How To
How to Knit Those Eddy Wrap Shells: 2 Handy Videos

That Julia Farwell-Clay is full of surprises. This morning, I was loitering in the Lounge looking at Eddy Wrap progress photos (as you do), and discovered that Julia had posted two video tutorials to assist the growing band of Eddy-Wrappers.
Eddy Wrap Pattern
A stunning wrap that begins with a classic (and easy-peasy) garter stitch triangle—the foundation for a whimsical border of short row shells that combines colors like a mosaic tile floor or a stained glass window.

The first video, up top, shows how to knit a right-edge shell, which begins a row of shells.
The second video shows how to knit the basic Eddy Wrap shell:
These are clear, on-point videos that make the knitting of these little shells a very straightforward affair.
Thank you, Julia, for these helpful works of how-to cinema.
Sock monkey colorway! Show us, please!
One of the Eddy Wrap colorways is called Kay’s Colorway:
It’s kind of a Sock Monkey in Faded Jeans, really. Anyway I love it but the sock monkey notion makes me smile.
Julia Farwell-Clay for President! This explains EVERYthing! The mystery is decoded! Thank you for these brilliant li’l videos. (PS The Patina colorway = que bello or whatever. Way to curate!)
OK, so how far gone am I that I actually count *other* knitter’s stitches?! This was fascinating. Thanks!
Totes brill ! <3 [adding Eddy Wrap to my queue]