How To
Jillian Moreno: New Kid (Mohair) In Town

Last November, Jillian Moreno made her debut on MDK, with a piece called “Better Know a Sheep: Breeds and Yarns,” and we took off with her on a wild (actually mostly domestic) ride. Jillian’s knowledge—of breeds, fibers, and their characteristics, and how yarn is made—is unmatched, and she has one of the zingiest writing styles you are going to find, on any subject.
It’s one thing for a knitter to fling around fiber-y words, and another to apply this learning to improve the knitting experience. Jillian knows all the woes of knitting projects gone wrong, and how knowledge of yarn might help us steer clear of trouble.
Plus: she’s just fun to read. Time spent with Jillian is good times. If it also helps your sweater, that’s great too.

Jillian on MDK (So Far)
Better Know a Sheep: Breeds and Yarns
Woolen and Worsted: What Does It Mean?
Grist: A Secret Measurement for Substituting Yarn
Jillian In Your Pocket
Here’s how to save an article in your MDK account with one click.
YAYYYYY! It worked!! I didn’t know about this feature until I read today’s letter. In the past, I had created a folder on my desktop and would save my favorite letters there. Who knew???? Thank you so much ;-)))
I had read and saved all of Jillian’s articles. As a new knitter, I found them very informative and she IS fun to read! Thx Jillian 🙂
My tribe of 4 Angora goats produces climate beneficial mohair as defined by Fibershed.com of Northern California. Please visit my website tolenasmohairfarm.com. They are sheared every 6 months. I sell their Mohair as a wholesale product, washed or unwashed.
I was glad you reminded me about the click-to-save feature the other day. I’ve used it, but not often enough for it to become a habit. Now I think it will be 🙂
This is great!
Thanks for all the great photos to flip through!!