First Person
Knit to This: I Sold the French Laundry

Dear Ann,
Stop what you’re doing and spend 20 minutes watching this mini documentary by Ben Proudfoot: The Best Chef in the World.
This week, I got a text from a friend telling me to do just that, and I did.
It’s the story of California cook and restaurateur Sally Schmitt, who died earlier this year at age 90. The film is only 20 minutes long. You can watch it via the link up top or on the New York Times website.
I keep wondering why I never heard of her. I’m grateful that I finally did.
Sometimes we all need a reminder to stir and taste the soup.
Enjoyed this 20 minute mini-documentary! Was in the neighborhood last summer. Thanks
Many thanks for posting this beautiful video. Wish I had known Sally Schmitt and tasted her foods.
I watched this short documentary last week and was humbled to see Sally Schmidt’s humility with all of her accomplishments. What a woman!
I really enjoyed this doc. I ordered her book.
Anyone know the title?
The book is called “Six California Kitchens.” It’s mentioned somewhere in the NYT article.
So I dropped everything but my coffee and pulled this up on YouTube. What a way to begin the morning. “Stir and taste the soup”. Thank you for sharing.
Even though I am a NYT subscriber, I totally missed this video. Am so grateful for my MDK newsletter making sure I didn’t. If possible, stream on TV with a cup of coffee or glass of tea.
What a great role model! What a humble and delightful woman!
What a fine example of a life well lived…
This was so good. A great role model of a strong, independent and humble woman. Well done to the person who made the documentary.
Thank you so much for posting this video. What a beautiful story!
To every thing there is a season.
What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing this.
What a fabulous film. Thank you!!
I absolutely love that you share wonderful stories like this with us!
Oh, that was lovely! Thank you for sharing it. I did knit to it, and had a wonderful 20 minutes…
Thank you for sharing. Delightful!
“I don’t want to be a world class chef, I just want to cook”. I dont want to be a world class knitter, I just want to knit…..LOVED THIS
Thank you for posting this beautiful interview with such an incredible woman. Her focus on balance in her life was the key to success and happiness.
Kay, I had the same thought about not knowing about her when I first came across this. Such an inspiration. And so little fanfare
She was truly amazing. Her book “Six California Kitchens” is equally amazing…check it out!
I’ve heard of The French Laundry but not the name of Sally Schmidt. Beautiful film, very moving. Thanks Kay
I’m not crying. You’re crying!
I have had this open in a tab on my laptop for days. Thanks for this, now I can close it!
Thank you! This was a great documentary! I love her definition of success. Imagine having Julia Child dine at your restaurant multiple times and love your food – that alone would do it for me!
Thank you for this moving post. Balance for a life well-lived – we all should be so lucky.
Kay, thank you for sharing this beautiful documentary with us. In 20 short minutes, Sally Schmidt tells her story, which is both interesting and very moving. She must have been quite an amazing person.
What a wise, intelligent, and humble woman she was! Thanks for sharing this. That’s what I love about MDK-it’s not just about knitting. I have learned so much from these posts!
Thank you for posting this wonderful story. I did stop what I was doing to watch it. Thanks!
Loved watching this. What a humble, gracious, chef. Thank you.
This was a fantastic video! Had my husband watch with me then we sent to our kids. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for this. I am moved by Sally Schmitt and her ability to recognize what is important in life.
What a wonderful story! We have dined at The French Laundry which is an amazing experience in itself but now the memory of it is so much better knowing about the woman and family who really started it! My husbands friend in high school was “Eddie” who invented “California Pizza” and showed Wolfgang how to make it! As they say, “ the rest is history”.
I loved this! And even though I live in the Bay Area, I had never learned the origin story of the French Laundry. Thank you for letting us know about it. I forwarded the MDK email to a few non-knitters to watch it as well.
The BEST stuff is found here. Thank you.
I would have loved to have had her for a friend.
Absolutely lovely! So well done. Thanks for sharing.