Knit to This: Amy Sedaris and Conan O’Brien

Dear Ann,
I apologize for shutting down our team Zoom call yesterday by not being able to stop laughing at something someone said.
It’s just that I’ve reached the stage of self-isolation where it’s either laugh or die. I crave sitting in a room full of coworkers, shooting the breeze about nothing at all, and laughing our butts off for no reason whatsoever. I hadn’t fully realized how essential that kind of aimless human fellowship was to my well-being.
Here’s where Conan O’Brien comes in. The man is 97 episodes into a podcast called “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.” He’s a good talker, playful, self-mocking, and actually listening to what the other person is saying. There is a sense of friendly conspiracy to get each other to laugh.
I perused the more recent episodes of his podcast, and chose one with Amy Sedaris as his guest, because I love her. I grabbed my knitting and pretended I was sitting there with them, talking about nothing and everything, for more than an hour. Content warning: There’s rudeness, sex talk, a story about a gag with a fat suit, and general outlandishness. As I perceived it, it wasn’t hurtful, but I can only speak for myself.
Good times. But not nearly as fun as hanging out with the crew at MDK World Headquarters, which I hope to do soon.
I’ve learned that even those of us who are profoundly introverted need time spent in the actual presence of other people. (And, boy, was I surprised to find that out after a lifetime of wanting to be left alone!) Last summer and fall, I could be outside with my friends, but it’s too cold for that right now. I’m looking forward to the spring!
I’d skip this. I don’t get her humor (maybe it’s the covid) but I thought she was pretty raunchy and not very entertaining.
I adore Amy Sedaris. I remember reading her brother’s books and wondering “why would she wear a fat suit at all, let alone half a fat suit”. I haven’t seen or heard enough of her work, but I’ll seek this out.
A few of my friends know that I have the sense of humor of a 12-16 year old boy from the 70’s. I get the feeling that I have that in common with Amy!
First I LOVE my cup and use it almost daily. After surviving Covid pneumonia and the isolation and the side effect of not having feeling in my feet (?) and having to use a walker I need a good laugh that won’t scare the dog. If it were not for knitting , and books I would have lost my mind. Great new book to read titled Wintering by Katherine May. Perfect book for this time.
OMG-thank you, Kay, for introducing me to this podcast and this episode. I was listening, enjoying the humor and the repartee and suddenly I was crying I was laughing so hard. Please don’t judge me. I think I really needed that!