Gimlet’s Great Narrative Podcasts

Dear Kay,
I keep hearing about Gimlet’s narrative podcasts, yet this week is the first time I’ve had the chance to dive in.
DIVE IN, everybody. This is quite a wellspring of beautifully done stories.
It hearkens to the early days of radio, where families would gather around the gigantic radio housed in what basically looked like a piece of furniture.
Now, of course, Gimlet’s multi-episode stories are delivered in the medium of the moment, every knitter’s friend: the podcast. Let’s all gather around Grandpa’s Apple Watch and listen in!
My first Gimlet is Homecoming, a psychological thriller starring one of my favorite actors, Catherine Keener. (She was an excellent Harper Lee in Capote, among a million great performances.) Here’s the preview, which sets the scene.
Here’s a bit about what the Gimleteers are up to. This is such a brilliant idea, old and new at the same time.
way cool. I remember listening to ” The Shadow ” with my dad. “who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow knows.. muhahahahahh.”
Amazing find! I just knit a few rounds of Breton Cowl while listening to the first two eps. Having an MDK kinda morning. Thank you!
Off to explore. Thanks for the tip.
Well…okaaaay…but I’ll be leaving poor Ishmael bobbing around in the big sea a while longer 😉
Me, too. I’m finding it difficult to pay the depth of attention I want to give to Hemingway’s words and also knit well. I find myself stopped, concentrating on the story, then a little dazed by what is going on in my hands!
At this point I’m working a mashup of Moby-Dick, Mars, Gilmore Girls, Gimlet, and Designated Survivor. Conclusion: they’re all about the same thing. We’re all on an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY THAT WE WANT TO UNDERSTAND BUT CAN’T.
Same thing here. Designated Survivor I have only seen first episode, Gilmore Girls I have seen a bit of the first and am desperately trying NOT to hear about the rest until I can watch it. I am rewatching Anne of Green Gables, and now you’ve added more for me to add to the list. Great to have something to accompany the knitting when we are (eventually) snowed in. So far, just light flurries but man is it cold!
Just what I needed to finish a hat this morning. Now I have to start another one so I can continue listening. Isn’t Colin a jerk. I dislike phone multi-taskers. I like knitting multi-tasking, however.
I checked out several shows and landed on “Undone,” specifically the episode about “The Ancient One.” FASCINATING!
Thank you! I just caught up on both The Moth and TAL and was fishing around for something else to listen to while photo editing today. ! PS I started Crime Story and it is pretty good, too.
Have my iPad open to the Radiotopia podcast page – lots of great podcasts there as well on various topics. Too many podcasts – too little time.