James Rebanks on Desert Island Discs

Dear Ann,
Here’s a gem: James Rebanks, aka The Herdy Shepherd, on the Desert Island Discs radio show.
Although it’s only a small consolation for missing @herdyshepherd1 on my Twitter feed (especially at lambing time—sob!), he’s a good talker and it’s good fun.
Rebanks is the author of The Shepherd’s Life: Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape, which is one of the best books I’ve ever read. He’s a beautiful writer, whether on Twitter or on the printed page. Up top is a video trailer for the book.
If you don’t cry when he talks about his dad, as the kids say: get help.
And his eight musical selections are great, too.
I met James when he did a book signing in our area a few years ago. He is amazing and yes I cried! His writing is beautiful.
I’ve never met James, but my Grandfather was a Spaniard Basque and he herded sheep the same way. It’s nice to still see it done the same. I remember the hand shears hanging on the shed wall. Thanks for bringing back my old memories.
I loved this book! I’m blessed to have an acquaintance who raises sheep in a small farm two counties away. She and her husband open the farm on Shearing Day which is a little like magic (even if skirting fleeces is the very definition of dirty work)
Great book! I bought it on Audible and thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. Highly recommend!!!
That looks so peaceful.
Thank You! Just the way he touches his sheep brings tears to my eyes
James Rebanks is on Instagram. Lots and lots of current lambing photos.
Forgot to say he is on @herdyshepherd1. His wife is also on Instagram @theshepherdswife