Nadia Bolz-Weber, Unorthodox Minister
For those on a Monday-through-Friday work or school schedule, Saturday is a precious day. Most Saturdays offer at least a few hours for restorative domestic activities like folding the laundry, making a batch of chili, or knitting. We find that these pursuits (especially laundry and cooking) are helped along by listening to something interesting.
Every Saturday, we feature a recording that we think is worthy: usually a podcast episode, but sometimes music or other hands-free listening.
Suggestions are welcome; if you’re recommending a podcast, we’d appreciate being pointed to a specific episode.
This week’s suggestion:

Krista Tippett of On Being interviewing Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran pastor. Pastor Bolz-Weber is different from the Lutheran pastor I grew up with, yet she reminds me of him, too. Charisma and making-you-think—plenty of both.
It’s a good one.
Thanks Kay! I’ll listen on my drive to the airport tomorrow; I’m off to Buckeye country for the week. I like the Saturday email too. good luck with the new site! Betsy Post
Can’t wait for my Saturday snippets! Awesome!! Thank you!
Thank you for recommending On Being. I’m a huge fan of Krista Tippett, and her Sunday morning public radio show is as close as I come to going to church. I appreciate your introducing knitters to the extraordinary voice of compassion, wisdom, and thoughtfulness.
Her books are great as well!
I love to listen and knit. The NPR One app is a great companion. Like Pandora for NPR programming.
Thanks so much- that was delightful and inspiring and so unexpected.
Thank you. Great combo — knitting and Nadia Bolz-Weber
I will have to check this out. I am always looking for something inspiring, that makes one think. Thank you. But first, coffee…
Excellent choice. This made my AM walk around the neighborhood so much more interesting. She reminds me a bit of Anne Lamott. As an extremely lapsed catholic, that has been about as far as I can stand to go in discussing or listening to anyone discuss religion. But I like this woman. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to next Saturday.
She keynoted my Episcopal church’s biennial WomanKind conference in February – fabulous!
What a great podcast! I live near enough to Denver to get to this church every now and then. I’m so looking forward to it. Thank you!
Yes!! I love this episode!
I assume you’ve heard the On Being ep with Seth Godin? Very good!
I also heartily recommend Liz Gilbert’s Magic Lessons (the ep with Neil Gaiman especially) and any episode of Dear Sugar.
(I’ve got a podcast, Explore Your Enthusiasm, & the most popular episode is #100 {a listener call-in show} or #123 in which I come out about my anxiety & we talk about a student’s suicide. Most of the episodes are a little more fun than that one!)
I also have it on good authority that she’s a knitter 😉 (Seen her at my former LYS in Denver)
WHAT????? We have to get on this!
oh man MDK interview?!?
Podcasts, Modern Daily Knitting, Nadia Bolz-Weber — I feel like bursting into a chorus of “My favorite things”. Happy Saturday!
So excited to see Pastor Nadia on my favorite knitting blog! This church basement Lutheran grandma has been following her for a few years. Her interview with Terry Gross is online(as a podcast), and so are her sermons. My favorite podcast is KCRW’s Good Food with Evan Kleiman. Give her breakfast show a listen! Her easy banter with her guests is a joy to listen to, plus she is so knowledgeable about all things food. I also like the shows coming from WNYC which include The Sporkful and Death, Sex, and Money. The recent episode of Here’s the Thing, where Alec Baldwin interviews the CEO of Starbucks was fun to listen to. Seems most of our favorite public radio shows are available as podcasts, including The Splendid Table. I get them all with Stitcher, a free app for your Kindle or phone where you can create your own podcast station. I have also enjoyed a few episodes of WTF (depends on who he interviews).
Excellent recommendation, ty goils.
Oh, wow! Thanks for this. She is amazing.
Not sure that this is the right place for this comment, but I’ve ordered my stripey little book – and, though I supposed to be downsizing, I sprang for the print edition. ( Maybe it’ll be autographed?)
We are on the verge of getting a place in the City, and I couldn’t bear to run into you, Kay, at Knitty City, knowing I’d only gone digital. Also, with the news yesterday/ today, this book is definitely a palate cleanser.
I’ve got a passel of Brown Sheep, from the days when I saw everything in terms of Kaffe Fassett designs, so I’m good to go!
Loving the new website to pieces. Knitting + listening = Personal Heaven
This was great! Thanks for the link. I know a young, female Methodist minister who admires Nadia Bolz-Weber, and now I know why! I’ve recommended this to several friends already, of varying religious backgrounds– Southern Baptist (lapsed), un-churched, lapsed pre-Vatican II Catholic—and think that it will have something to say to all of them. I have mentioned before that I am a lapsed Episcopalian, and I love what she has to say about liturgy, which is so different from what I think of as “preaching.”
I look a good podcast recommendation! Thanks for this.
I’m really enjoying Chat 10 Looks 3 at the moment: It’s Australian – two amazing women talking about books, films, podcasts, television shows, and of course cake. Being journalists, they’re really enjoying the US election kerfuffle, so the latest episode, Pussy Riot, has some great analysis of the second debate. Funnily enough, they also recommended Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcasts – I agree that they are brilliant.
I listened to this in the car last night, and so enjoyed it. More please! 🙂