Introducing: The MDK Holiday Shop

We bring glad tidings, knitters!
Here’s the thing.
We have been working like beavers to create a holiday shop for you that adheres to the fundamental rules of What An Awesome Holiday Shop Should Be.
In our minds, a great holiday shop has these components:
• New things.
• Rare things.
• Bundles. Combos. Batches of things at special prices.
• Things that we’d like to give ourselves.
• Gifts that do not involve knitting, because your sister already has eight scarves you made her.
So, with all the jingle in our hearts, we proudly present:
It includes all of the above. Please have a look. We hope you discover things that will amuse your friends, family, and yourself.
More Big News
For the first time in MDK history, we’re having a superspecial MDK Holiday Pop-Up Shop, at MDK World Headquarters. One day only!
We’re doing this with our neighbor and dear pal Karen Templer of Fringe Supply Co.
More than 25 makers will be in our building that day as well, for the Shop Small Makers Fair—a great opportunity to shop local.
Please stop by! We’ll have all our yarns, books, and kits, as well as some special stuff you’ll just have to come see in person. Fringe Supply Co. will have all sorts of rarities and one-of-a-kind stuff.
Taylor Yarn Co-op Pop-Up
Saturday, November 25
10 am-3 pm
100 Taylor Street (in Germantown, near 2nd Avenue North)
Note: we’ll be accepting credit cards and bars of gold only. Cash makes us twitchy these days.
Oh, if only I could be in Nashville this weekend!
Oh my! This is such a nice idea. Makes me smile, ladies, and appreciate how your creativity flows. 😉
P.S.– I also think the 25th will be a blast, wish I could be there! 🙂
P.P.S.–Adorable Kay. 🙂
For a nanosecond, I thought, “Oh my goodness an MDK pop-up shop right here in NYC!” Then I remembered that the bricks and mortar MDK is in Nashville. Silly me.
Gosh wouldn’t that be fun! Someday…
Here comes Santa Claus!
I remember that TV, those glasses, and that Seasons Greetings window clingy on 34th street. Plus I miss Sammy! Great classic photo! Next year the University “shuts down” for Holiday break. So I’ll probably be overstaying my welcome in your neck of the woods. (prepare yo’self now)