Knit to This: 372 Things to Watch Tonight

Dear readers near and far,
Here at MDK, knitting while listening and watching is our favorite way to knit.
It feels weird to just sit there and not knit, right? How do people even do that?
Over the past seven years, once a week, we’ve recommended something to knit to: music, podcasts, a movie, a TV series, a documentary, a shameless cheesy binge. Classy or not, popular or rare, Knit to This is a feature of MDK that stands as our monument to quality entertainment.
So, as the year lurches to a conclusion, we are proud to give you a link to a gigantic trove of good stuff to watch.
Knit to This. Bookmark it.
When DG Strong gets going, I promise you that you’re in for something worth your time. You could do an all-DG binge and be extremely amused.
When Kay Gardiner is at the keyboard, you may be sure that you’re getting the finest in viewing and listening, particularly if Britishness is your cup of tea.
When I cough up a Knit to This, it’s utterly unpredictable. But it’s something I really loved.
It’s 372 amazing things. One for every day of 2024 plus seven extras for when you’re really in the mood.
Happy new year! It’s going to be a humdinger, a doozy, a whopper. Knitting all the way is going to be our way through it.
Love this list….so many options! Happy New Year to you all at MDK!
Best wishes for 2024 to MDK and all who follow you, from Australia. You are ambassadors for all that’s good about the USA and I thank you for all the inspiration, love and hope, you have sent our way.
Stephanie Goulburn NSW.
I’ve watched many of your recommendations. My husband even enjoyed them too even though he was skeptical of some at first. We really enjoyed Magpie Murders. I then ended up listening to the books plus several other Anthony Horowitz murder mysteries on audio while knitting.
We will go through the list to watch what we missed and look forward to future recommendations. Happy New Year!
Thanks and Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to a lot more sitting and knitting as I retire this year!
This is wonderful! I know what you mean — I cannot refrain from picking up a knitting project whenever my husband and I are watching a TV show or movie. This list is a great resource and will make our decision-making on what to watch so much easier. Thanks and Happy New Year!
My new year’s wish is a comfortable chair to sit in while I knit.
I’d love ideas,
I believe Carson Demmers has suggested a chair in one the letters he contributed and there were lots of comments about said chair. I remember that it wasn’t cheap, but those who had bought it said it was worth the investment.
My tradition is to watch When Harry Met Sally.
Happy New Year !
Thank you ever so much! Always looking for a good source for “get out of my own streaming lane” things to watch while knitting!
WOW!! Thanks so much!!
Thanks for this trip down memory lane. I’m impressed how you pulled all of this info into one letter for us, thank you! It was so fun to look back at the years of all of your fabulous recommendations and jog my memory of many enjoyable watching, listening and reading. Now to revisit the favorites!
Fabulous!!! MDK I look forward to your posts every day. Blessings to you all in 20204. And thank you for all you do for the knitting world:)
lol, I just added a few years there. I meant 2024!!!
This is great!
Happy New Year one and all!
Looking forward to knitting and stitching along
Thank you for this! I will be able to stop saying “all of these channels and I still don’t know what to watch!”
Last night, i knit to a Hallmark (Not Christmas) movie, and the last episode of season 2 of Julia.
The only problem is you can’t bookmark the list. Only the individual items!
Yay! I search for knit to this so many weekends!
Nicholas Nickleby in audiobook. Thirty-one hours of Simon Vance’s amazing voice and a fabulous tale of loss, betrayal, hope and love.