Knit to This: Grease

Dear Ann,
I was casting about for something frothy to knit to on this hot summer weekend. Something that would make me smile or perhaps even sing.
And then came the sad news that Olivia Newton-John has left this world. I know that many people are hopelessly devoted to everything she did, from Xanadu to Have You Never Been Mellow. But she could have stopped with her film debut as the doe-eyed Sandy in Grease, and it would have been enough.
If you were alive and young in 1978, Grease is permanently imprinted on you. My sainted hubs adored the film so much that many years later he insisted on seeing a Broadway production of it. In my opinion (vehemently contested by Himself), it was the opposite of a revival: the musical had deflated in the transition like so much cotton candy. But the movie is evergreen. It’s always summer, and we’re all teenagers.
To join me at the drag race, you can stream Grease, or you can rummage through a cardboard box to find your VHS copy.
Here’s something I just learned: there’s a sing-along version of Grease on Amazon. How fun would that be? The subtitle fonts alone had me giggling. I can think of no better way to remember a great singer, and one’s own bygone innocence, than to sing the whole movie, real loud, while getting in a row or two of knitting. Make a note of this for next year’s Knitting Getaway!
Awesome idea for the getaway. Maybe project the movie by the bonfire for an outdoor campfire singalong!
Fantastic idea Stephanie!
Hopefully devoted….
We just watched it again this week! Sandy and Danny together.
I was a teenager in 1978. I saw Grease in the movie theater 5 times that summer with my friend Cheryl. We weren’t very close, I lost touch with her after HS. But we were both obsessed with Grease!
What Stephanie said! I’ll bring the extension cord. #movienight
Just a reminder that although it is rated PG, it is a lot spicier than the rating implies.
I remember being so excited to share it with my elementary aged daughter. When we watched it, I had my “mom eyes/ears” on.
Whoa! Different experience!
No nudity. No cursing. But song lyrics and some situations caused some uncomfortable squirming and questions.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie but just wanted to put this out there.
Yeah – it IS spicier in places than people remember but on the whole, it’s SIGNIFICANTLY less spicy than the original stage version, which really is an adult musical.
I agree, it’s not really a ‘role model’ type of film, even though it is good. I had this conversation with my now grown up daughter the other day.
So sad that ‘Sandy’ has gone.
You are right, part of the reason I love that movie is it reminds me of being young and the world was ripe with possibilities ❤️Now maybe I love it because my granddaughter loves it too. We shed A tear together this week.
Just took our almost 13yo granddaughter to a community theater school edition of Grease and we all loved it!
This is serendipitous. Our local theater had a free showing and popcorn of Grease last weekend with the sing a long subtitle. It does take you back to a very different time of hopes and dreams
I mean, this is stirring up some serious nostalgia! 1978 was the summer of Cinema South, Nashville’s first 4-screen theater. You had to drive all the way over on Thompson Lane, no I-440, and it felt like the most magical place on earth. That summer was Star Wars and Grease for us, and whatever else was showing. That theater is now an Aldi, four blocks from MDK HQ! If you’d told 1978 me that in 2022 I’d have a website and a warehouse of yarn around the corner, I would have looked at you with great puzzlement.
Omg, I just took out the Grease DVD from the local library, like 2 hours ago!
I always can sing along with Olivia N-John, and my legs want to jump and dance along too with all those wonderful actors.
The dishcloth MDK meme is still upon me so onward I go tonight to knit in front of the tv.
P.S. My husband prefers Xanadu.
I hadn’t seen the movie since it was in the theater’s many long years ago and I’m knitting a baby blanket =perfect combination ! I had forgotten how talented the many people are/were and how old I am. Such a loss but she left behind songs that made us smile
I was between sophmore- junior years when Grease came out. Loved the movie, loved the songs. She was so pretty and had a beautiful voice.
I was18 years old in 1978. We piled a bunch of cousins in the car to see Grease at the drive in. Still love it today. And the drive in is long gone here as well.
Olivia Newton John had a special talent. She was beautiful and gracious. I am sad that she’s gone. She gave us part of her to cherish. RIP Olivia.
It was a cute movie about the generation of teens before me.
Distinct memory. We owned a recording (vinyl) of the original Broadway production. Sometime in the early 80’s we had a high school girl helping at our corporate office and she was so excited to be going to the prom. My twenty-something self asked my husband, who was at home to listen to the recording and write down the words to It’s Raining on Prom Night and call me back. (Good man that he is, he went along). My good friend and co-worker found a quiet spot and sang it to her. ‘It’s raining on prom night, my hair is a mess…’
Thanks, Kay. It sounds like perfect cleaning music.
When Grease was re-released in the theater for an anniversary some years ago, my sister and I sang along thru the entire movie, much to the embarrassment of my sisters friend who was with us. We had a blast!
I designed the costuming for a student production of Grease, and got such a laugh out of the modern kids totally not understanding the styles and moves of my late teen/early twenty era. After yelling, “No, the pants/skirt waist goes at your natural waist, not your hips!” for the umpteenth time, they ran the show. Then the magic happened and they GOT it.