Beyond Knitting
Knit to This: Gary Clark Jr.

Dear Kay,
I saw Gary Clark Jr. for the first time when he appeared on the Grammys with The Roots, singing “This Land,” a blazing performance that reminded me of Jimi Hendrix. (He took home two Grammys that night for this song.)
Last week, he appeared in my Instagram feed with a video.
He shouldn’t have to talk to us about this. But I’m grateful to him for doing it. He’s asking for something very simple.
PS We’re collecting the resources that you’re emailing to us, and we’ll be sharing them soon. Thanks so much for writing. If there’s a link, a video, a book you recommend, please let us know at
You’re right…he shouldn’t have to talk about this. But he did. The least we can do is listen. And maybe, just maybe take that first step and do something.
Thank you
I am so pleased to see how the two of you have taken your space and business and put out words that express this moment in time, and help those of us who are finding it difficult to find the right path to act upon. You both write so thoughtfully and well about many topics, both very substantive issues and the more frivolous joys of life. You have introduced me to many new thoughts and I thank you. Your resource list is an excellent one and a primer for the people Gary is talking to.
Couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for providing resources to process while I’m knitting. Well done.
I completely agree; thanks so much for your insights and views this week. It’s important for all of us to acknowledge and affirm, then do whatever we can to help improve our world for everyone.
Teaching Tolerance is a great site for teachers
Maybe it’s time to change that name too. Since I first heard the phrase, from a “good guy” group it has always irked me. To me “tolerance” is far too low a bar.
As an educator I have used Teaching Tolerance for many years. I agree, “tolerance” is far too low a bar. The TT people are brilliant – they can think of the right word for the titling to replace tolerance.
Agree! Tolerance to me means that you’re putting up with something. What’s a better word? Maybe celebrate?
How about we teach people how to cherish one another.We can cherish this journey called LIFE. It starts with each of us!
I cried through this video. I was moved to message Gary Clark Jr. Thank you for being an ally. No I am not a person of color but I am Jewish. And yes it’s something that’s not openly visible it has meant that my people have also been oppressed and unwanted in countries all over the world. Humans are humans regardless of race religion or economics. Love is love is love!
I remember reading Anne Frank as a kid and being heartbroken that anyone would need to hide in order to survive. I was so upset by the reality of the Holocaust. I have wondered what type of person I would be if I had lived in Germany during the War. I was convinced I would have been in the resistance. Well, now I get to see just what kind of a person I am. Am I an ally or am I silent?
TY. ❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing GC jr poignant words. All Americans should listen to his words and take them to heart.
Two more black voices crying out to be heard
Thank you. Shared with my family.
I shared those beautiful words with my family and friends also.
My Brother Moochie by Isaac Bailey is an excellent book about the authors experience growing up black in South Carolina. It’s not at all a thick autobiographical tome.
Thank you so much for changing the name of your company. I am a white woman in Canada and when I first came across the name of your company I felt uncomfortable with it. I immediately thought of the deep south and what images it brought up. Again, thank you so much for not just me, but everyone no matter what race. I pray some day all this will be in the past and all races will be equal no matter where we live.
Dear Ann, Dana, and Kay….Thanks for You.
Thanks for sharing this video. And thank you for changing the name of your company. It is a brave and righteous step.
Thank you for changing your name. Modern Daily Knitting is perfect. As a white woman from a northern state the old name made me uncomfortable and for a long time I didn’t visit your site because of it. But you both seemed like good people and I overlooked it. Thanks for acting on it now. Peace to you.
I am glad you shared this incredible gift of music. THankyou for Changing your name ladies . I spoke with Carol from Chicken Coop Dyeworks today . She had a I CANT BREATHE yarn collection. You may want to check out her site .
Unfortunately I live in a world that breeds hate. I myself have lived a world of believing in the word
Fearless. I go out and embrace who and what situations I encounter. All it takes is believing that there’s good in life and I can’t let someone who breathes the same air as me suffer by my actions and fear. We’re all here, people need to see everyone with different attitudes and simply just co- live upon the dirt we have. The average white American is frightened by who they’ve never embraced and respected. There’s unfortunately a mass that still have yet to bring thier sorryasses into today. Not thier parents era. Who learned from thier racist parents. I believe they are fearful of the color, the culture, the whole thing. So through that fear comes a narrow mind. Void of common decency. I used to hate being white. My race has at times disgraced me at how we’ve treated people of color and it’s brutality of mankind. All I can do is what works for me. Go about my life fearlessly and eager to embrace all humans with common simple kind interactions. Black people are the most embracing, kind, and arespectfulness no white man can understand. You matter Gary. It’s your words that speak to truth. Whether they like it or not. It’s your art and expressions I honor. Please don’t censor your work
I love it. And you and your family. I’d love to stand n have a smoke outside and talk, you’re a wise old soul. Peace on Earth, let it begin with me.✌️
Thank you posting this.
“The Warmth of Other Suns“ is a book you can read to see some of the many people and ways they felt forced to move far away from home to have some measure of safety and work in the US. Several individuals from a wide array of backgrounds, skills can be followed. True stories.
A beautifully written book, THE SWEETNESS OF WATER, by Nathan Harris……a story so worth reading.