Knit to This
Knit to This: Fargo (Season Five)

It’s easy to forget about Fargo. It feels like there’s about three years in between each season (ooh, I fact-checked: five seasons in ten years) and then I can never remember what network it’s on (I fact-checked AGAIN for YOU: Tuesdays on F/X, then streaming on Hulu the next day) and I literally never see any ads for it anywhere and then suddenly I find out I’m seven episodes behind, and ugh, that’s a lot of grim black comedy to catch up on, donchaknow.
But not this time! Because of my almost lifetime-long crush on Jennifer Jason Leigh, I knew allllll about the current season and was getting Google alerts and bat signals cast on the moon for months beforehand so I was READY and WAITING with my Upper Midwest-to-English dictionary in hand. I have not been disappointed. With two episodes to go, I think this is the best gosh darn season since the first one.
It opened this time around like all great murdering tragedies: at a school board meeting. After an unfortunate accidental taser-ing, the complicated plot (Flashbacks! Aliases! 1776ers! A sheriff’s election! Thirty different storylines! PUPPETS!) is set in motion and all signs point to—this being Fargo—blood in the snow.
Set in late 2019, the usual Fargo tropes are on display in full, glorious force. Bleak winter landscapes, occasionally nutty non-sequitur-ish dialogue, blunt, sudden occasions of violence and don’t you worry: there’s a full panoply of bad guys on hand as well—the vaguely, possibly un-human and seemingly unstoppable bad guy, a handful of regular Fargo-type of dumb bad guys who just happen to have guns, and an unnervingly, very specifically bad guy (Jon Hamm, in full January 6 let’s-go-storm-something mode, which is a long long long way from suave Don Draper).
Force-of-nature Jennifer Jason Leigh
But in a move that harkens back to the original movie version and a couple of seasons of the series itself (hi Allison Tolman, Kirsten Dunst, Jean Smart, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Carrie Coon from seasons past!), it’s the women who own the show: tiny housewife-with-a-secret Juno Temple (even tinier standing next to Jon Hamm), who is the warm, not-to-be-underestimated heroine; deeply in-debt deputy Richa Moorjani; and previously mentioned force of nature Jennifer Jason Leigh, who somehow manages to be both hamming it up and giving the most focused performance of her career at the same time (I dunno WTF is up with that accent, but I am HERE FOR IT).
One thing: Fargo is not for the squeamish. Episodes 7 and 8 both come with domestic violence warnings and while 7’s is largely played out by puppets (it’s an astonishing episode) and 8’s happens at some degree of remove, there’s no avoiding that the show can occasionally be a tough watch. So you’ve been warned/advised/clued in.
But holy buckets it’s a good season.
I’m in total agreement with you here. The home invasion scene in the first episode was the best thing I’ve seen on tv in a long time. And the puppets!
I agree! And such a an awesome job by Juno Temple. 🙂
I am here for the book and movie recs almost as much as the knitting content. Agree that this season of Fargo has been fun to watch.
Totally agree. A must watch.
Definitely dark. Juno Temple is a standout for me
Definitely a must watch in our house, and our list tends to be short simply because we don’t subscribe to much beyond basic viewing. I love that giant piece of artwork hanging behind Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character’s desk. I laugh every time I see it. And those puppets were truly astonishing.
This is the first season I’ve watched and I’m loving it! Jon Hamm, Juno Temple, JJL . . . All delightful and delightfully dark.
Yes I love the painting too!
I had a whole paragraph about the “No” painting but I cut it! I love it too! It’s by Mandy Stobo. You can also follow her on IG @badportraits
Thank you for sharing this! That painting is amazing
I love that you know this (and am not at all surprised)! Off to go follow. Thanks for always expanding our worlds in such a delicious way!
That painting is a character in itself, indeed, and perfect for the character it hangs out with. (Pun, yup.)
We’re watching Fargo 5 — honestly it’s the only season we have seen at all — and just waiting for the last episode to air. Whew!
I just started on season 2. Where have I been??!! I’m glad to hear it goes on and on. Unlike you, I can knit and binge and what better way to endure winter? (I could never live in Fargo)
I did think Season 4 was a miss, though it was an interesting season nonetheless. It just felt the least “Fargo” to me.
Season 2 awful so far. Ozark was a kinder show. Breaking Bad was like a fair tale in comparison. I will tough it out but oy.
oh I loved Season 2! It ends up referencing the Val Johnson incident, which is a longtime obsession. Plus Season 2 was basically the beginning of the Jean Smartaissance.
This got my attention. I am going to give it a go.
Thank you for the review.
This is my first season of Fargo and I’m riveted! That JJL accent! It’s bananas but I’m going with it. Making a hot-dish for the finale!
JJL used that accent in The Hudsucker Proxy! Locust Valley lockjaw. Another Coen Brothers production. I love all the movie references in all the Fargo adjacent products.
They’re a little different, I think – at least, she spoke much FASTER in Hudsucker, so it feels different to me anyway. But they’re definitely related.
Okay, I’ll buy that! I haven’t rewatched Hudsucker lately. I always enjoy your recommendations, DG.
Thank you! I’d forgotten about it.
I totally agree. Never miss a season of Fargo. Call me crazy – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the original movie! The Coen brothers are superb.
DG—you are such a STRONG writer! Funny, precise, and persuasive. Having lived in MN for many years, I do not need the dictionary!
I second this. DG is a fabulous writer. Go read his old blog that he posts.
Okay, I haven’t watched any of the TV show. Should I start at season 1 or can I just dive into the deep end here?
Each season is completely independent. There are occasional visual references to the original movie – or in some cases, plotting elements are repeated (the original kidnapping in this season is a direct lift from the movie, for example), but you do not need to “get” any of it when they do that.
Yep, got a few eps in and decided not to continue. Waaaay too dark for me. Very well done, but in these dark times, not a good watch for me.
Also…Just to say, I’ve watched and loved the original, and loved several but not all of the other Fargo seasons.
Thank you for this !
We somehow missed Fargo all these years and recently binge-watched all previous seasons before Season 5… now we’re captivated and caught up and waiting week to week for the newest episode! Fantastic! Great to hear another fan’s thoughts!
And the puppets! ❤️
Puppets have always creeped me out!
But, as always, every episode is superb.
I think a little too much vodka happened on my first screening
Will definitely try again!
Next time though, there’ll only be snacks
Agree 100%-it’s gotta be one of the best which is saying a lot because they are all good!
I had heard that Juno Temple is terrific in this new season, so since I loved her in Ted Lasso, I decided to give it a try. But the scene in the convenience store was just too much for me – I couldn’t watch it to the end.
Think I’ll pass, thanks anyway. I found the original movie to be exceedingly nonfunny.
I’ll pass, thanks anyway. I found the original movie to be very not funny at all!
Am I correct from what I’m reading other people say,
that it would be OK to start with season five?
The domestic violence isn’t relegated just to episodes 7 and 8, so proceed with caution if this irks you. I have about given up a few times because the whole season is a lot. Even if I’m waiting for Juno Temple to clock Jon Hamm.
I will say that if you watch this as an alt. Mad Men– like, is this what would have happened to Dick Whitman if he never became Don Draper? Would he have become a constitutional sheriff?
with nipple rings!
Loved all seasons of Fargo but this is the best yet, though possibly the most violent. Wonderful characters all around but the women are best!
I agree ~ Fargo is great! I wasn’t thrilled with the previous season; felt like I was slogging through it. But I’m finding this season riveting.
My favorite Fargo season featured Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemmons as the Butcher of Laverne! But, this season is so engrossing. The creepy Scottish guy gives me the willies, and I love, love, love seeing Joe Keery from Stranger Things. Can’t wait for Tuesday’s episode!!