun! Would love a backyard big enough…..!
Yeah. It took me till I got to the $50, 000 part, too. Heck, I still fall for “your shoe’s untied”….
They still had me at the $50,000 as my thought was oops typo! Will try to be more on the ball next year……
Funny! You had me at ” homeschooled!”
My hubby calls it “wool on the hoof,” as when a wandering sheep sort of joined us on a hiking trip in Provence, until a little sheep dog rounded him up. Great fun, there and here. Thanks for the chuckle!
Yaaaaasssss! Totally the best yarn out there! Love you gals!!!
Good one!
You had me!
Clearly no worries about whether the lanolin has been left on or not! I’ll take 2.
You two crack me up!
Ya got me! I was already wondering how many skeins I could afford and whether it was already sold out before i even looked! I’ll take one brownish sheepy colored, a case of Diet Slice, and some Funyuns
Happy April!
Love you guys!
May I be on a waiting list for the alpaca, you are all sold out ! Happy April 1
Too funny! And my husband does call my bottle lambs “the homeschoolers”… ;-D http://www.myfavoritesheep.com
There is a fabulous sheep-and-lambs jigsaw puzzle on her site – if you’re a fan, check it out!
And I bet if you lose your heat, it can keep you warm.
But I really do want a sheep…
I was so excited to see what you posted today! Love your April 1st writings. This was awesome but last year’s still may be my favorite….
Y’all are The Best.
And that’s no joke.
I’ll take one! Can you train a sheep to an invisible fence?!!
ah, April First!
The best clickbait I’ve seen all day!
Still laughing!!! I may laugh all weekend. Will that change my gauge?
What a great post to wake up to!
How much for the cat on the hay bale? I maxed out the credit card on a baby giraffe cuz’ priorities.
Ya got me!
This is why you are SO loved. What a big April fool I am. Hoof yarn and needles…this is funny. I don’t care who ya are
LOL I love the boucle, too bad it’s out of stock.
I love it!! Thanks for the laugh.
Those of us who live in apartments don’t have room for Sheepy. When are you coming out with Angora? Or even Teddy Bear Hamster?
Aw, you got me, I was so excited to see your wool brand! Honestly, if you guys started a woolen-spun dk or worsted weight undyed 100% wool line I would be first in line. Brooklyn Tweed is so expensive and there’s only a bare handful of alternatives out there (ElsaWool and Wisconsin Woolen Spun are the only ones that come to mind).
BEST April Fool’s EVER!!!
The colorway descriptions, LOLOLOL!!
But, but, I was ready to order the grey one and the one with a golden brown mane. Fun!
Good one.
You totally got me! ::gullible::
What a fun April Fool’s day post. You seem to have had fun yourselves creating it. And the UCD directions on care were a perfect over the top addition.
Hi I don’t know where to ask this question. I really want the Field Giude 3 but I live in Australia where you don’t deliver:(
Is there some way I can order just the e version? No probs paying the whole price, but it won’t let me order without shipping address so it’s all not working, and I could not find an inquiry link. Thanks Marg.
Hi Marg! We dream of the day when we can ship to Australia. Until that magical day, we will definitely have the ebook edition of Field Guide 3 available via our website and also Ravelry, so please stay tuned for our official on-sale date later this month. Field Guides 1 and 2 are currently available this way, FYI. Thank you for your interest!
Awesome thanks! Looking forward to it. Love the cowls and scarf.
What a fun post! I’m still laughing!!!!
Delightful all the way through! You got me! Made me smile.
was not expecting that !!