Marc Maron Talks with John Prine

Dear Kay,
Last weekend, Hubbo and I went to hear stand-up comedian Marc Maron.
Friends of MDK Katie and Josh were with us. Katie is a regular listener of Maron’s beloved WTF Podcast, which is a mainstay for many who like their podcasts kind of sweary. (Consider yourself warned.) Katie explained that Maron is able to get his guests to share their most personal stories because Maron himself is pretty unvarnished about his own life.
I can testify, having had a big dose of him last weekend, that the varnish is completely missing from Marc Maron. He was hilarious, profane, and raw. Women: do not date this man. Men: do not emulate this man. Cats: he loves his cats, so you’re good.
From September, here’s Maron’sĀ conversation with the legendary singer/songwriter John Prine. My gift to you: start listening at minute 18:38, to avoid a ton of throat-clearing.
The stories flow immediately from John Prine, a brilliant hour to spend.
Love John Prine; happy to have seen him live two or three times. And WTF’s latest guest is Lin-Manuel Miranda! I’ve not yet settled in for its 1:40 length, but I may knit to it this weekend.
Just listened to the Lin-Manuel Miranda podcast with Marc Maron and it was excellent.
Thanks Ann that was awesome, and I do mean all of it!
I have been a Jon Prine fan since….gosh, junior high maybe? And have seen him several times, but not in decades. Just love the way he sees things and writes them. I’m going to save this podcast as a treat for after going through another box of papers/crap today. THANK YOU. Yesterday I spent hours sorting crap and the only treat I could come up with at the end of the day was a handful of candycorn. Today will be So Much Better! And I will definitely skip the throat-clearing. I did enough throat-clearing after that freaking candycorn.
are you decluttering? I need to so badly, but I am not inspired or moved at all.
Yes, nibbling away at a total home overhaul, bit by bit. It ain’t pretty!
I love Marc Maron because he is very honest about his life. He has had some craziness in his life but so have most of us. he makes me laugh and sometimes I cry, but I am rarely bored. I skip over those. That’s the beauty of podcasts.
I keep wondering if MDK will ever do a Podcast? Dare I hope?
LOVE John Prine and loved this interview. Thank you for sharing this! Made me feel better about life.