The Moth, featuring Natalie Chanin

Dear Ann,
I love The Moth Radio Hour and The Moth Podcast. The first episode I ever listened to was Simon Doonan’s story, Every Expense Was Spared. At 14:26, it’s a pretty long story, or at least it was a long time to keep two kids quiet in the back seat as we zoomed along the Long Island Expressway. Listen to it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but you’ll mostly laugh. (“A sense of occasion” still sets me to giggling.)
My sewing pals and I had the good fortune to be in the audience at the Players Club in New York when Natalie Chanin told a story on The Moth stage. If you know Natalie or have taken one of her hand-sewing classes, you know that it’s a pleasure just listening to her voice. And if you love her work, or have ever made an Alabama Chanin DIY project, then you’ll love Natalie’s Moth story:
It’s so….exotic.
I hope you get a few heart-pine boards cleaned today. It’s a metaphor that’s working for me right now.
As one who was quite familiar with Natalie’s voice, I was delighted to stumble across this piece while changing radio channels one day. Needless to say, I ran into the house upon arrival and dialed it up
on the Mac so I could take it from the top. XXO
I loved fabulously feral. Knocked me out.
I love the Moth Hour! It was my joy to listen every Saturday night at 7:00 PM. Unfortunately it was only after my recent move that I realized I now live in an area with poor reception, probably due to the train. I am grateful to be able to still listen through these podcasts.
Kay, thanks for this special treat!
I’ve listened to that Simon Doonan story so many times — it always makes me feel so much better about the world! I love it when he says he always wanted the “zhoosh” — we need more people like him!
Kay, I love The Moth, too. I didn’t really know about it until a friend of mine got her story featured. You and Ann (and especially anyone who grew up in the South) will get a kick out of her story. Check out Trisha Coburn’s “Miss Macy”. I have known Trisha for decades and she is as lovely and funny and dear as she comes across in her story.
Going to listen to Natalie’s….thanks so much for sharing it. XOClare
Just finished Natalie’s story…so wonderful. Now you really MUST listen to Trisha’s “Miss Macy”. In fact, Natalie and Trisha should hear each other’s stories. Both are from Alabama, both went to NYC in search of glamour in the fashion biz….truly birds of a feather. For that matter, my mother’s family is from Alabama, very close to where Trisha’s story takes place. The “exotic” South. 😉
Love the Moth. One of my first podcasts.
Oh, man, I listened to another one–Juliette Holmes talking about voting and the trials her parents went through to vote in the south. So powerful!
Thanks for this recommendation – we had a long car ride to my mother’s birthday party today. (I was knitting, and not the driver.) We listened to Every Expense was Spared, and then 200 On-of-a-Kind Shirts, and then to a recent podcast. I think we’ve found a new favorite.
I am familiar with Natalie Chanin but not with The Moth. Thank you for sharing this!