Bag Man

Dear Kay,
I found myself slack jawed at some of the history that is revealed in the new podcast from Rachel Maddow, Bag Man.
It is astonishing to hear what Spiro Agnew was up to when he was vice president to Richard Nixon.
The first six episodes are here.
I had no idea. You will not believe what scurrilous skullduggery went on in 1973 that did not involve Watergate yet happened within the same White House.
Highest recommendation! Not to be missed!
Even though I was a young adult during the Bag Man years, I found this podcast riveting!
Five stars. If you liked Crimetown you will love this podcast. And by the way, the Tulip needle set is one of the best things ever for a knitter. It arrived yesterday and is already in use!
Well, now I know what I’m going to be listening to today as I make cranberry sauce. Thanks!
I vaguely remember my parents talking about this when I was young. Will have to listen.
I have not listened to this yet…it’s on my list, but I will say nobody can set up a story quite like Rachel and she really draws you in. I have heard, also, that the episode of Chris Hayes podcast where Rachel Maddow is his guest, is quite good. Also on my list! Right now, I’m spending time watching my Knit Stars classes, which are taking precedence! Love the MDK class! Those two ladies are quite inspiring!
Oh this sounds like a good walk to work listen. Thanks for another recommendation.
I joke to my husband that he is on a first name basis with his friend, Rachel. Plus, he walked over to campus last spring to hear his next ‘best’’ friend, Larry (O’Donnell). Some nights I wish TCM had a good lineup …
Though I still am agog at times that O’Donnell was on “The West Wing.” (he played Jed Bartlett’s father in a flashback episode about Mrs. Laningham and her relationship with Bartlett.)
Though these days just watching “West Wing” makes me oh so sad.
When my father was close to 50 y/o, he obtained a Master’s degree in political science, for fun. I enjoyed history classes but “poly sci” was not interesting to me at all. He finished his Master’s in 1973 and I’ve remained the science nerd.
But now ! I see why he found the discipline so fascinating !
Thanks so much for bringing this pod cast to my/our attention. So much to knit, read, learn, travel and so little time
My Best
I agree, Rachel has a winner. Can’t wait for the next episode.
I started listening to Chris Hayes’ “Why is this happening” (I don’t know, I guess the title appealed to me? 🙂 ), and his first guest was Rachel talking about this podcast. Yes, jaw dropping, and so relevant to today’s White House–incredible.
Also, I’m almost through your classes in Knit Stars 3.0 and an loving hearing your voices. Do YOU have a podcast? 🙂
I’ve been walking my dog to Bag Man. It’s been such a pleasure — Rachel Maddow did a fabulous job, and my dog loves how much longer we stroll while listening.
Loved all my goodies from the holiday shop. The tulip needles (present to myself) are especially great.
Where oh where are the Eliot Richardsons, now that we need them so desperately?
I agree……he was a fantastic AG!
OMG!!! I’ve listened to almost all of this and really cannot believe (1) the similarities to what is going on now, (2) that I was an adult at the time that this was occurring and did not realize how very evil all of this was, and – worst of all – (3) I voted for that ticket not just once but TWICE (I was very young and raised in a Republican household…..I know better now!).
Thanks for another great Knit to This!
Agnew did end up out of office and into jail. I find that a comforting thought often nowadays.
But he had the decency to resign. I recall my mother buying the afternoon paper & showing me the headline. I didn’t get it at all. I think I was 6 or 7. And she didn’t explain it!!
I have just finished your segments in Knit Stars 3.0. I loved it!
I listened to this on my commute this week! It was so interesting and of course so well-done — Rachel is so good! Even though I was a teenager and remember exactly where I was when Nixon resigned (at work, waiting tables), I had no member of what happened to Agnew. He truly was a horrible man. Thank god for Elliot Richardson!
Ugh… that should be “no memory of what happened to Agnew.”
You ladies got me listening to Slow Burn— which I’m now listening to again with my 12-year-old son (the Nixon series, not the Clinton one— I think there’s enough lurid detail on the Lewinsky affair that my kiddo would some day wind up telling a therapist about listening to that with his mother, The dress. The cigar. Probably not for seventh grade. Anyway…) This one sounds like a winner as well— no surprise since it’s Rachel Maddow. Thanks!
7th grade is def old enough. But I understand if your not interested in explaining. There’s also a TV show about it called The Clinton affair, I think it’s from Monica’s perspective.
I’ve been listening while using the elliptical , it is a good history lesson. I spent that summer of my 17th year in sunny California, not really knowing what was happening in the world. I’ve been told to exercise daily, the doctor says knitting/crocheting are not enough to get my numbers where they need to be.
Thanks for this recommendation, it’s fantastic! I love Chris Hayes “Why is This Happening”, too.
Ya’ll are helping me find so many more opportunities to knit, also love you on Knit Stars…
I can’t wait to knit and listen today! I’ll feel a little like Madame Defarge, only not bloodthirsty.
I do remember Agnew’s corruption, bribery, extortion. And we who hated him were the “nattering nabobs” of negativism.
Thanks, all! I’m signing up for a Y membership this weekend and need to walk so I won’t faint when hiking in Yellowstone in August. All these podcast recommendations will keep me on track and on the track. Thanks!